Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1985, p. 28

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PAGE 28. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1985. WHITBY FREE PRESS METRO EAST HOME SHOW m OCT. 2-5TH Plckering - Renavating your house can be one aI the mosl salisfying In- vesînients you can make. Modernizlng a kit- chen or balhroam, flnishing the allic, building an addition - any aI Ihese jobs can add comtort as well as value la your home. Planned properly these projecîs can transfarmn any hause nta a charmlng home that reflecîs yaur needs taday and for the future. However, If you dont take the lime la carefuily plan the work, the ex- perience can be frightening. Whether you're renovatIng, Iandscaping, decaratlng, furnlshlng, deslgning, winterizlng or making home lm- provements, the experts at the Metro East Home AI l ou rquaiified staff wiii be pieased ta answer any quest ions you have. 22 RITSON RD. NORTH, OSHAWA 579-262 3 TO Las Vegas 3 nights at the MGM GRAND HOTEL Inludes scheduied Air Fair, Airport Transfer in Las Vegas, Hotel accammodation, taxes inciuded. Campliments of Chesterfield Factory, Aima Tours & Travel Ltd. Pickering Town Centre, Nanquan Vacatians (Las Vegas Speciaiists). Vaiid fram Oct. 15th185 ta March 3lst/86. Not vaiid Christmas, New Year's or March Break. UDr. Cushion Services Inc. CHESTERFIELD FACTORY 160 ayy t. P686ig.-2951 (Handcrafted by aur Factary in Pickering) There wli be Special Sale Prices for this Home Show OnIy BEAUTIFUL! Quality is flot expensive... it's priceIess VISIT US at THE METRO EAST HOME SHOW. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY i---------COUPON------ iSimply complete this coupon & deposif in the ientry box aI our booth aI the Mtra East Home iShow, before 6:30 p.m. Oct. 51h. Draw ta take place 7:00 p.m. Oct. 51h. iNAME ___ IADDRESS 1 CITY ___ POSTAL CODE iPHONE- .------- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- BOOK YOUR VACATION PACKAGE THROUGH ALMA TOURS & TRAVEL L10. AND RECEIVE 5% DISCOUNT FOR NEW BOOKINGS BETWEEN OCT. 2-31ST. THIS OF- FER IS VALID FOR THE FOLLOWING COM- PAN lES *Pafamount Hoidays.Abe Tmel -un0 *Teas,,,e Tour~s *Caros o urs -~ Gobhl Turs *Nanq,>wnVacation~s .CP Air Holiday5 0ýelnd Tours! *Adventure Tours -Festa Wayfatr since 1964 wiII be featuring the "LIFESTYL.E" SPA LUNE at the new METRO EAST HOME SHOW with show spec jais on "LIFESTYLE" PORTABLE SPA'S. and the 5'REPLACEMENT WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB 1 Show wilI provide you with products, services and ideas 10 make al your projects and decisions easy. Whelher your proJect s small or large, the Metro East.Home Show suggests that proper planning is the key ta success. The moat Important rule la 10 be clear about whal you want and the best way toaachieve Ihis s by talklng ta people. Take the time ta talk ta builders, architecta and contractors who have done similar work ta yours. This proceas can help you clarlfy your plans, visualize the end resuit and It could spare you expensive surprises as you go along. Second, be clear with those worklng for you. Il's important 10 know what you yourself want, but il's equally important ta make certain thal others understand what you want. Misunder- standings between homeowners and con- traclors are perhaps the moat frequent causes of dissatlstaction with home renovalians. Third, choose only repulable people. A renovation can involve a surprislng number of people: sameone 10 draw up plans, someone 10 supervise the work, and a variety of speciality Irades. There may be as many as 30 trades necessary 10 complete the work in your house. They can mean the suc- ceas or failure aI your renovation plans and your dreama. Choose these people carefully. products, services and ideas. Join in the fun and celebration at The Metro East Home Show - Canada's Largest Fal Home Show. Be enter- tained ... Win Door Prizes ... Enter Contests & Draws ... Free Balloons -... Funny Clowns ..-. Bring the whole family .. there is something for everyone October 2, 3, 4, 5, 1985, at The Metr"% East HOme Show, Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Road and Highway 401 - minutes from the Don Valley Parkway. SEWING MACHINES METRO EAST HOME SHOW SPECIALS Booth No. 1001 - Oct. 2, 3, 4 & 5th ADVAN CED SEWERS... BEGINNERS... i l - *f r ...WORKSHOP SALE! ... GETTING STARTED SALE Memary Craf t 6000 *Free Arm eButtonholes The Worlds No. 1 Best *Biind Hem *Snap-an-Feet Seiiing Computer *Zig Zag *Carry Handie Sewing Machine A A A FREE CABINET AND SEWING CHAIR WITH EVERY 6000. -PROVIDES 2 YEAR FRÈE SERVICE -15 YEARS ON DEFECTIVE PARTS NEW K-MART PLAZA 555 SIMCOO ST. S., OSHAWA (JUST NORTH 0F 401> 579-0742 VISA Learn about Iheir business practîces and check out other jobs they've done. You're golng la be spendlng aloI oftlime wlth these people. The final rute 10 remember is 10 avoid shortculs and lem- plallons. A low estimale could mean you're get- ting a great deal or l could mean a com- promise somewhere, elîher in the quallty 0f malerials or labour. HOURs: Wed., Oc- lober 2, 2 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Thurs., October 3, 12 noon - 10:30 p.m. Fr1, October 4, 12 noon - 10:30 p.m. Sal., October 5, 10Oa.m. - 7 p.m. ADMISSION: Aduts $400. Chldren (under 12) $1.00 (accompanled by aduit). $1.00 off ad- mission coupons are avallable through exhibilars (applies only ta aduit admission REG. 369"" NO0W ON LY ~$23900 KEN'S CETR Show wiII boust ovor 450 displays and exhbts PICKERING - The 1 First Annual Metro East Home Show- Canada's Largest Fali Home Show, october 2, 3, 4, 5, 1985 at the Metro East Trade Centre, Highway 401 and Brock Road. Over 450 displays and exhibits giving you in- novative ideas for your home.....whether you're renovatiflg, Ian- dscaping, decorating, furnishing, designing, winterîzing or making home improvements, the experts at the Metro East Home Show wilI provide you with LOCATION: Metro East Tracle Centre, 1899 Brock Road North, Pickering, Ontario. (15 minutes from the Don Valley Parkway East on Hwy 401.) FREE PARKING for 4,500 cars. FACILITIES: 185,000 square feet; ac- comodales 525 bootha (lOxlO or 100 square feet each); air condilloned - sprlnkiered throughout; floar load capaclty - 300 pounda per square foot; 5 drive in doors - 12 ship- plnig doors; 1 floating level truck dock (1 f ixed level); 28 feel clear helghl inside Trade Cen- tre; parking for 4,500 vehicles separale exhibitor parking); 10 minutes tram Don Valley Parkway along Hwy 401; and, easy access f ram GO Transit & Pickering Transit.- .- nl

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