PAGE 16, WE-DNIESIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1985, WllIITBY FREE PRE3SS SPORTS WEEK wi p w WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB House League Resuits MOSQUITO Games Played Aug. 7 WhitbyAl inm..5 George Cinis ......i Mike Goode nm .. Sean Axhorne Ray Smith ................ 2 Scott Anderson Jason Goodchiid Wilow 1 ........... 3 Hutchinson.........O0 Shane Lawaon ......... -..-.3 Shut-out: Robbie Lawrence Consumers' Gas ...3 Anca Lab .......... 2 Geoff Braytord............. 2 Mark VanderBoomn Weley Mann Mike Lopea Bob Myers Chev-Oids .3 Perkins Paints.... 4 Carey MacRury Marc Price Mark Widam ............. 2 Leuite Miller .............. 2 Jamie Lyon Annes 1i........... 15 County Bowl ......I Matt Powera Rogir Gonsalvea Dave Calderone JoKiLchen. ....... ...... 2 Cam Schilling ..............8 Mikealfe ............ ...3 Scugog Tournament Resuits Games Played Aug. 10-11 Whitby ........... 8 Bowmanville ...1 Mark Wiada............... 3 Leuite Miller .............. 2 Geoff Braytord............. 2 Cam Schilling Witby ............ 5 Sean Mills Geoff Brayford Cam Schilling Mark Widamn Mike Goode Whitby ............ 6 Cam Schilling Mark Wisdom............... 2 Dale Calderone Geoff Brayford Whitby ..... ......6 Mark Wisdom...........3 Mark Gaode Geof! arayford .......... Uxbridge ...........1 Scugog ............1 Collingwood........ 2 Whitby ............ 2 Willowdale........-.4 Mark Wsdom.... ....... ý2 Note: Whilhy were the runners-up in the Scugog Soccer Tournament. ATOM Games Played Aug. 10 Restaurant .........O0 Hair Care Cnetre ..O Bailey's Pharmacy ... 4 Tony Raffaele MatthewGondin Doug Whyie Witby Professional Firefîgbters .......2 Chria Moveiy Cameron Poland Ray's Trophies ..... Mike Reilly Scott DaSilva Jonathon Oavidson Shut-out: Paul Brown Highland Trophies . . ..5 Michael Sigsworth Jef! Needham Bohhy Morrison Shut-out: Kari McL.eod Century 21R.E ...O Whilby Free Press .ý. . 0 Owasco............ 6 Shoppers Drug Mar . . 2 Omar EI.aehairy SteveSmith Mike Wlen ..........3 Josh Wilson Sean Lawrence .ý............ 2 Scugog Tourna Ment Results Whithy ............i SCUgog............. 2 John Sioden Witby ............O Bowmanville ...... Whitby.......... 1 Markham ........... 2 John Sinden PEEWEE Jeffrey..........».8 Gus Brown Motors .... 2 Dominic Alis., .... . 3 Dave Bandel Mark Bateman.......2 Greg ttrayford Doug Oliver..........2 Andy Weiss Sarges Gulf.........4 Warren Mithuro......... Stewart Smith Attersley Tire . 9 Tom Mucahy.............. 4 Jeffrey Uaher ........ 2 Noah Langer, Lawrence Greco Kevin Craddock Canadian Tire . 2 Erîr Martland......,. 2 Midas Muffler... 3 Norm Pavit Don Reid Adam Et-Behairy W.I.S.C. n need of strong senior s wimmers , new.head c oacl s ays Tbe Witby Iroquois Swim Club has appoin- ted Lucie Hewitt- Henderson as the team's new bead coacb, replacing Tom McLaughlin wbo recen- tly lef t the club. Hewitt-Henderson com- es 10 W.I.S.C. from the Timmins Swim Club where she was bead coacb for four years. A national ranked swim- mer berself, she spent two years as a coacb in Victoria, B.C. before joining Timmins. Her immediate priorities are to en- courage club growth and develop a strong senior swimming leam. "The club bas a pressing need for senior swimmers," she said in an interview. "They have a very good age group program... but they have a real age gap." Most W.I.S.C. swim- mers are in the younger age groups - when they become seniors they of- ten leave the club for other organizations. Hewitt-Henderson saîd. The club has a "fair amnount of pool lime" available and can easily handie more members, she added. Hewitt-Henderson wa- nts 10 strengthen the club's program bo allow novice swimmer 10 develop, through com- petition and training, to Tyke championships heing held this weekend By DOROTHY MEHTA Tue Wbitby Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association will bost the 1985 "All-Ontario" tyke provincials bere in Witby Ibis weekend (Aug. 23, 24 and 25). There will be 20 tyke teams coming in from out of town to par- licipate in the playoffs to determine tbe "A", "B"t, "C"', and "D" champions of Ontario. Games will be held at Brooklin and Iroquois Park arenas on Friday evening from 610o9 p. m., aIl day Saturday from 9 a.m. 10 8 p.m., ending with the championsbip games at Iroquois on Sunday from 1:30 b 7 p. M. Skill testing events W.G.A.A. SOFTBALL Standings as of Aug. 16 MITE DIVISION Final Standings Bailey Pharmacy .. ............... 26 Pioneer Interiors .......................... 19 National Trust ............................ 18 Bell Canada .........»..................... 16 Dodd &Souter ............................ 12 Whilby Fence .............................il1 Midway Motors ........................... 10 Mr. Rent alI ..............................O0 Resuits of Games Played to Aug. 16 MITE DIVISION Bell Canada ....17 Midway Motors ...15' Whitby Fence. ...21 National Trust.... 4 Bailey Pharmacy ... . 14 Mr. Rent Al ........ 9 Dodd & Souter...21 Pioneer Interiors... 9 SQUIRT DIVISION Play-offs Pizza Delighl ....17 LovelI Drugs......13 West Lynde C.A. ..19 Perry House......12 West LyndeC.A. ..16 Lovell Drugs......10 SOPHOMORE DIVISION Fleming Realty ...15 Please Save & Recycle .......... .9 WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION House League Rerults BANTAM Ga mes Played A,.,. 7 Whitby Rotary....... 8 Grand Oak Homes .... 7 Snowden Rubber .... .8 Whitby Audio.... 7 Whitby Rotary...18 Grand Oak Homes .... 7 Final Standings Perkins Painîs Grand Oak Homes Whitby Rotary Snowden Ruhber Industries Whitby Audio 16 5 10 1 11 16 4 il i 9 TYKE Games Played Aug. 6-8 Speedy Auto Glass il 1 Nurse Chev-Olds. 9 Century 21 R.E...16 Whitby Kiwanis.... 5 Vîck Insurance...10 Brooklin Electrie ... 9 MunnsPress ....22 Kurz Foods......... 6 will be held alI day Saturday aI Willow Park. The opening ceremonies will be beld aI 5:45 p.m. aI Iroquois Park, acting mayor, Coun. Gerry Emm will attend. A special guest ap- pearance will be made by Ronald McDonald during the final cham- pionship games from 4:3010o7 p.m. Whýithy tics Ajax 3-al Whiîby fought bax:d 10 ear.n a 3-3 lie witb Ajax in local peewee soccer action last Tuesday. This was the second lime Ihis season that the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Clubs peewee represen- talive teamn had met Ajax - -Ibis lime the match was set at Iroquois Park. Ajax opened the of- fense in the lîrst haif wilh three quick goals coming from Ian Watkins (who found the net twice) and Chrîs Jones. However, a strong Whitby defense kept the attack con- tained after that. Witby turned lhings around in the second haîf with Pal Miksa comîng on strong in the mid-field and defensive area. Colin Manson. Gavie Dowse and Jim- my Boîsvert provided the offense needed 10 secure the 3-al l ie. The peewees are tur- ning in an excellent per- formance this season and have mainlained a sense of confidence and team spirit despite being plagued with in- juries. WHITBY MENS SI the senior level. III would like 10 see each swimmer develop 10 bis or ber potential as a competitive swim- mer," she said, "lWhetber that be a regional class swimmner or an Olympic class swimmer." And ber goal, as coacb, will be excellen- ce. ,l is important tbat there is a direction for tbe club in competitive swimming and tbat direction should be one of excellence,". Hewitt- Henderson said. Her program will ac- commodate not only tbose swimmers wbo want 10 be national and international com- petitors but also for those who have made «"no committmerit solely to swimming." Hewitt - Henderson will also develop a dry land training program - especially for club members over the age of 13. She also intends to implement a social calendar. "We'll go out and play basebaîl and other things that are fun," she said adding that she also intends 10 take the en- tire team to two or tbree meets a year. "'That will belp bring some of the unity to the group," she said. Hewîtt-Hendersofl of- ficially takes over as W.I.S.C. coach on Sept. 1. Stevenson joins Ontario ladies' basketball team Another Wbitby resident will be representing Ontario in the Canada Games currently being held in St. John, New Brun- swick. LO-PITCH -LEAGUE Standings to Aug. 18 GP W L T P Brothers Pizza 20 15 3 2 32 McCauley Furnilure 18 12 5 1 25 Texaco hiefs 16 10 5 1 21 Turtle Wax. 21 9 11 1 19 Caseys Roadhouse 20 7 10 3 17 .Royal LePage 19 7 il 1 "r Waterbed Company 20 6 13 1 13 Hughes Hawks 20 5 13. 2 12 Garne Results to Aug. 18 Texaco Chiefs ...14 Hughes Hawks .-10 Turtle Wax ........ 20 Texaco Chiefs ....16 McCauley Furniture .7 Turtle Wax ........ 0 McCauley Furniture .7 Waterbed Company . ..1 Royal LePage......7 Turîle Wax......... 4 Texaco Chiefs......4 Brothers Pizza ... Caseys Roadhouse.. 27 Hughes Hawks.... 4 Turtle Wax......... 7 Hughes Hawks. .5 Turtle Wax......... 7 Royal LePage ....2 will be a memnber of the Ontario ladies' basket- bail team Ibat will be competing in the games' tournamenî this week. Stevenson, an avid basketball player for several years is curren- tly a physical educalion major aI Laurentian University. She is also a member of Ibeir varsily basketball team. She gradualed from Henry Street High Sebool. Also representing Whitby aI the games are Andrew Finn and Chris Ainsworth who are members of tbe Ontario rugby side. Loni Melien, 13, was to compele on tbe Ontario swimiming team aI tbe games but was named bo tbe Canadian national team thal competed aI the Pan-Pacific Games in Tokyo, Japan over the weekend.