WITBY FRE1, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTJgMBER 11, 1985, PAGE 23 7 PT. HEAVY steeltola chaIs wiîh hootro, $8. Tca chite marbie clebs (43kx71>, $15. Laundry tub pump and motor, $45. Par table radto Cassette Ployer, $15. Large office chair, $8. Antique Underwoad lypewrlter. $10. Oid tashiened bars ight, $10. Brasa 3 btuded boat prapaîlor, $5. Twa B' fluorescent fhoue, $10. Phase 888&7404. FOR SALE carmtc Sundalosa kIt, $425 and mid, $100. Phase 668.887. FOR SALE custom butt6 place ktches saak Buîchar Btock lubie, beige cInyt chaire and han- chas, exceltent condition. $350Or boat aller. 579-3629 &ller 12 faon. FOR SALE beige uphalttrad ntahagany chair, $100. Thr- lier ca»Is hal os podestat, $20. Large cupucity culer cotiner. Sm0. Grees Bracada soaa $150. PhoneOO064877 or 433-896. ANTIQUE cambisatias wood and letcotone, Ideatlfor collage, excellent condition, $480. 855 35W3. GREY ARSORITE table and 4 chire, $45. Uprlght Hoaver vacuum, $2. WInut finish col- lee tabla, 20"xS0", $45. Pcnic table wIllaldIn 2 banches, $5. Brows lumtnum doar, 32"s80', Ilot, $45. Oeil eear dtning table, $5. Wrtngar waaher, $25. Fine tiltchan chaire, chrome, $4 oacis. Phono 808-017. WEDING DRM Sare 7. chl. fonatle oser lufetu, Pear am- broldoead yok, chapel rai, matchlng cthedrul ength veoi, oacI 3SM nec, aakltig $200. Phase676-828. CU&TOM *UILT Immlcîtlon flîrpluca wth Istaid grey bricks and mrbieherth elactrIc loge andIliepiaca acrees Iscluded, $S00.Beginnere set af drums, $150.68681338. DISHWASHER, Soars deluao par. table. chappisg bock top, thaes laet l sshlsg action, $170. Coemanstater cie case, $10. Ose electricai Panel, $5. 60 amp. disconnect, $25. Boys cross country skis, 180 cm size, dCl pales, $10. Firopiace sceen andi hast crcuiatisg grate, $18. Vs hp. eieciric malar, $10. Toaster. hair curlIng soi. eiectic cotIse grIs- dor, Monte Caria 15" rlm, $10 aach. Phase 578-7697. FOR SALE atiqua dining room suite,halcean 60 o80 yiaI5 aId, le beautilul condition, satid mapte, made ln Bufalo, 9 peces, table exenasata seul 10 comlor- lubIe, $1,900 or hoastaller. 668- 2461. PLOW, 4 Furrow Maonay Fergunnon, ehear pis type, good condition, 3 point hilch, ankIng $295. Cutivtor, excellent 10 fi. cvide, c helghl adjunt end auto settisg, $85. Cati 57-7897. 5,000 .T.U. Eectrohome horizontl air condItlioer, $150. Phase6841l85. ANTIQUE tableanld 2 chairs, $85. 24" chite gan tone, $5. Floar poitahir, $5. Bundia buggy, $5. ardryer, tabla modal, $950. slurdy cuscea hammack, $750. SluckIsg cîne rack, $5. Standard typecrller, Roya, excellant cas- diion, $50. Older Remington lypecriter, good. $25. Large care- lorlabie arrechair, $25. Phase 686-7404. FOR SALE reflrdgerator, $35. Stase, $250. ar dryet and chair, $100. Phase 579-4212. TWO CASES af Or. Baiards dog loci, $16 a case, 24x25.5 ats. oach. Phase 57-3998. SAILBOAT, 12hf.. mahogany cith Jib lsd Main Balla, muaI ha sean loa ha ppricIgted, $=2. 011 tank, 3w0 gala., $20. Musd bi on orcar body carl, $25. Phase 43-488. SED King sIte, Seare4-ftPdic. aolld loam mtresa ciIh bon aprlsg, $25. Sala bed, 3 seul, pola out ta double toues mut- trae, $250. Phase 668-5689. UTIUITY TRAILER enciosed, 7'xlO'n', good springsanaxsoe, csrryisg cap 3,500 Ib, tit dock, $800 orbhast aller. 855-4187. STEREO PACKAGE receicer, tut- stable, cassette dock. equalzet, 2 speakers,,$40 complote. Cor tarea, anyo reaier, 200 watt power booster, 4 speakere, 2 are Ox9 Alpnes, other 2 are 4" Ton- vox, $250. 6868-3064 or 68-0801, ANTIQUES, moing wiihout them. SecrotsrY ierY unique). $780. Bufet, $375. Kitchon hutch, $450. isetable, $200. Numa han. vent table. $900 and pîessbock Zeans chairs, soi aI , $150 oach, (table and chairs nory unique). Phono 571-3836. BEOROOM SUITE, quean sie, 6 paces, meditraseonstnye, mode by Gibard. $600. Phono 6688914. -1'LEASE ED- When tne advertised item la nld, dlsposed af. or usavailable for whaever meases, thse item wil ho deemned te have been aold and a commission wiît b. charged based on THIE ADVERTISEO PRICE asllustrated helow, regardiena if prjce la alated cis "bent ffet'. If thse Item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of. the ad wiIl b. rus for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ai 7.50 cili apply payable in adeance ef publication ai the first ad. The ahane minimum charge wl ho applled te thse final commission due. Maximum commission: $160.00. Al adver- tiements muni ho placed on an exclusive basin is Uthe WIITBY F'REE PRESS and tus ai leant ose menthit f sot sold. RATES (if article la asîdi: 5% ef idvertlced prîce op te 9400.00 2% of balance oser $400-00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlced fer 615.90. Commssicon due $7.50 (minimum charge te $7.50) Ptivate advertlaing enlyl Pleane notlfy Une Whtby Free Press immediately ches item la noîd se Uat we moy delete it from Unehe oing iIssue. Ait ads o st fitting Ue Emporiums guidelines will b. tneated and charged per week as regular classified adn en a prepaid bais nuch as: services. help wanted, cleUing, real estate, and personal message type adn, or ados ot quotlng prîce or quastity. Ptivate classified ads may appear in Une Emporium section under oppropriate heodings.- ALL ADS WIL.t. GO IN CLASStFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWtSE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 26 Whtby, LIN51 If ln doubt cati: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Wktby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ANTIQUES cauntrY store court- ltr $600, mokas a greal nec. roonm bar. Church Paw, $350. Phono 571-336. ALUMINUM DOOR (34x82). $20. Sold front door (34x82), $50. Tea nsahoots af arbaite, $8. 5' uW darborite. $4. Single sk, 3.50. Blue basin, laps end drains, 312.50. Mrrorad medicisa cabinet, $5. OsatltY umhar dacoralor gtos grsat for har, $20. Mahoguny bild, 24x791. $10. Sel af antiqueadoubla doars tInterlar) 5ex79. codar, $25. Phase 668-7404. FOUR SEATER couch and ar. mchair, $60. Soid mapie coari rocker, $300. Deboor tabutar baskhad. $500. Malrans lfor ahane, $50. Colle table and end table, $25 each. Anique oseood table. $100. Phono 686- 3476. 12x12 fil. tant, citS Itoon, $150 Elcronic air cleaner, Lennan. $125. Phase allen 5 pm., 655. 3854. WICKER change table, $30 Booster seat. $8. 48" box syiso andi headhoand, $40. Basket chair and caver, $8. Ali n good con- dition. 6688145, FOR SALE bar, $250. Cauch and chair, $150. Couch and 2 chairs ~'and Ottoman, $350. Table and 2 chaire, $75. Baby cardage, $25. Wooden boakccsne, $150. Phono 433-4853. AIR CONOITIONER. aid but cerkIng, sica 25" L n 1181b" W, asking $55 or aller. CatI 868-187. MASTEA BEOROOM suite doubls bed and mattress, tai boy dresser and double dresser with mirror, $35. Green pid cauch and chair, $95. Starea console, $125. Blue ceicet swsgs and double panei curtains, $75. Gaid roniess 17 eu. ridge and stase, aimant sec, $850. Wavn beige tweed drapes, 2 panais, W0 cide n 97 long, $45. Phone 666-4284. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burgundy enamet centre. gaid caiaur arme, 15 ights, $170. Test, 2 raam, 9 a 12, inyl loar ln sleeping area, goad condition. $80. Baihroam double swag tîs- ture, $25. Phase 6689772. FOR SALE oiectric typewrilor, IBM Selectric I, laie model, exa cllent condition, $550. Phono 668-5350 FOR SALES9 drawor dresser, dars wood, wlh tlti mirron, askisg $85ý Call 723-9176. SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenne, nwitch box, cabte and leadas, goad condition, $100. Aino a medicine cabinet, white esameiied metl, liding mIrrar doors, perecl ior cottage. $15. Cati 686-4953anylme0. DININO ROOM table. 4 Case b.ck chaire, excelent condition, $275. Four celai partaur chairs, $60 for sel. Atique dask. $100. Flacklng chair, $30. Oid cICker trusk, $25. F100 boxes aI aid 78 records. $75 <masy caleclabiet. Phose M68335 TWO SUCKET car neals, tuliY redlise, back, l1e sec, $30 each. Lawsmaor. $50. AMîFM cor radio cassette, $50. Barbaque rotiserre and basket, savon uned, $15. AMIFM eetocto ock, $20. Golf carl, $40. Camping *equip. ment, variaus iems, tataltng $80. Pisase cou 668178 le PT. SIDEWINOER gaid moealic, compioiely retiished, $3600 Phase 72867M0 16 F7. INVADER. day silion wiIh cocon and salis. oncelesit con- din,S$1,250, Phono 728-670 7 AUTOOTTIVEI 01RPAI IPASIRIPA rS 1972 PINTO lor parts, good molar, transmission and lira, $20 or hoataller. Toc truck equlpmenî complote, boom lsd boom racks, revolving Iighte and caddie, entra rlgglng, 10,000 lbt elecînlocwinch, cark tond of19,500 has., excellent condition, $1,5W8 or beal aller. Phase 859-3006. FOR SALE 1974, Nons for parl,. 250- cyl. and masy sec parta, $250 or haat oitar. 18W0 cc mator tram u 1973 Pista, 52,000 miles, ail soc oeais, $200 orboatitler. Midlasd AMIPM cassette aleren wiIh 8n9, 3 cay, 200 catI speakers. $150. Pacer tbooster, $25. Twa 13" rima, $10 oach. Ten sec ultra Trac il radiai tires, alzo P3185180R13, mousled and halas- ced, $130. Phase 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Deioaa Chue-. pions H78-14 and 2 chromas rima, $100 pair. Tee Gulf Crocs 78 H78-14 WiW, $50 pair. Ose Untroyal ateel hatted anoctire HR78.15, $25. Ose Cas Tire G7$- 15 plus rim, $50. Ose Gulf Crocs 78 H78-14 and rlm, $56IN. Two 15" rima, $50 pair. Or ail lor $258. Phose 8689288. 11982 VAMAHA YZ 250, soc Dunlop tires, aser silescor, Boyesses racisg rends, $950. CulI 668-4093. ask for Steve. 1079 SUZUKI 100 O..,cary good condition, asktng $450. Phone 86-2273. 1978 SUZUKI OS 400, good con- dtlias, $80. Phonea868-3447. FOR SALE Manda XL175 aqatp- ped clth sîrset and dIri lirs., use adta yeur on raid, $450. Cuti 88&3456. GERRARD-MEINTZMAN upright piano, gaod condition, excellant working condition, $1,650. Phono 68-5672 allerS5 p.m. MIST SELL Gîbsos boss giltar with hardoheli caso, nery gond condition, $360. Phono 723-2579, serlaus isqulries only. HARMONIUM, seuIlasitntque pump oran, lamIly heirloomn, $1000 or boni aller, John or Nos1 cy 668-4335. FR SAL.E 1981 CHEV Subrbus Slcada 350, VO, neac, 8,000 km, 4 BBL, air, croise, ps., p.b., tlnted wndows, AMIFM casette, brocs and belge, vary gaod condition. $8.50. 655-4187. 10800MEV Impala Statlonwugos. auto irans., ps., phb., aotacrtear clndoc detroaler, air cond., Ui glaua, AMIFM terea, casette tape, car la Imeaculati, 65,500 or boat aller. CatI Paul, 666-382 or Joanne 5M95269.. 1M0 HONDA Clelo, AMIFM atirea ocasette, 125,000 Ima., $1.600. Phone 6618-0440. 1976 DOODGE Colt, gaod cas- dillon, etre ires, $W50as la. CatI 655-3109. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDODA Ps1.. p.b., air condtianlng, $60 or boat aller. Cai 65-3176. 1078 FORD M tan wlndow Vas, littie ruaI. hoany doty, lssulaled and rgged, muet salI, $1.200 Or boatscier. Cati 668-890. 197$ SUICIO REGAL, sec Michelin tires, hattarY, rad. suspensiont, $750. Phase 655- 197$ VEGA VS, 3W0,oangine and body gaod, aunrool, $95 or hoast aller, as le. 6685793. 1975 PONTIAC Lemunal, Pi., p.b., AMIFM alerte cassette, ex- cillent condition, $1,450 car- illid, Phase 688-4907 or 668- 654. 1974 OLDSMOBILE Delta 881 70,000 miles, usking $20. Phase 579-4212. 1074 MERCURY Comel, autamatlc, sec rouIller cantb $130, runnlng rder, seeda3 somte bodycatr, as , $250or hast al- len. Cai868-187. SIX KITCHEN chaire, coodas, $28 aîch. Mapie hall tabla, $125. Motden ktchen set and 5 chairs. $110. Thnoo end tables, $25 each. KING SIZE mirnaed cannpy, foan ponton watetbed, Pantalion' sesonoo pin, ooius ion samonous ta liai, excellenticcas dition, col fitin nsechomo, muni sacrfice ai $1,500. Cail 655. 418T. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising. guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; ehave an article to sel]; and, -have a specifieci asking price for your article then you can advertîse under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsî. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $750? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. ÇT~ 'j questionis. 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