Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1985, p. 28

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AGE 28, WEDNESDAY, SI3IyVEMBER 4,1985, WIITBY FREE1>Lb PRESS~A à WHIThY7S MOST WIDL I fLAIJ eLaIlFi[LJr ~~E ~EES CATINAL EDATIONAL FSERVICES SERVICES MY PESONAL COLOURS Discover the Colours & pshades that Com- pliment your skln tone & enhanCe your rbest features. OnIy $30 per Consultation t hCali 6662,770 GARNIN1 ISTRTRIM *Gardon Maintenance *FroeEstimatesl * For Competitive Cali 725,3300 PALLOCK ORCHARDS WHITBY NOW OPEN Featuring new crop, appies, pears, cider, honey, tomatoes. Now avaiiabie Fresh Corn. Everyday low priCes. First entranCe north of Rossiand on Highway 12 east sida. KAZMAR FARMS Pick paur osa vegetabies, applas end peurs. Hwy. 401 east, ga north an Brocfr Rd. tour mites and folos the ign. m ,i Pi ckerng,6837990. GERMAN SIIEPHERD pups tar sale, ait Gennan f ood lina, C.K.C. ragisterad, $20, ready ta go. phone 666-4580. ,UVACATION W. RENTAL~S I10 Mobile Homos Ceatsaîer - Ttrea bdroom mobile homes. HuaIed pools, Uînn, cose to baache andl d an WHITOY OFFICE SPACE for ent on protessioal loor. Wauid bu suitabie tor lwep accauntent, etc. RanI inctudes ail utiltieS and sa negotiabie for an appropriae tenant. For furthet information cati 668-6372 balseen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta Fridap. . CONDOS FORR RENTI TWO BEOROOM besement apur. Iment, avlieble Oct. 1, tulip turnIstred, schools, haspital, stores close, $400 par montlr, suitabie tor mature temles. Cali 866&5698,9108 p.m. anly.* (DMINIUM FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM condomInuni, end unit, garage and privais driaesay, nes broadlaant and loarng, Immaculte, neutral decar. protassioalliP inished femiip raam, Michael Blad., Whlt- b. $69,9D00.86&5 129. JOIN OUR circul et maling prograni. Worm et home, earn ex- tra Income. Frea detals. M. Green Eterprises, 594 Ninerville, Manitoba, ROA I160. UNLIMITED INCOME mailing cir- culera, ree detaila. Write: T. Perlker, f00 ling Hiram S., Inger. sol, Otario, N5C 1 L6. MAKE $1,000 or mare pet month, spere lie, ram pour hase. send stenlped, seif.addtessed ennelope ta Rns, 18 Baustead Ave., Trono, Ont. MOR lys. FREE: Drap inIa the icksan Printing a Office Suppip store in the Aia Plaza and pick up eafItee capy of their 1965 MetrIC Caien- der. Printed in tsa caots. Il saines for handy reterence. 683- 1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, menp makes and modela, by the seekend, snek or manth. Discounts avaliabie. Olcisan PrInting & otice Supplies In the Aia Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaîrs 683.1968. cýýEE] CONGRATULATIONS On Yauf torthcanl ng marr ega PMesse ies aur semnptes ai engrancd sedding inviatioans et pouf leisure in our Aan Plaza store. Dickson Printing & office Sup. plies, 6831968. -lItpy olai incm ae Canada's Finest Income Tax Course Lerning incase taues nos couid aller pou monep.muking cpprluniies and 5006 pou maney on your return ai tax ttîme. Enrotauyl Classes start Septembsatil HSR BLOCK For More Information CALL NOW . 723-221 7 15 Bond St. E., Oshawa ORAMMER for peuple sha hale grammar"s le eideal pocinel reference booki for business peaple. $3.95 pet copp and anelabin et lcinson PrIning & ofice Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Deaer enqules lnired 6831968 066F FOR SALE, cut and srep- ped ta pour specitications, $1.85 par pond. Phane 6554W66 ar 655-3687. ELECTROLUX CANADA annaun. ces e sala on vacuumts sith poserhnads et $49950. Easp terme. We ase it rug sham. poaers and usnd and recas- dltioned vacuums and shas. paaers. Cali 7234163 tor a homne domo or camne lnIaaur Oraie 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. "lIEROES of the Bible" caoting boak aaalabte et Dclsan Prin. ing & Oice Supplies.Aa Plaza, 631968, Dealer inquirins inited. CH.I.P. FROORAM. Onip 209 daps lat. Foreaire estimais can* tact Moleane insuiariat Set- ices, 18002633204. MATTRESSES and ban springs ut hall price. McKeenn urnirure, 524 Simcoe Street Souh, Oshawa. 725-5181. 1982 SIJZUKI 850 GSL, excellent shape, muet seli, $1.500668* 9712. 1981l HONDA 900 F, blackn Shoei % fIlring, las mleege, A1 con- dition. Phane 4271963. Give UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child conlad Ualent Canada Y 443 . 1PesantAlld Toromlo. Ont. 4S 2L.8 1C0i026"6364 i( il 12 80i266636-I, ATTEe Please check your advertiseme[tt for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeet ail advertisentents. Ads must appear in the paper one day.before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words: 12t each ad- dîtional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your WALLUNtT, 3 pece. dark saad. large. askîng $300. Phane M.6 GEOTYPE pessaon letterins nas n stock et Diclison Prînring & 0f- ice Supplies ln tpe AiaShop- pieg Plaza. Large seiectiotl of stples and sizes. Why pap mare tor a smeler sheet ot tettering? 6831968. CHESTERFIELD suires, loveseats, sectioneis, less thon th price. Large selectian. McKeen Purnitrte, 524 Simcae Sr. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. OUEEN SIZE brens bad complele wth matress and box spring. $600 Cali8689712. MNPLACE We are a Canadien campany *aaîting quality Canadien* maeC.E.jamieson produc- ta1 ai 10w mail order prices * price list. Guarantnd Snio discaunt. WATKINS produc- tsa alable. THIEVITAMIN PLACE VISIT Our used furniture warehouse by appoinîment. Big savings on des65, chairs, iing cabinets, etc. Cail Dicirson Prin. ting a Office Supplies t0 arrange an appointmestIo 0 iew. 683- ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... Th n o re t as bad as they aren panted and C h ice is now et ickse nntinglà Off ica Supplies smiling nt the many pleasant asstants. NI AUCINN SAUTSET. 11: .M P.7 At :0 OdfelwsiM Pr Aerry, oposite Lake Scug,ýogpLumber Wath 1974 Chuev V2 tn cament mer,1/rdong mower, mi oto-iller, miowerovn, smai miwodstov, shaes tableobet sandesi tase, bi anket boxn goosmai l applances, chai smaw, wet ac., chainsesofo, funturc candesucf olfre, ur andARCE AUCre. ERCESCT 655-8073 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TU ES., SEPT. 10 8:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. The property of MRS. ETHEL ASPîNWALL of Haiiburtoll. Round pedestai dining room table, carved oak sideboard, six carved oak dining chairs (ciaw f eet), oak dressers, bookcase, wicker sewing baskets, 5 maple dining chairs, wicker baskets, partial toiet sets, han- dmade quilts (one log cabin), co-oii lamp, chesterfieids, chesl of drawers, automatic washer and dryer, quan- tity of bedding, linen, toots, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER LITTLE BRITAIN 10.8- 18-3 TONDISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words: every 14t each additional word. howe' zll~e additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF TIIANKS -$1100 for the fir- st 50 words: 12t each additiînnal word, AUCTION SALES - 40e per lîne. i No wlfrd ads allowed I BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- dtall chame ~ of $or 2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make replie AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ~ONS ~ONS SAT., SEPT. 7 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., SEPT. 6 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Littie Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle Britain Rd. The property of MRS. ALCE MANTLE of Bethney. Oak dining room extension table, yeilow Westinghouse upright frIdge/freezer combination, McLary oak dining room chairs, odd pressback chairs, pariour tables, coffea and end tables, oak buf- fet, Westinghouse dehumidifier, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, walnut dining room table, modern chest of drawers, washstand, chesterfilaids, console color T.V., 2 cookstoves good condition), quan- tity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 en ea ou5o-78ar6ep ie-21ox nub3s wer, we accept no liability regarding îoss or damage id to arise through failure or delay in forwarding replies. We will not be responsible for box number es not called for within 30 days. orDINES cacl lsife ds day noon prior o publication isr o înetorclancie EmporiTds.no ro t ulcto to nsrtorcanelEmorumAL 668-6111 Pi T MOLLY MAID "Specalzng in Ilomu.e (le un g For Partirui ar l'a pie" 666-21.44. THURS., SEPT. 12 6:00 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Proper- ty of REINER and WILMA MARTEN, returning to Germany, plus estate from Bobcaygeon. Fine f urnIture, antique fur- niture and china, orientai rugs, beautiful Inlay dining suite, pine bureau, round oak table and chairs, drop front desk, paintings, square grand piano, lIst edition Hummel plate, Hummel and Royal Doulton figurines, German books, ools. Dont miss this sale. Preview f rom 3 p.m. Sale 6 p.m. To sel quality cail: 324-2783 ORVAL IMCLEAN AUCTIONS AUCTION BARN FR1., SEPT. 13 5:00 PM. Three miles east of Little BrItain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle Britaîn Rd. A large quantity of an- tiques includlng marbie top washstands, walnut china cabinets. wialnut tea wagons, grati- dmother dlocks, qty. pine chests, oak sideboards, oak war- drobes, oak dropleaf tables, pine washstands, oak hall stands, walnut display cabinets, sets of 4 and 6 oak dining chairs, oak Gateieg tables, oak china cabinets, oak tea wagons, pine occasiortal tables, oak dining exten- sion tables, wainut sideboards, mirror f ron- ted wardrobes, mahogany bookcases, pine side table, oak bedroom suite, oak dressers, biscuit barreils, mental cdocks, qty. F10 Blue dishes, co- oil lamps, oak pullout tables, wainut dispiay cabinets, qty. crocks, oak f ramed mirror, pull out tables (draw leaf, Barley Twist), walnut and oak parlour tables, cop- per coal boxes, oak games table, ap- proxîmately 500 antique items to be sold. This is a large sale 50 please note starting time 5:00 p.m. open for showing on Thursday, Sept. 12, between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and from 12 noon, day of sale. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 1 rý 1 CALL US TODAY 683 1968 10:00 A.M. (Note Time Change) At the Brooklin Com- nunity Centre, Casseis Rd., Brooklin, Ont. Special estates and con- îignment sale. Furniture wlll be sold promptly at 12:30. No reserves. Antiques & Furnlture Cylinder music box, (8 gongs) early 1800s ln walnut case, old gran- imother dlock, han- imade oak, three mantie clocks, Dovetail, fine bianket box, pine chest of drawers, bow front oak china cabinet, Vic- torian parlour set with loveseat and matchitlg his and hers arm chairs,. pair of Victorian parlour chairs, Victorian oak chairs, Victorian oak rocker, Serpentine washstand, drop front desk, oak china cabinet, oak coffee table, Oak book case with pigeon hoies marked Eaton's Canadian 1915, mapie bookcase, 5 lier what-not hand carved oak table, Gunstock, arrow back, pressback and original hand-ca&ved oak Win- dsor back chairs. Glas & China Many pieces of depression glass from a private collection, large f luted cranberry bowi, old milk botties fromn local dainles, Bavarlan cups and saucers, Black Amethest, Royal Doulton filgurines, crystal. Collectables Pottery botties, com- position doils, old qulîts, old trunks, brass chan- diller, crocks, ice cream set with table, chairs and stool (needs refinishing), co-ol lamp, set of Bran- dford groc'ery store scaies, dated Aug. 8, 1922 and much more. List incompiete at press time. Shake bar available. Terms cash or approveci check.. Sale managed by: D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE P.O. BOX 1007 STATION B OSHAWA, ONTARIO LUJ 5Y9 434-6333 AUCTION EER GARY HILL & DALE SMITH

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