Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1985, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNI SDAY, SEPTEMBI R il, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Rematch on as Drunim announces he'l bld for re-election to east ward seat East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm has announced that he intends to seek re-election to the seat he has held since 1976. Drumm, 55, is curren- tly the senior ward councillor on Whitby Town Coundil and also serves as the chairman nf the Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authority. Last week, Dennis Fox, 36, of Kirby Cres. announced that' he would challenge Drumm's bid for re- election for a second time. In the 1982 municipal election, Drumm defeated Fox by a vote margin of 1,634 to 1,018. The race hatween these two men promises to ha an emotionally charged one although Drumm said in a writ- ten statement last week that he doesn't intend to engage in a campaign of "mudslinging." 'II noted in last week's Whitby Free Press, Mr. Fox has declared his in- tenion to run and already has cast asper- sions on my good name," the Rosedale Dr. resident said. In an interview with the Free Press, Fox was critical of Drumm's performance as the east ward councillor. "lHe's invisible," Fox charged. 'II don't think that he has responded to the needs of the people o! the east ward." However, Drumm refutes Fox's position. III have far too much respect for the in- telligence of the people I represent to subject themn to a mud slinging campaîgn," he said. "My regard for the political process that has evolved and con- tinues to evolve in our community is such that I won't ha party to that kind of action. "If Mr. Fox wants to play in the mud that's fine With me, but he will ha alone," Drumm ad- ded. Should he ha re- eiected Nov. 12, Drurm No leads iplaza break-in, police say Police say there are stili no leads in last, week's break and enter at Whitby's Bonacord Plaza. Three businesses were broken into around 7 a.m. on Sept. .1 by a thief who climbed through the air con- ditioning system in the roof of the Scarborough Fair. Several hundred car- tons of cigarettes, lot- tery tickets and $200 in cash was stolen from Scarborough Fair, Mario's Hair Salon and Sketchley Cleaners. None of the stores had burglar alarms. A spokesman for the Durham Region police say the incident is under "4active investigation." has promised to con- tinue to be part of the team that has been highly successful in at- tracting new industrial and commercial to the town over the last three years. "Whitby council has long realized that we have an integral role to play in overal development," he said, "The focus of economic development has more and more become part of our planning process. 'II will certainly 'con- tinue to support coun- cii's determination to attract industrial and commercial invest- ment." Drumm notes that Whitby has lead the way in Durham Region in at- tracting new business investment. "And as a member of the team, I will continue to play my part." And, that growth benefits the east ward just as much as any other area o! town. He pledged that he will con- tinue to bring the con- cerns of the east ward to council. "The growth we see in our community is well planned and attests to the confidence that in- vestors have in Whit- by," he said. "As a ward coun- cillor," he continued, 'I have always, and will continue, to bring con- ceros of the residents to council's attention. 111 have, over the years, answered hun- dreds of calis and in that process, have helped many people, both older and newer residents to our town. " Drumm also said that he stili enjoys the challenges the ward has to offer and his looking forward to this election campaign. Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACIIERN ~J CaU 725-967 with Items for this column It must be September, because I arn back at the old typewriter again. From ail of us in the Corridor, we hope you had an enjoyable two months holiday, or just a great surnmer. CONGRATULATIONS TERI AND RON Our best to Teri Lovelock and Ron Sweetman, who were umited*in marriage at Westminster United Church last Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful wedding, and we wish you -a long and happy life together. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH. Garage Sale - There will be a garage sale at Dot Coedy's, 117 Broadview Ave., on Saturday; Sept. 14 at 9 a.m. AIl proceeds to go to Westminster United Chùrch. Choir Practice - The choir will begin this Thur- sday, beginning at 7:30 p.m. New members welcome. Turkey Supper - Westminster United Church wili hold their Turkey Supper in the Church hall on Saturday, Oct. 26., Tickets will be available from any U.C.W. members. DR. ROBERT THORNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Dr. Robert Thornton School is filled to capacity. Any more students registering and Mr. Church's of- fice will have to be turned into a portable classroom. The school yard is already dotted with portables. There are new homes being erected al the time, but the school is the same size. It would appear that housing will have to be curtailed or a new school built. Corne on school board, you can see the whites of their eyes - get cracking, or should I say Province of Ontario - get cracking!1 DECOM There have been many reports and letters in the papers concerning Decom. Some of these reports have been fairly accurate, while others lef t a lot to be desired. Our town council, at least 5 members of our Town Council, made it very clear they did not wish Decom to locate in the Industrial area of Whit- by. Not one of our councillors questioned the need for the service, but f elt the location was wrong. The only two members of Council that supported Decom iocatirng in Whitby were Mayor Attersley and North Ward Coun. Ross Batten. The remnaining members, Gerry Emm, Joe Drumm, Joe Bugelli, Tom Ed- wards and Marcel Brunelle were opposed to Decom. There was a variety of reasons as to why they rejec- ted the proposal, but reject it they did. Decom has now requested an environmental hearing, but as yet no date has been announced. This wili ha a very im- portant meeting, su plan to attend whenever it is. Please caîl 725-8967 with news items for this column. For further Information cali: 668-3676 The 180/ RRSR For more than. 15 years. industrial rowth Fund is stili averaging more than 18% in annual compound returns. And thats consistent RRSP growth ove r the ong term. For more than 15 years. (Over the past three years, it's averaged more than 19% annually.) But, impressive as that record is, theres much more you should know. Before you buy any RRSP. Fi out and return the coupon, or oeil Tilican Financial Corporation, 433- 1508. E]Please send me more information on Industrial Growth Fund: the 18% RRSP, including comparisons with other investmenLs. NAl E ADDRESS _________________ POSTAIX OI)E TEIA.I'HONE NUM13ER (Residence) (Buisiness) *XII figures b I)ecemher 1. 1984. dividends re-invested. bffer made onlv hy pro spect us. Richard S. Price Tilcean Financiai Corporation 354 Regal Briar Street, Whtby, Ontario LIN 6N1 (416)433-1508 WELCOM E ST. John the Evangeisi Cathollo Church 903 Gifford Street, Whitby AN NOU NCES TWO SERIES 0F WEDNES DAY PROGRAMMES WELCOME 1 Beginning Wednesday, September l8th, 1985 at 7:45 p.m. Parish Convent *Information about Catholicismn * Pre-Catechumenate *Initiation in the Cathollo faith WELCOME Il Beginning Wednesday, October 2nd, 1985 a! 7:45 p.m. St. Jcseph's Room *Aduit Religlous Education *Falth Ronewal *Roturn to Church

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