Whitby's Most Widely Read C1AS IF ADIS WANTED HEAD CHEF at NEW steak and seafood restaurant, top money and benefits. Apply in per- son or send resumne: Clamdlggers Steak & Seafood House 60 Randali Drive Pckering Village or cal Mr. Rampton at 427-7353 RETURNING TO THE WORK FORCE OR WANT TO WORK FLEXIBLE HOURS? Comblned Merchandisers Inc., a subsldlary of Loblaw Companies Llmted, have immediate part- lime openings In their new store located ai Liver- pool Road and Highway 2, Pickering for Bakers. indivIduais will be irained and no experience la nacessary. You muai also be flexible enough to work days, eveninga and Saturdays and adapt to working In warmn temrperatures. This opportunity could eventualiy lead to the possibility oi fuil-time employment- Interested applicants are asked 10 apply in per- son to: 1400 Bayiy Street Unit 5 Pckering, Ontario (acrosa fl rom Pickering GO Station) HOUR.E4TINT COR ORATIO1 N T rDURHAM REG ION NON-PROFIT 0FAMILY RENTAI ACCOMMODATION The Durham Region Non-profit Houslng Cor- poration la deveioping a projeci consisting of 43 Townhouse famiiy rentai units 10 be iocated In the City of Oshawa. The projeci ilil consiat of two and three bedroom townhouse unIts, with garages, renting In the $550 - $600 per month range, excluding utilities. In order to determine the levei of Interesi, the Cor- poration ls asking those who are lnterested In ren- tIng a unit 101f111 oui the coupon and return il 10 the foiiowing address: Durhsm Reglon Non-Profil Housing Corporation, Box 623, 105 Consumnera Drive, Whiiby, Ontaro, LiN 6A3. You wili be con- iacted ai the ime of reniai to determIne your In- terestat aIthai ime. Name F 2-bedroom Addressa r Postal Code3-bedroom Telephone No_______ il- (please check) (X) NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! The big catch lai here every weekin the classifileds. Donit rock the boat on costly Items, caîl us! FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... FULL-TIME RETAIL OPPORTUN ITIES Combined Merchandisers Imc., a subsldiary of Loblaw Companies Limted, have immediate openIngs ln their new store location ai Liverpool Road and Highway 2, Pickering. COSMETICIAN Requlred for cosmetic counter, Must be knowledgeable in the area of cosmetIc producta and be weil groomed. DEPARTMENT MANAGERS *Mens/Ladies Accessorles Dept, -*Baby WorldChldrens WearlToys Dept. @Housewake/Stapie Dept. @HardwarelAutomotivelGarden Dept. Required 10 manage the above departments. Ideal candidates must have extensive knowiedge in any one of the above rlative areas to handie the foliowing responsibilitles: customer relations, Inventory, product dispiay and scheduling staff. You muai aiso be flexible enough to work days, evenlngs and Saturdays. We offer a competitive saiary, full comprehensIve benef lis package and excellent career growth opportunIties. Interested appicanis are asked to submit a resume to. Mrs. Christine Mendes, Human Resourcos Deparimeni, 22 Si. Clair Ave. E., Suite 601, Toronto, Ont. M4T 2S5. WHITBY FREE PRESSWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1985, PAGE 29 She'1l be 100 on Saturday.... Goodail has seen many changes in her long life CEILING TILE CLEANERS Clean ail suspended ceiling tules in the Michael Starr Building, 33 King-St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. Tender No. ORI-8- 104 Sealed Tenders wiii be received until 2:00 p.m. local tîme on TUESDAY, SEPTEM-* BER 17, 1985. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James Street E., Box 790, Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6K7. Note: For further in- formation regarding the tenders, please caîl the Tenders 0f- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessariiy accepted. SMinistry of Governmenl 5D Services Ontario GENERAL CONTRACTORS Exterior Repairs (in- cluding painting stucco, carpentry and brick repointing) for varlous buildings at the Psychiatric Hospital in WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI- Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local tîme on TUESDAY, SEPTEM- BER 10, 1985. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Off ice, 24 James Street E., Box 790, Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6K7. Note: For further In- formation regarding the tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ( ) Minsiy of Govermmen Services Ontaro CONT'D FROM P&. 1 luxurious." In 1948, she and her daugbter who had heard much about "this won- derful country" went to Vancouver. "Tbey said it was the worst winter they ever had. It was always raining, just like England," so tbey moved to Winnipeg where her daughler met ber husband. "Moving around keeps you young. You're always getting changes," Mrs. Goodal said. It wasn't until 1966 that she moved 10 Whit- by (ber son had im- migrated 10 Whilby in 1953) and she's been here ever since, despite ber son's return to England, and ber daughter's move to Montreal. A year ago ber daugbter, Marion Mole, with ber busband retired in Witby. Botb Mrs. Goodall's cbildren are senior citizens. Her son is 71; her daugbter, 67. She bas six grandcbildren, and nine great gran- dchildren spread bet- ween England and Canada. Mrs, Goodalbas seen many changes during the last century. 'When 1 first went 10 England, everybody walked, but just two years later (at tbe beginning of the war) there were ail kmn- ds of cars and big trucks. There is so much crime today compared 10 my early life. The world seema 10 be al upset. -l can remember when the firsl lady teachers came to my school when 1 was in grade 3. "In rny fatber's day ail teachers were men. No womfen worked ouI. They ail sîayed home looking after their children. 'Careers were just opening up then for women, " sbe said . Prices have changed too. Mrs. Goodaîl remem- bered a very fine litIle suit wilb lucking, pur- chased for ber brother for a family photograph that coat $1, and the storekeeper bad added a silk bow tie, free. Mrs. Goodail, who lives in an apartIment designed for handicap- ped people, said, "Whil- by is a good town for looking after old people. " -I gel a woman in 10 dlean once a week; 1 gel meals on wheels lhree times a week, but the rest of tbe lime I look af- ter myseif. 1 usually make a full dinner wben 1 make one. 'Sometimes," she said witb a twinkle in ber eye, "I gel a dinner given bo me. 1 have a very kind neighbor. " She said il is sometimes bard tb pass the lime. "I'm alone ail day, and I may not speak to anyone ail day. And wilb ber leg problem she la concernied about falling. Tidying takes a lot of ber lime, Everytbing takes so mucb longer because abe bas 10 bold on bo the walker with one band and bas juat one band free. She does read the newspaper fromn top 10 bottom, and some magazines. She used bo do a lot of hand work, but now just a litIle mending. French ce of tbe English program aI E.A. Fair- man la a real one. There are minimal numbers bo carry on wbich would mean combined classes ail the way lhrough. Powers said there would be some aplit classes (two grades combined) in the English program Ibis September, but wbat ones would depend on principal Roger Lapin. Allhougb there is a feeling that splil classes are not good, there la no evidence 10 support Ibis, Powers said. However, teacbers would bave added preparation. A survey, conducled earlier this year, in the older neigbborbood there were 44a reasonable number of cbildren, ages 1 10 4" living Ibere Powers said. It is nol known, bowever, bow many will enroîl in the English program. Craft The Witby Senior Citizens' Activily Cen- tre will bold ils seceqd annual craft show and sale on Sept. b. The show "Il be held aI, Heydenshore Pavillon as part of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce'a Jamboree. The doors will open aI 9:30 a.m. and the displays will be mostly of new items but will also boast some an- tiques. Ail were either made or collecled by local seniors. Admission to the show la free. For more infor- mation cail the centre aI 668-1424. Durham Board of Education projected enrolîment figures for E.A. Fairman Public Sebool show 56 per cent of ils students in French Immersion, and 44 per cent in the Englisb program. Cbuck Powers, area superinlendent, said the sebool la expecting 247 students 10 register in French Immersion wbicb extends 10 grade 4, but only 197 aludents in the English program wbicb exlends 10 grade B. The enrolîmenl is par- licularly low for the English program at the kindergarten 10 grade 4 level, he said. -in order to keep the English program viable," Powers said, - sludents will be bussed in f rom the area norlb of Rossland Rd. and eass of Anderson St., but we cant do Ibat forever. "Board policy is presently for dual track (Englisb and French programs in the samne scbool I but recommen- dallons are now before the board 10 sludy Ihal policy. "The concern of parents for a continuan- of ber crochet work," her daughter said. Mrs. Goodali said she has no special recipe for long life although ad- mitted longevity runs in her family. "I like to be with young people. I just lived a simple life, altbough I have travelled a lot. 'I've always lived a positive life. I'm op- timislic, I neyer have been afraid to ligbt out and do new tbinga. 44J believed in religlous leacbings. A friend brings me a tape fromn St. Mark's every Sunday. 1 keep in touch witb the church," she said. In honor of Mrs. Goodall's birthday ber daugbter and Audrey Tutton, the director of entertainment for her building, are inviting other residents and frienda of Mrs. Goodal to a party, Sunday af- ternoon aI the Coborne St. residence. students make up 56% of Fairman 's fail classes Type writer RENTALSt also SALES & SERVICE