Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1985, p. 19

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their familles. Speciel mention must be given ta chief cook Pote Burns and his assistants Peter Husted and Les Peddick who set aside their own com- fort for the enjoyment ai othora. During the festivities, the bouse league playof- fa took place. Four . needs managers for 1986 season By BILL HUGHES W.M.B.A. The Wltby. .Minor Basebeli Association is loodcng for ropresen- tative teens coaches and managers for thse 1986 basebeil season. Tbe teems availeble are: tyke, peewee, bantans, midgetand junior. The Ladies Auxiliery of theo W.M.B.A. is elso looking for dediceted people ta fill l executive positions irons president on down in this much needed group. If things sucb as thse Awerds Day Banquet are ta survive, this much needed and epprociated group needs volunteers. Theo W.M.B.A. is also holding its annuel meeting et Whitney Hall in Iroquois Park Arena on Sunday, Oct. 27. They also need new members for their rapily expanding orgenizatian, sa parents Rotary wins bantam playdowns The Whitby Rotary squed are the 1985 Whit- by Minor Basebal Assoiation bantam bouse league cham- pions. Ta take the titie, Roaery, which placed third in reguier season play took on fourth place finishing Snowden Rubber Industries. Rotary downed Snawden Rubber 10-8 in the final geme of the tournament.pleyed lest week. Dis aster donation Witby Town Cauncil wlll came ta the aid of the people of the Sud- bury region wha are suf- fening framn the after-ef- fects of e seriaus flood whlch bit the area lest April. At e committee meeting a week ega Thesday, councillors epproved e $500 donation ta be matcbed i-to-i by provincial doilers. Thse municipaiities of onaping Feils, Rayside- Balfour and Walden were declared disaster ereas by thse provincial goverrnmont lest spring when tbree local rivera overfiowed causing an estixnated $3,000,00 in damage. or fans who are in- terested are encouraged ta came out end join. Applications .lar theo 'Rep"~ team positions cen be mailed ta "W.M.B.A.", P.O. Box ai, Whitby, Ontario. Enquiries cen be mede by celiing D. Imeson et 668-9790, or A. Cbarlinski et 668-850 for the Ladies Auxiliary. The W.M.B.A. is holding its annuel dance on Set., Sept. 14 et the Centennial Building, "Regai Room"' et 8 p.m. $15 per couple includes buffet and door prizes. By DOROTHY MEHTA On wbat hed ta, be the hottest Saturday of the summer, the W.G.R.M.L.A. held their annuel corn roast et Willow Park. Regar- dless of the searing heat, the fire was lit ta coak the corn and weiners for the hungry lacrosso players and WMB,. Beauehamp wins national judo titie Brian Beeuchamp, 26, of Whitby won tbe gold modal et the Canadien Open Judo champion- ship that was held during the recent Canadien National Exhibition. He won the titie in the 71 kg. cetegary on Sept. I77» DURIHAM Beauchemp is the current Ontario cham- pion and works for CF- CF-TV in Montreel. His brother, Glenn, 23, recently won the silver medal in the judo com- petition et the World University Games in Japan. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regionai Municipaiity of Durham la cansidering A PROPOSAL TO AMEND TH E DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The purpase af the proposed amendment is ta In- corporate site plan contrai provisions in accor- dance wth the Planning Act, 1983. The proposed palicles wauld provide a basis for the inclusion of aile plan contrai provisions In local officiai plans, onable the local municipalitios ta pasa by-iawa ta designate site plan contrai areas in the interim un- tii such plicies are lnciuded in the respective local Officiai Plans, and aisa enabie the Region ta obtain raad wideninga for developments under site plan contrai abuttlng roada under Regional jurisdIctian. In ordor ta assiat in the evaluatian of the prapased amendment, the public la invited ta pravide input by way of submlssians ta the Regons Planning Department. Information rlated ta the propased amendment la available In the offices of the Planning Depar- tment, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Larry Kotseff, MC.i.P. Plan- ning Dopartment, (416> 668-7731. Submissions concornlng the propoaed amen- ciment must be forwarded ta the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-nated address, and must be received no latr than Frlday, October i1, 1985. PMease include your address and telephane num- ber in any aubmissians made. Don Hadden Chairman, Dr. M. Michael, M.C..P. Planning Committoe Commissiner of Planning teams from each division, tyke/novice and peewee/bentam piayed it out for the number one spot. The tyke/novice red teamn coaches by Wayne Sorichetti won their division, Coachi Ceresnysi and is green team came in firat in tbe peewee/bentam divi- sion. Congratulations ta ail the players for their ef- forts on sucb e bot ai- ternoan. This bais been theo first season for the lecrosse bouse league and despite e few growing pains it hes been suc- cessful. Theo association is iooking forwerd ta ex- pending tbe b ouse -'league in 1986. Asa,lte W.G.R.M.L.A. ta bolding a fail dance an Saturdey, Sept. 28 et the Regal Roam, 416 Centre St. S. fram 8: 30 p.m. tai1 a.m. ickets are $15 e couple and evaileble by calling Barb Kernohen et 728-3290. EDITORS NOTE: Dorothy Mebta is the pubiicity director for the Wbtby Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association. W .G.R.M.L.A. ends 1985 season with corn roast Townbuys winter sait You cen tell that win- ters approacbing when theo town puts in its or- der for winter send. Witby Town Council lias appraved a pur- dbase of 3,000 tonnes ai send fram Hernden & King Construction Ltd. ai Cobourg lest week. The sand, and the ren- tai ai the machinery required ta mix it with sait, wili cost the tawn $13,590. The emount is significantly greater then Iba t spent in years pest. Last yeer's héevy snaw feus bave led toaa shortage ai tbe grainy substance. The tawn bas elso run short ai sait and will likely need ta spend an additional $28,000 ta se it through the upcomning cold speil. Including overexpen- ditures for snow contrai ta date, lest year's severe wintor bas cast the taxpayers close ta $50000. PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service = ~ IDeaer Parts & Service -Thursdays tilt 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-3000 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGIIT TRUCKS ÏO~COOLINGZ 103 Dundas E. SYSTEM 1E2 King St. E. Whitby Oshawa 668-3356 571-3400 "AA" COMPETITIVE SW1M CLUB Attention: Interested Parents & Swim mers (Age 6-20) Open House & Meet The Coach Saturday, September 14, 1985 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 AM. Anne Ottenbrite Swimming Pool Whitby iroquois Complex For further information Please contact: Bob Cook 668-7002 Mari lyn Dai nty 668-9698 DRMAYLA ZALZA.L Is pleased to annou ncethe opening of her - FAMILY PRACTICE with the WHITBY MEDICAL CENTRE at 619 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario 668-5835 THE REGIONAL OFAM MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regianal Planning Commîttee wilI consider at a meeting ta be heîd an: .SEPTEMBER 17,1985 AT 10:00 A.M. PLAN NING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMENO THE WHITBY OFFICIAL PLAN The application as submitted by the Council of the Town ot Whitby proposes ta incorporate site plan control paticies in accordance with the Planning Act, 1983. The policies would enable the Town ta pass by-laws ta designate site plan contrai areas anywhere in the Tawn within which developers will be required ta submit detaiIed plans and drawings, satisty certain conditions incIuding the dedication af road wldenings 10 the Town andfor Regian and enter int agreements priar ta the deveIopment being undertaken. SubsequentIy, the Regionai Council wîlI consider the recommendation ot the Planning Cammlttee at a meeting ta be heid on: SEPTEMBER 25, 1985, AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The repart reiated ta the amendment application la avaltabie for inspectian in the oftices of the Planning Dopartment, 105 Cansumers Drive, Whitby, or by caling Mr. L. Kaîseff, M.C.l.P. Plan- ning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests ta appear before the Planning Commit- tee as a deputatian concernlng the amendment- application must be farwarded ta Dr. M. Michael M.C.l.P. Commissianer of Planning, 105 Con- sumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and should be received by the Friday precoding the meeting. Requests ta appear betore Regionai Councit as a deputatian cancernlng the amendmont ap- plication must be torwarded to the Reglanai Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rassiand Road East, Whitby, Ontarioa LN 6A3, and shouid be recelved 48 haurs prior ta the Regional Cauncil meeting. Gary Herrome Regional Chairman Rogianal Clerk 1 School bi By CONST. PEIl Community Sei Durham Region Now that children are bý ta remind drivers of their1 buses and crossing guards, Sehool Bus Stopping everywhere regardiess o highways, county roads, streets. Motorists meeting red lights flashing must s ~Ighway divided by a mot is a physical bamrer or ani WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1l, 1985, PAGE 19, Motoriats foliowing or overtaking a stopped school bus with red lights flashing on any highway must o nl stop at leat twenty metres before reaching the bus. o th Inboth cases, motorists mey not proceed until the bus resumes motion, or the ights have stopped fleshing. Conviction for failure ta stop when Si roquired carnies a minimum fine of $128 and six W% hby demerit points. If your children ride the achool bus yau should remind them ta he extra cereful when getting an and off the school bus. Have themn take a second look for treffic before crossing the road juat in case a beat motoniat lias disobeyed the flashing lights. Alsoý remind your children ta follow the school bus safety rules learned at school. Encourage them ta help the driver by behaving as quietiy as posible and us rules keeping seated until it is time ta beave tie bus. - Schooi Crossing Guards: It ia mandatory ta stop for the achool crassing guerds guiding children rER BRAMMA across the road. The guards display a red and white rvices Bureau stop sign, and failure ta stop for this sign could ai Police Force make a driver subject ta a fine. Also watch for eck ta schooi I would like achool sefety patrollers. They cen be identified by a duties in regard ta achool fluorescent orange boit and cross-strap. Sefety Law h a pie patrollers are positioned at hazardous crossing, Law:Thelaw pples octions and edvise .achool children when it's sale.-. if pasted speed limit on ta cross. Please be extra cereful et patrol locations- ;city, town or village 'as it is an indication that there la a lot of pedestrien', ia stopped school bus with traflc abeed. stop unlessffley are on a Sa let's ail wark together ta meke.sure aur cons- lien strip (a medien strip munitys achool chiidren travel ta and from sch*- unpaved strip of ground). in safety. .-..- M"

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