Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1985, p. 21

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WIIITBY FR! L PRESS. WEDNESDAY. AIJGI JST 21, 1985. PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ flNCE1 TIONALI EUAINAL STlMCNGE IN TOWN? SERVICES SERVICES UTOSAcI CORE:L oua never hase lu teel alose. Shop the adte nthe Wlriby Pree Press for sews ot com- munlty happenings, enter- tiîmesl and social avae nl pour aral WHITBY FREE PRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... MY PERSONAL COLOURS DlscÃ"ver the colours & shades that com- pliment your skln tone & enhance your bes! feutures. OnIy $30 par cosultation COTTGES f F RETNT COTTAGE on Mazisaw Lahe, flablng, swlmmlng, 2 badruo,, avallbe b e k hor waakand, $200 par weak, Augusi and Sep- lambar. 4334889. FURNISHED uns badroum aid lvig rom, privais buihrsom, usesof lausdrp roumn and pool, $65 a cash, soiable for lamaIs. Cali "66-4580. VACATION RENTAI-S Caainai Par EClearwatr -Three bedrooml Imobleahomes. H505d pool,E Itennis, closetobechs andl mjr tracios, chlldrenh caIse. lissa ihen moisI eroum), 683-5503 WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ani on protasslosel loor. Would Sa sutabla for leeper, eccountait, etc. Rantinlcidas alaiilies aid le nagoilebla for as appropriais tenant, Fsr furiher Istormation sali 888.372 baiwsan 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mosday is Fridey. TYPEWRITER reniai, inusy mokas and models, Sp the weshand, cash or oonih. Discounts aalabîs. Dicson prining a Office Supplias is the Aies Plaza. Cail us for businss machina rpaire 8831968. CONGRATULATIONS on your torihcomnisg marriaga Pisase viec sur sumpies of ssgruvsd wedding Invitations ai pour lisura sn sur Aax Plaza store. isksun Pritilng & Ofilce Sup- plies, 6831968. is RIM IGarden Maintenance IFree Estimatesl For Competîtîve Cal 725-3300 PALLOCK ORCHARDS WHITBY NOW OPEN Featuring new crop, apples, pears, cider, honey, tomatoes. Now availabie Fresh Corn. Everyday 10w prices. First entrance north of Rossland on Hlghway l2east sida. JOIN OUR circular mailing program. WoriK ai home, srs au. ra Insome. Frte details. M. Green Enerprîses, 594 Nverville, Manioba, ROA lE. UNLIMITED INCOME mailinog dr clterte details. Wrlle: T.L. Parker, 1t0 King Hlram St.. Inger- soliI Ontaro, NSC 11L6 MOVINII - MUST BELL. 5at. & Sun., Aug. 24 & 25, 220 Trent Si. E., rec roum furnture, lec. ippeaurter, TV., store dioplays asd cash courter, alec. wirlsg. seerty necweiaer pump, msc. household items ad loihlng. FREE: Drop i515 ihe Dicsos Printing & otice Supplp sore sn te Aax Plaza and pick îp a fre copy o!flieir 1985 Mtins Cles durý Prinlsd on Iwo couas Il makes for husdy relerenco. 683 1988 Give UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child 443 M Plosat Rd oronîs, On M4S 2L8 i5ûi6W0i,- i i[ iX,,itii ies nubaco eassenspebrI fmHel&fe realoc Sesd tor moretInom T oa ours e m Cpotnte n aeetau o eynesi r el r e t - -lime I H&R BLOCKI I15 Bond St. E., OShawa, Ont., L1G 1A8 I Telephone: 723-2217I Pisse send me res Information about pour las preparatlos course. I Address psa Cit Phonee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'GRAMMER for peuple chu haie grammesr s the ideal pochai reference boouktor business peuple. $3.95 per cupy asd available ai ickson Pristiig & Office Supplies sn the Aux Plaza. Dealer enquiries inviisd e83-19688 THREE IN ONE TABLE, bumper poil, card sr diing roum lubIe. $125 or swamp for a saddls. 728 8065. ELECTROLUX CANADA anisas- ces a suie on vacuums wiih pocerhaads ai $49950. Easy iarms. We aisu selI rug sham- posars asd u5ed asd resus. diiosed vacuums asd sham- pouiers. Cali 7234163 for a home dams or cume sf0o ou, store ai 365 Wilson Rd, S., Oshawa. "HEROES of the Bible" colourisg bush uvalable ai icksui Prisý ting & Office Supplies, Aja Plaza, 683-1968. Osaiserissiuiries lnviisd. MATTRE5SE5 and Sou springs ai hall puce. McKssn Furniiure, 524 Simcse 5ftresi South, Oshawa. 725-5181. TEVTMNPLACE MWa are a Canadias compusp Mss lnogoalily Canadian *madeaCEJamaeso producM Mis ailoc muiln der prcss Ialsj s ,72844forI prca litOuaransd si discount. WAKINS produc- msaalubie. THE VITAMIN PLACE VISIT ou, used furniluro carahouso Sp appointmeil Big susingsono desi, chairs. ilîlg cabinets, sic. Cal icsos Pris- tiig & Office Supplies Io arrange us appoisimesi lu vioc 683. 1968 Y I3RT criP7TII' FOR SALE 35 fi Cuîssbaîl Irallor, $10.000 flrm. Only sorisus Inquirles pieuseý 728-4331. Oshawa. C.H..P. PROOI dayis f1. Fora fi tact McCleuve vices, 1-800-283- GREEN frosi fer ns ples, Phone GEOTYPE press sn sock ai ich: fise Supplies in pisg Plaza. Lar stls and sizoE for a smallar eI 6831968. BIDES csddi, $25. WlnIsr mu smali 14, $25. V siz 9-0 and 11 3069, SPEED OUEEN chits, good Phones6889859 CH ESTER FIELI lovessais, 5551 i/a prica tL McKeen Furîit SI .. Oshaca. E550 econo bl psurs old. $100. CG RN EILS AUCTION BARN FRI.. AUG. 23 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle Brilain Rd. Oak hall seat, spinning wheel, 20 cu. ft. freezer, oak dining room exten- sion table, washstands, blanket box, colonial bed chesterfield and chair, co-oil lamps, Captains chairs, 6 piece dîniette suite, parlour stove. par- tial toile! sets, 1680 Matlock gun, 1813 Per- cussion gun, day bed, Rock-Dia record player, Garret metal detector, air conditioner, wood lathe, antique Gibson garden tractor, large quantlty o! collector plates, jewellery, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE IRAM. Only 223 SAAU.2 ,e asimuie coi- A.AU 2 ,lîsululionSse, 12 NOON -3204. Property of Margaret Gourlie, 1466 Whtes ise, 75'feel. $5,s Road, Pickering, (lus! 68-85850. north o! Hwy. 2). Sale of - -- turniture, antiques, s.os leiiriig flow househoid contents, in- ,ss Prinilg &60f- n te Aax Shino- cluding 9 piece Queen rgs slaciios of Anne dining suite. 3 s. Whypapy more piece Art Deco bedroom hest 0 uttIriig? suite, upright piano, ______ Karn pump organ, ng hai, Iha o,. mahogany knee hole îîersîîy coul. sîze desk, mahogany drop Womneis drossas. leaf table, chest of! 1. 12, $55 ach. 655- drawers, rocking chair, washstand, 3 pine N sov, letrc, blanket boxes, small condiion, $15. pîne cupboard, cedar ches!, oak blanket boi, 2 Captains chairs, quat- D suits, tity o! china, cups and ,osals, lass Ihas saucers, glass and china, arge selociios. linen, 19" Sylvania color uro, 524 S1oce TV., plus numernus 725-5181. other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. lus oil turnaco. 1 JOHN ANNIS Cuil 668-8534 AUCTIONEER 655-4663 It uited Charlia te take off for Dickoon Printing & Office Supplie$ at thiu particular pot in time, something he wiIl neyer regret!_ - boys eand 9- girls! Becooe a carrier Ioiay, Lers louea nubsiness prion cilh responsibiliip chite eurning monep 8ecome the outslond- Iîg crrier of the moi16 and bicorne a cinineri Tuih tu our Circulation Manager CaîIl 668-6111 Todlayt WHITBY FREE PRESS MOLLY MAID Sp rcuau np, in ilou <h. e ni Fr1 riculr eple 666-2144 AUCTION BARN TUES., AUG. 27 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle Britain Rd. Chesterflelds, Victrola, modemn dressera and chesi of drawers, pôr- table and console color TV.s, Coffee and end tables, parlour tables, quantlty of plctur(> frames, odd'wooden kit- Chen chairs, occassioflal chairs, single and double box spring mattresses, refridgerator, table lam- pa, oak bed, office desk, large quantity of tools and household Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 MONDAY, SEPT. 2 AUCTION SALE "LABOUR DAY SPECIAL" The property of MARGARET BEARE LTD., (formerly Beare Brothers), iocaled on Beare Rd., 3 miles east of Hwy. 48 on Steeles Ave., then 1 mile south on Beare Rd. A final sale of new appliances, ail equipment and new fur- niture. A large sale well worth your attention. For details next week. Sale at 10 a.m. Terms cash. Dont miss this one. NORM FAULKNER SALES MANAGER 3 WORK WONDERS WANTAUS CALLOfflI11 PHOTOCOPYING ... at low, low rates... ... while you wait... We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whltby lîsst north uftIhe tour corners) ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINES S? THE CLASSIFIEDS ASIID ARE! The classitied pages are for everyone -~ whether you are sel llngor buyiflg PLACE VOUR AD TODAVI WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 SI. John Amblvace fus Sean toaChirM and ssrvmg S Canada since 1883. 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