-WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1985, PAGE 17 STEAK IIOUSE & TAVERN You've trlsd the rest ... Now corne for the best "SPECIAL" MON. TO THURS. AND SUNDAY NIGHTS BARBEQUE RIBS REG. -29 . 89 "CANADIAN BABY BACK ROS" Ineiuded In Abc".: Hot à CoId o Doeuvres, Solud, gar1l0 Brad and a.d Polalo. "THE DEST LITTLE STEAK HOUSE IN TOWN" Daiiy #rom 11:30 &.m. Io107. F. from 11:30a&.m. -.11 p.m. sel. ftmm 4:30p. .. Sun. à Ho. I rom 4:30. 9 P.m. Looklng for somethIng deliclous & dif ferent... Try our fried chîckon & ssafood. Corne to Dixie Lee's aI 1017 Dundas St. E., Whltby 666-3324 Compiete caterlng service. SiI ln or lake-oul. The Whitby Free Press Presents Their NEW FALL LUNCH AND DUNNER menu wlth attractive SALAD BAR 121 GREEN ST., WHITBY For Roervations coli: 666-1900 iDirectorv of CASUL & INE DIN]ING FINE DININGO Sld j 7 JOIN US Friday and Saturday Nlghts'for ""LIVE ENTERTAINMENT" Speclal Saturday Nlght Buffet only Il1150 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BANQUETSAVAILABLE FOR EVERY OCCASION 301 Byron St. S., Whltby 666-3070 WHITBY HOME, BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP Weil known for t's fine quallty of: *whte and whoie wheat bread & buns oaIl kirids of pastry odecorated cakes for every occasion Viti our cof fee room We serve sandwiches & homemade soup I-ours: Mon-Thurs. & Sat. 8:30 - 6, Fr1. 8:30 -7 11BROCK ST. S., WHITBY S 668-3586 6 oee'for Sept. MON. *TUES. *WED. - Bar-b-qued Back Ribs Includling Salad Bar 18.95 A varety of daily specili off ered for end of week NOW CATERING TO ANY SPECIAL OCCASION FOR 20-60 PEOPLE for more Information ca:668.031 6 900 Hopkins St., Whîtby Major credit carda accepted THE PRINCE RESTAURANT 1009 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY SPECIALIZING IN GREEK CUISINE MID WEEK DINNER SPECIAL Mvonday - Wednesday $6.25 lnciudes: Soup, dînner & beverage Choîce of: SOU VLAKI, CHICKEN SOU VLAKI, FILET 0F SOLE, MOUSAKA & VEAL CUTLET, SHRIMP IN A BASKET lncludes: RICE or POTATOES, GARLIC BREAD or ROLL r THE COACH HOUSE " corne for the best". And they Ilve up to It. It-has to be one of the best restaurants not only ln Whltby, but ln Durham Reglon as wei. With the race on for the World Series, basebali fever has corne 10 Coach House as lt ceiebrates "Blue Jays Month" durlng Sep- tember. The celebration wiiI be capped off Oct. 1 when the restaurant will hold a draw for two tickets to see the Toronto Blue Jays take on the New York Yankees on Oct. 5 at Exhibition Stadlum. To be elîgible for the draw, everyone Is welcome to drop by and f111 ln an entry forrn. No purchase la necessary. Chîldren dinling with their parents wlll receive a set of Blue Jays cards throughout the enlîre month of September when the restaurant wiII be offerlng their truly excellent barbeque ribs at a speclal prîce. The Coach House la the place to be for those who enjoy a juicy, tender steak done perfeclly to order. Other cholce select Ions In- clude thelr filet mignon and thelr surf 'n turf. The Coach House ls located at 939 Dundas St. W. For reser- valions caîl 668-2751. DIXIE LEE Col. Saunders and Mary Brown beware, Dixie Lee has corne to Whitby. This bright and attractive eatery offers two of the best things one can flnd ln a restaurant - good food and fast service. Owner Peter Tsellos says that the secret of Dixie Lees ex- cellent chlcken Is that the batter Is not only made fresh every day but l Isn't 100 heavily splced and the pieces arent 100 heavily coaled. Furthermore, the meat la neyer kepl under the heat lamp too long. You always gel tl tresh and piping hot. Dixie Lee offers everything from one piece and chips 10 a 20- piece barrel. They also have an 'Econo Farnily Pack" (fine pieces of chicken with farnily size fries and two saladai for $1099 and a Buckel Farniiy pack for $15.99. Unlike other chicken places, Dixie Lee otters an alternative fish. Fresh ightiy battered cod is aiso otfered on their menu in various ways f rom the one piece and chips snack 10 the two piece f ish and chip dinner. Shrimp also graces their menu. The service la fast and friendiy. Couple that with good food aI good prices and Dixie Lee could prove to be an excellent way 10 give rnorn a break any evening. Dixie Lee is iocated ai 1017 Dundas St.E. STAIRWAYS Slairway's wouid lîke to introduce Iheir new flu lunch and dîn- ner menu which features such specialty dishes as veal parrneg Ian, veai scallopine, pepper steak as well as shrimps and scallopa. Not only are these dishes avalable for dinner but they have lun- cheon sizes as weii. With ail their entrees and pasta dinners, patrons can partake of their salad bar for only $1,95. For those ln a hurry and needing a quick lunch, lry their Osesar and Seafood Salad. Wednesdays and Thursdays are speciai nights ai Stairways. Patrons will be delighted with their "Roast New York" and "Shrlrnps in Love" Wednesday nights. These dishes include the salad bar and your f irst beverage for only $8.95. Thursday is Ladies' Nlght with Veal Oscar and Chicken Supreme offered as the specils of the evening. Once again, the salad bar and flrst beverage is included for $8.95. Stairway's also hosîs a Sunday brunch for $595. S.unday evenlngs Stairway's of fers prime nib of beef încluding salad bar, dessert and col tee for only $10,95. Stairway's quiet dinner hours are from 5 10 9 p.ni. Lunch hours are 11:30 ar..10 2:30 p.m. Slairway's Is localed aI 121 Green St., Whitby. E. DONUT 'N BURGER "FOOD AT ITS FIN EST"ý DAILY BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON & SUPPER SPECIALS FRESH GROUND COFFEE FRESH HOME-MADE MUFFINS MOURS: MON.-FRI. 6-9, SAT. 6-6 FAST TAKE-OUT SERVICE c»668-5382 113 BROCK NORTH N.E. CORNER BROCK & DUNDAS CARRET1O DINN LOUNGE The finest Italian restaurant in the Durham Region. Dining b>' candlelight in our cavelike setting i.s romance par excellence. Our extensive menu offers someihin1g to suit every taste. THURS,F RI, AND SAT LIVE ENTERTAINMVENT AND DANCE WITH ALLEN BALLACH AND HIS BAND Sundays lafamily aIfair. 601 Dundas St. W., WhitbY 668-3277 RESTAURANT AND BAR Speciaiizing in talion Cuisine, Fuliy Llcenced, Lino Entortainmont OPEN FOR DINNER 7 OAYS A WEEK LUNCHEONS MON..FRI. PARTY ROOMS AVAILABLE CALL FOR 33 SIMCOE S. RESERVATIONS icORNEROFATHOLi 571-3042 AMERICAN EXPRESS - VISA - MASTER CHARGE FAZIOS RESTAURANT CORP. LTD. CAFE VIENNA KONDITOREI PATISSERIE SPECIALIZING IN THE FIN EST EUROPEAN CAKES & PASTER lES LIGHT LUNCH EONS OPEN: NOW LICENCED BY LLBO MON. -SAT.l10a.m.-6 P.., Sun. 11a.n. - 5 p.m. 209 DUNDAS ST. E., UNIT 12 WHITBY 668-8839 668-2751 939 DUNDAS ST. W. Hwy. 2, WHITBY FOXY'S ICE CREAM & PASTRY'S MADE TO ORDER PIES 655-8813 We also haveS iih & Hotdogs HOURS: MON.-THURS. 730-9, FR1 -SAT. 9-10, SUN. 9- 10 3999 SIMCOE N., COLUM BUS