PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY. SI3P'1EMBER 11, 1985, WHITI3Y FREE PRESS lt's Traditiona... ocaterlng for up ta140 *weddlngs, banquets, etc. by te bride in traditional Boo owad oi'1.0lapontdweddings originated inl the ASK FOR DONNA AT: Theidnincteenth entry. 728. 281borrowed from the virginl Giii ing the Honeymooners If you're thinking of prescnting the newiywcds sih iuggage to take on their lioneyrnoon, lierc's a (ip: make ti igilwcight. filii lay of jet-sel iravel ci i in ateriak such as, nylotis and tapestry-iike fahrîcs arc righi. -l'ieteirendin Iiuggage is o casual stvintg and un1- St ruer ured ,shaples, xit h carry -oit satcI1el,,and gar- mtentt ags seen as a reai plis lor air iras ci. That Special The Best Durhamâ-tr GoldsmÎtfhin3 *Custom designs and repairs "For that very speciat day make 'It personalIy handcraffted by Joseph Relnon" We Accept Personat Chques & Visa. 210 Brock St. South Whitby, Ont. Il N 4K1 Ph. 416) 6664612 'o 'G For The Newlyweds To help the bride and groom keep in shape, gift them with an attractive digitali scale for îheir-bath or dressing room. Wh> Sterling? Thierc's miore tiait ro- miance hehitîd a Younsg giri's decision Io stant col- iectitig sterlintgfliatware tise minutc she's certain of' the otne and oniy in lier life. Because sterling is so luxurious and traditionaiiy a bridai gif'i, people seemn to regard ils purchase as ais extravagance rather thian a practical i nvestnment but, trading palier dollars lfor sterlintg table-wares is a very sounid transaction! A (,ifi LspeciaIIy For the Bride Surprise the bride sith a gift of sîationery. bearitsg lier new initiais and new address, if that informa- tions is availabie. DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Selet i wdding nviaionsrroou compkic catalogue. F or vou aKeepsake iopy oryour Invitation n tuxurioiis goid, PRINTNG AND 655-8828 VILLAGE PARTY SHOPPE Send a "message l'e balloon bouquet" (-~ made tb order) Decorations & Balloons Invitations & Accessories customn homne-baked cakes sandwich trays for Showers, Weddings, and ALI OCCASIONS Hwy. 12, Brooklln c/ait l4/otdA 668»74416 NE AILS .... 130.00 NAIL FILLS....'SJ5.00 Introductory speclal with Wondy MoMahon WHTYACRYLIC NAILS / price WHTYCORPORATE CENTRE, SUITE 301 CORNER 0F GREEN ST. & HWY. 2 (across f rom Post Office) - - 1 .-J