WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1985, PAGE 7 - Shop Brooklin* _ E Short's Pharmacy YOUR FAMILY DRUG STORE "Shop for your back so school needs" Open: Mon. - Fr1. 9 to 7, Sat. 9 to 5 BROOKLIN 655-3301 4 MINUTES N. 0F ROSSLAND BROOKLIN NURSERIES 1 1/ m. west of Brooki ln on Hwy. 7 655-3671 "SPECIAL" FALL SALE 20% OFF -COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE -KOSTER 4Àps S-EV ERGREEN UPRIGHTSà -PERENIALS -Sp READERS -SHRUBS -SHADETRES-RUTTREES ~10%OFF SILKFLOWER ARRANGMENTS VILLAGE PARTY SHOPPE If~BALLOON BOUQUET" (made to order) *Paary supplies *Weddlng Invitations and Accessories *Greetlng cards *Glfts HeIiumn - alil Knds of balloons Hwy. 12, Brooklin, 655-8828 *.* . .. ~. *~@ ** *ê**. *4 VALSOPEN FRUIT f MARKET Hwy. 12, Brooklin (Just north ot Taunton Rd.) Giftwvare@Cosmetics*Childrefl's Toys Fabrics -.AND MUCH MORE... DON VALLANCE EQUIPMENT LTD. Farm & Industrial 1 MASSEY-FERG USON & SKI-DOO SALES & SERVICE Brooklin 655-3291 I bruce bagg realty Mt. 4 7 campbcll street, brooklin, ontaro J416) 655-4211 o 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, completely renovated. New root, siding, floors, walls, plumbing, win- dows. Bright modern kitchen with t replace and eating area. French door to walk around deck. Large rolling lot with mature shade trees. Listed at only $79,000. 75 ACRE ESTATE LOT. High, rolling bush & stream, small barn. Excellent horne site wth panoramic vlew. Listed at $150,000. Sugar Only i194 lbé "Stock up for cannl ng your peaches nowl" open 7 days a week 8 a.m. - 9 p.M. 4 COJx NEEDLMWRK CI DOLIS 9 BABY GIFIS C WOODEW 1U>S V DUCK DECOY5 V'C4NDLES "Drop by and see the wide varlety of hand-made gifts we. carry for ail occasions" 71 Baldwin St. Hours: Wed. to Sat. 10.-5 Brooklin, Ont. 6515-8731- JOE'S PIZZERIA "] PIZZA "DSUBS "] LASAG NA HWY. NO. 12, BROOKLIN 655-4008 ROSSLYN PLAZA 434-7700 BROOKLIN WATER CONDITIONING INC. Cail about the Kineticà twin-turbifle ,,,,.sotftener that uses noeiectricity FMMI[RI Water So(tener Rentais featuring KINETICO *Water Distiilers *Carbon Brick Filters -Reverse Osmosis systema Soiar Sait "Serving Tiirontt Eaçt & Durhiam Region" 53 Balwin SL Calil 655-3600 53 Bldwi St.6554936 Brooklin (EVEN> 655-8989 A Gary Young Company" - "Famous for Faimesa" a KA