PAGE' 14,WEDNIESDAY. AUGUJSI 14, 19)85, WIIITBY FII*lIR11;PRSýS MP pie ased with government's first year in office The Progressive Con- servative government of Prime Minister Bran Muroney is now almost one year old and for On- tario Riding MP Scott Fenrieli, it's been a good one. However, it didn't start out that way as the Tory backbencher found hiniseif just one persan in a 211-member caucus. "I didn't know what I was going ta do," he told the Free Press in a recent interview. But not being one ta believe in idie hands, Fenneli secured two important parliamen- tary positions - vice- chairman of the public accounts committee of t.he House of Cannions and chairman of the On- tario Caucus of the goverrument caucus. Atbough the chair- man of the public ac- counts committee - MP Adean Nicalson - is a Liberal, Fenneil says that tbey have made an excellent tean and have put the committee - which overviews the spending of the federal government - on the map, as it were. "We did simple things - like doubling the sit- ting hours," he said and by provlding ail mem- bers with an in-depth briefing of gavernment spending have managed ta "bring ta light the damage waste bas done to this countr." He bas also learned one valuable lesson about the civil servants who run the Canadian governinent on a day-to- day basis. 1380 HOPKINS STREET, UNIT NO. 14, WHITBY INSTALLED & STAINED SPRUCE WOOD DECK FROM PER SQUARE FOOT EXAMPLE: 14 FT. x 12 FT. DECK 1999 INCLU DES: UP TO A 3 FT. HIGH DECK, ONE SET 0F STEPS PLUS NORMAL INSTALLATION. Custom tailoring ta your requirements available Pressure treated decks available FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: k< ~ "We have discovered what a lack of respect they have with the tax- payers' money," Fen- neil said adding that this "non-partisan" com- mittee doesn't analyze ministers by tries ta "'identify what the bureaucracy is doing." 'II tbink we bave star- ted ta effect change," Fenneli added, "lWe are making the bureaucracy aware that we are there. " His other major raie, that of chairman of the Ontario caucus, made up of the 60 Tory MPs froni Ontario, bas given bum sanie degree of in- put into governmÙent policy. Because the caucus speaks for Ontario's concerns, Fenneli says that in many ways he is not only a critic of the government but a lob- byist for specific issues as well. The -Ontario caucus bas been pushing for a stronger auto pact with i~ ;~4' ~I4 also adopted a new methad of dealing with industry at home. "lWe have been trying to give encouragement to industry and business," he said, "The whoie attitude of gover- nment bas changed. " Under Mulroney, the goverument hasn't tried to be the country's economic saviour. "The government can't salve the prablems," Fenneil said, I'Government in- dustries don't work s0 we have put the eni- phasis back on the in- dividual and telling Canadian industry that they bave a respon- sibility for their own fate." The government is also making important strides ta contrai gaver- nment spending whicb Fenneli says is paramount for if the current trends con- tinue the government will have no discretionary spending power by 1990. benwsev diie av sapi-courses ýe. Durham Save-a-Heart take a will be offering several tand on cardiopulmanary resus- sanie citation (C.P.R.) cour- said ad- ses during the month of August. Three basic rescuer courses will be held over the next two weeks. The first will be held this weekend (Aug. 17 and 18) from 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. bath days at 18 Division headquarters of the Durhami Regional P olice Farce on Rossland Rd. W., Whit- by. The second will be held at the office of Durhami Save-a-Heart, 292 King St. W., Oshawa, on Aug. 12, 15, 2Oand 2fromn7 to 10 Tp.r ..each evening.bai ýOARD rescuer course will be held at Fire Hall 10of the Oshawa Fire Depar- tment at Adelaide Ave.- W. and Arena St. on Aug. 27 and 28 fram 9 a.m. to4 p.m. A re-certif ication course wil be held on Aug. 24 froni 9 a. m. ta 5 p.m. at the Durhami jSave-a-Heart office. C.P.R. is increasingly becoming a conditian of ire employment and a compulsory academic requirement. Registration for these lîfe saving courses must be made in advance by calling the Durhami Save-a-Heart office at 571-1152. W. also bave HOTý 285 Toton Rd. E. Five PointuMMt Mon.-Wed. 106.Thurs & Frt 108 Saturdays 105 Cili Surf Notine for MOUaiS c t iQ-cÎ PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL Cmompllmêfltary consultations by a certiflld slectrologlsi. Member ai the EIectroIysis Assoc. ai Ontarlo. tments for Fenni "lWe didn't strang enaugh is chopping programs," he SU/RF ,4% PARvIE HOT DEALS ON '85 DEMO AND RENTAL BOARDS WETSUITS '89.95 AND Up CHIPPER (FUNBOARD) 5699 FOOTSTRAP FREE (VALUE '75) BUY ONE IPSI (HIGH PERFORMANCE) AT sl1295 AND RECEIVE A DIFFERENT MODEL BC FREE '39.95 WEEKEND (PRICES APPLICABLE TO BOARD PURCHASE) We also carry: Fanatlc, Mistral & Aliken :aliIfor deiso~r omp fin & see us!! surf ing & beach atti BaNtCO Sv. M. WILSON go M 1 been vocal in the debate over auto imports. "I'm a critic, in ef- fect, of the gaver- nment," Fenneli said adding that as chair- man, 11I represent the largest block of people" sitting in the House of Commons. He also bas some praise for the gaver- nment on its first an- niversary - especially in economic areas. The government bas .been adopting the Japanese approach ta foreign affairs, Fennel said, by making al members of the foreign service trade com- missioners - hussiing new business for Canadian industry. "lWe are using these people as trade com- missioners - tbey are enbancing the nation's economic develop- ment," he said, "We really haven't had any real salesmen out there selling Canada.-" ding that many are a "imish-mash" that will create only more problems ln the future. Fenneiliaiso beiieved that the de-indexation of pensions shouid have been carried out. "Personally, I believe that indexation bas put the country in the finan- cial mess it's in now," be said addling that the concept raises gover- nment expenditures without a corresponding increase in revenue. This, be said, only adds to the deficît. "Indexation," he said, 'lis a good excuse to have inflation." The other major dlsappointment of the year was the gover- nment's failure to reach any agreenment with in- dustry and the U.S. on acid ramn contrai. Fenneli believes that industry bas ta take a lion's share for the responsibiiity for cleaming upacid ramn. "T#Me government can't dlean it up," he said, "If lndustry bas ta pollute then they have ta pay the price ta dlean it up. "The gavernment didn't create the pollution - they shouldn't have ta dlean itup." During the next session of Parliament this fali, Fenneli an- ticipates the gaver- uent will continue its eniphasis on job creatians and getting goverument "«off the backs of the in- dividual." He also expects sanie reforms that will give more rights and in- dependance ta backben- chers such as hiniseif. C.P.R.