PAGE 3? WiI)nNlSI)AV'. At IGOST .8. 1985. WIIITBY-FREE PRESS COSTAIN COST 0F FI. FABULOUS FALLINGBROOK HOME ON ACHOICE 35' LOT... *FORAS LHTTLE AS $85,900 Now you too cari enjoy the superb quality of a Costain home, in one of Costairýs most exciting new execu- five communities ... at a price that's1 surprisingly low. Today in Whitby, Falingbrook offers you 6 sensational new designs on 3 5' lots. With sizes ranging from 1,168 to a spacious 1,975 square feet, and fabulous features like green- house breakfast areas ... sunken living rooms ... separate dining rooms ... family rooms with fire- places.. master bedroorns with walk-in closets and ensuite baths. Ail that luxury cari be pours, easily, affordably, at a price frorn just $85,900 to the low $100,000's. Corne, see W/hitby at its best, here in Falingbrook Visit our sales office soon, before the low cost of Iuxury attracts too large a crowd! Prices and availablity correct at press time FALLINGB OK IN THE ('OSTAIN TRADITON [L11]T1MODEL& SALES CENTRE Monday-Thursday f 1r 2 noon - 8p.m. ~sj~Friday 12 moon -6 p.m. 10Oa.m.-6 p.m. Telephone 427-6676 9 =CISâlm