UTER TABLE Terminal Table - w/modesty panel (Casters Optional) $20.00 per set of 4 inCluding 2 locking Casters. Other Sizes Also Available PneumatiC height adjustment lautomatiC .if t) with 4-way baCk adlustment. Extra support and special Coftoured upholstery. Black base. Available in: Back 530) Brown 531, Grey 5321 I Executive Seres 36 x 72 Desk in Medium Oak with solid Oak Trim on perfect match woodgrain laminate. K3060 REG. $595,00 SALE. $525.00_ # K3672 OpRegular $745.0 Each file drawer is full extension, SA\LE suspension and locking derice iS$65O standard.$6 50 DELIVERED S259.95 - WITH 2 LOCKING HANOLES DELUXE STORAGE CABINET visîr 5 fixerd shelves. Top) shell allows 12" capacity for standard binders to stand crxct. A Il elctrically wilded in place for extra rigidity and tvxo spircial 'tamn cam" locking handle.s, enamnel finish. Putty cOlOur OnlY. STANDARD RSTAPLESBO S220 BOFE 149 .99ela. 88ea ow 8 . SERIES 100 1-2430 1-3036/H 1-3048 SERI ES 200 2-3036 2-3048 #3060S I LLUSTRATED SAVE PT $200 24 x 30 30 x 36 30 x 48 4 21/ai" 2 61/ " PriCe SALE $138.00 $ 98.0U, $170.00 $119-00 $174.00 $129.00 Other Sizes Also Aval lable Terminal Table with shelf 30 x48 261/ai' $198.00 $138.00 $220.00 $159-00 Other Sizes AIsQ Aval lable Shipped Knocked Down Assembly $2000 Extra if required DESKTOP PRUNT DISPLAY I CALCULATOR " lO-dîgit plus symbols are printed on standard 21/V' tape " l-digit fluorescent displey, 4-key memnory " Automatic constant in multiplication and division " Decimal selection: O1-22.F-add-mode " Optional round-off and clown " Item counter. printed un the left, indicates the number of addition and subtraction performed REG *(%-±) key for percentage clculations Two-key for percentage calculationsS *Power source: 4 dry batteries (s120 C> CO0MMANDER 3060S DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESK with 30x6O Walnut Top & 24x54 Base, 4 Box Dravverrs & 1 File Drawer. .306OS-01 Black $2 Q CASH & $309. .3060S 011 Tan I..> CARRY DELlVEREDý MIy Suggy $471.57 3060E DESK witl Fu Businss 30x6O Base, Walrii Top, 4 Box rawers & 1 File O awer$39 #306011-01 Black CASH & S1 -306OE-08 Tan $ t> CARRY DELIVERED Mlg. Sugg. $50389 SECRETARIAL DESK wîith Walnut TOP, Main Oesk 3Oe6O and 18x4O Returo,. 30155 R ighit Pirdestal Desk. Let Return, #3066 Lels Pedr'stil DeSk. Righl RePtuin -36-1Black $ 5 AH $7 .3065-O8 Tan CS ' 49 .3066-01 Black $ 5 CARRY DELIVERED #306608 Tan Mly. Sug S666.46 LATERAL CABINETS- 2 DRAWER 229L ~7~ $445.43 $ 7 0 DELIVERED $299.00 CASH & CARRY 3 DRAWER 341L$ MFG.SUGG. 37 0 $62667 $ 7 0 DELIVERED $395.00 CASH & CARRY 4 DRAWER 454L$0 MFG. SUG G. j O $800.00 $ 5 DELIVERED $47900 CASH & CARRY ALSO AVAILABLE IN 5 DRAWER LIFT TOP FRONTS 36" WIODE Full Recrdixg BLACK OR TAN Lit Un Ooors HANGING BARS INCLUD OSOCOffI'lNIIE FE ELOCK& KEYS INtÇLUOED CANADA'S 4ýéw RATESD O HAVE CHANGED (EFECTIVE JUNE 24th, t9861 PELOUZE LC-2 POSTAL SCALE 16 oz. Sp Va oz.1450 9 x 10 9. The popalar 5 lb. postal scale. R$349 S4695 st 4 9995 I SAVE 25% mo1r PLEXIGLASS CHAIR MATS INCL. TONGUE 36 x 48 45 x 53 48 x 60 REG. SALE 58.75 43.95 77.80 58.35 89.00 66.751 rB-INDING CASES 1 by "ACCO" NOTE ANE LETTER SI2 REG. $232 Eo LEGAL sî; EA. 10 IE$168 $158 E.. EACH $190 $8 ýL ý ý18/M] *Plain Paper Clips s 259M 2/x 3"DATA FORM ON.L ADD ROLLSÂŽ1 AS te 11 L3LE e- Co "uris Black (lOt, Baee 08). Omake (211 - "'.,Tiey qa cklp sirap toeathr to aix expadire ...ekr rads 1.191 8.4I.. ç> atEG LETTER SIZE 6.49 4.69 *t602 LEGAL SIZE 8.50 6.25 AO mmwmwmmmý un PHONE 683-1968 bic son jorignfin 218 HARWOOD AVE, S. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA &Offoice Supplaies AJAX, ONTARIO 121