Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1985, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 1985 PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~FI[DAD$ SEV ESA]PRS AE ~ TIi~ PSYcHIC READINOS by Mr. Grec@, 25 yars espmriencm lu Tarot Crde, Pam, Crysiai Sait rmadiugs. Hatp and advIce In ait phases af ilit, al redngs are guarantmmd accurais. Priate consultations, 310. Avaiiablm for parties and socal gatherIugs. CaI for appoinimeut 7284802, Oshama. MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours telshades that com- pliment your skIn 'tons & enhance your bout features. OnlIy $30 par Consultation Cail 8&662770 "OGRAMMER for pople wha bate grammer'lila thm dm51 packt reference book for business pmople. $3.95 pr copy and availabie t DIcksou Prnning & Office Supplias ln ibm Aax Plaza. Damiereuquintasnitmd 883-968. OMMOTION ~~WANDTED URGENTLY REOUIRED famished roome, apartmats or boussesta rani for oui ai Provinceies- trilos. Contact 15898 Local 894 ai 623-MI3 or 623-7851, womk- daya Ge.m. ta 4 p.m. WANTED 1 bdraom sparmeni, preterrabiy castrai Whiiby. For a temagle pnsioner. Muai be roisoaebia mt, 5797904. LAKE SIMCOE out of Orille, 10 bîghlei ce os ideseiapment propeniy witb 500 test of mater- ront, sandy tiach and good roada. Appiy ta Tom James, 326- 3718, P.S. HarIer Rosi Estate Ltd. ORILLIA AREA 100 acres 'near htghway, $79,900. 100 acres au higbway, $125,000.211 acres wiih watorfrout, 3139,000. For detalse oeil Tom James 328-3718 or Percy Groar 325-2157. P.S. HarmefRoPsi Esita Ltd. ICanadian at Par Ciearwatar - Threo bedrOarr mobil homs. Hatedpoole, teannis, cosemiabeaches ad Majorsattracions, chidrerl w@lome (lss hanmte roo. 683-5503 WHTY OFFI CE fPACen on profeisionai floor. Wouid be sulimbie for awyer, accauniani. oic. Rantinciades ail utiliies sud la negotiabie for an appropriais tenant. Par turthsr Information sali 668-372 belamen 9:30 a. and 5 psm. Monduv 10 Friday. 1907 Cl4EV JA ton pick-up for par- ts. Phone 8835678. 1964 CAMERO 20,000 kms., i. rani, mage, muasettl, $313500 certied. 1977 Vskawagan Rab- bit, Champagne edItion, total rebuilt, gaod condition, $2,200 certiiied. Phone 8527881 eveninge. 1978 CHEV Maiibou wagon, 4,000 miles, ,,rtitiad, A1 con- dition, 33,750. Phonoe68-339. DOUBLE ski-dlos traier, easy ta consort ta bas trahier, S30. Phono 0885911. FOR SALE 14 luche, $110 for ait, mate and lamais. Phono 688& 5911. S~UITES UNLIMITED INCOME maiing cIr- cutars, tram dealia, Write: T.L. Parker, 100 King H-iram S., Inger- soi, Ontario, NSC iLO. YARD SALE Saturday, Augut 10, 10 &.m. ta 4 p.m. Ownar mnvIng, 1008 Mccuiiough Dr., Whitby. YARD SALE 415 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. Saturday, Augusi 10, 8:30 ar.m LARGE LAWN SALE Saturday& Sundan, Auguet 10 & 11, lia Elizabeth Cree., Whitby. Misc. items, gamnes, dishas, maieriais, mechanfical parte, oise. Aiea an- tique items, vanity, car hors and compt@ ais aifidshes. TYPEWRITER rentai, mmny makes and modms, by ibm weekand, wmsk or monil. Discounts asuiiabim. Dickson PrInting & Office Supplies ln the Aan Piaz. Cmii us for bunines machine repaire 831968. CONGRATULATIONS on your iarthcaming marriage. Pieuse view aur sampies ai engraved wedding Inviaions ai your iisure In our Aan Plaza store. Dickson Printiig & Office Sup- plies, 683-1986 FREE: Drop nis the OcKsuon Pinting & Office SupPiy soresin ibm Alun Piazu und pick upua free copy ai iheir 1985 Meiric Caies- dur. PrIninriin imo coinurs. Il mukes for hundy remsrncs. 683 1968. MOVINO - drapes, coffea and end table, radio - bargaln. Phone 668- 4904. CHESTERFIELD suites. lovesats, sectlonals, less than %Ai prîce. Large selectlon. McKeen FurnIture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. VISIT aur used furnIture warehouse by appolinment. Blg savInge on deaka, chairs, Mling cabinets, sic. callckson PInn tlng & Office Supplies ta arrange an uppJolulment la vlew. 083 VACUUMS save money, E2000 Elecratux with power sauzle, $470. Other used modela avallable. caît Peter 68-1855. Repsrtng Il makes. CUSTOM DRAPES appron. 18' wldth. Canadiana flnlstned ;4 bed. Garage Ilii door. Lump. Roît- a-wsy bed and ailier articles. Cati eseninga 855-3884, Astburn. SALES PERSON for rtait lumber and hardware store, euparlenced preierred. cati 8523801 or write PO. Box 1509, Ubridge, LOC 1 KO. SBYSITTER requIred In mY home for tan chiidren âges ose and tour durIsg the day, tour or ise deys weekiy. cmli 433-0206 mter:30 p.m. WANTED Country Band needa relebie iemd guterisi for part- urne wor. Il Interested cmii Wen- dy ai 655-3U7. We need S a few good boys and ;- giril Become s carrier tadmy. Lears to be a business persan wth responsibiiity whie earning mnney. Secome ihm ouistand- lIng carrier ai the monili and become s mInneri Taik la sur Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Todayl WHITBY FREEPRESS Charle prefers unifarm excellente end knaws ha wiii gel il ijicksen Printing là Office Supplies where everything it inspected. carduruy che sieriieid set, $285. Sud sar washmr, $150. Drymr, $100. Auminum tsrm door, $35. Catil 57-8102. "HEROES oaithiBmibe" coiouring book asalabie ai Dickson Prin- ting & office Supplies, Alax Piaza, 683-1988. Dealer Inquiries Invited. MATiRESSES and bax springs at ball price. MoKees Purnture, 524 Simncom Street Souhi, Oshawa. 725-5181. c.i4.i.P. PROORAM. Onty 237 days tti. For a iresestImate con- tact McCtaave lneutatian Ser- vices, 1400263-3204. GEOTYPE pressasn iettering now lu stock ai Dckson Prining & Of- fice SuppliaslIbmheAiaShop- ping Plaza. Large selection oi styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smmiier shemi ai iettering? 683-1968. A.S. DtCK offset operatar rsquired for Mentham rmaes Must have knowimdge Otslilver Plate materiel. Experience aniy noed appty. CaliiBarry Smail 491-5311. RELIABLE cianisg lady wmnimd. Satory and lime negotiabie. Phase 57-3412 aller S p.m. cAREERS IN TRUCKINO. Driver lob trmning and placement heip la avalimbie. Cali Rodgrs Schooi ut (416 789-3548. WORD PROCESSINO Program- ming, Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more, wth cetificate nd lob placement, gosemment approvmd and loms, tas deduct ibis, Grade il and 12 credit courses. These miliitest 2 months. Enrol nom. 683-2226. SASYSITTER WANTED ful-time, mature parson, my home, 8 mon- thi baby, mitorvoon sud evmuing. Caii Yonne 688-5380 Whitby PART-TIME hausakeaper. Saissm-Ashbum area, 3:30 ta 7, Mondey ta Thursday for 2 cftiidrmn, 7 pear sud 9 year. Some Ilght housewonts. Good saiary paid lu cash. Reterences. 649- 2095 esenluge. AUCTION SALE THURS., AUG. 8 6:00 P.M. Good furniture, applIan- ces, some antiques at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Proper- ty of WESTERHAM, Bobcaygeon. Contents of 2 large country homes plus local estate. Large General freezer (lke new), Moffat f rost Ires refrldgerator, large GE refrldgerator, Mof fat 30" auto electric stove, good Ksnmore auto washer, bookshelves, chests, dressers, washstands, beds, mattresses, Qusen size bed chesterfield, wooden dînette set, recliner, chord organ, an- tique buffet, antique dining table, carved wooden wardrobe, 2 brown good aiuminum combination doors, good set built-In ktchen cup- boards, antique schoal desks, quantlty piywood, wooden chairs, tire ex- lInguisher, quantity bed- ding, kitchen utensils, chesterfieaids, bed chesterfileid, antique bureau, good dryer, color T.V., gold apartment size auto electric stove, stacking chairs, china, etc. No reserve 6:00 p.m. sharp. To list sales cali: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., AUG. 9 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brîtaîn or 7 mles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Rd. Wainut tea wagon, oak rocking chairs, waehstands, 12 ou. ItL freezer, vanity dresser, oak chairs, portable & console color T.V.s, parlour tables, antique hanglng lamp, bianket box, hall stands, oak buf- fet, maple table and chairs, 3 h.p. rota tiller, chesterfida, wicker hi- chair, cottes and *end tables, 3 piece bedroomn suite, antique dressera & chest of drawiers, quan- tity of picture frames, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 AUCiON SALE WED., AUG. 14 10:00 A.M. Consignment sale at Or- val McLean Auction Cen- tre Lindsay. Tractor & farmn machlnery, estate of lats BLANCHE RICH, Oakwood, plus con- slgnments of cars, trucks, farm machlnery, boals, motorcycies, mopeds, iawn tractais, 6x6 army truck, HunIter 300 B spin wheei balan- cer, sand biaster, etc. 10:00 arn. sharp with big items first. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY 4c: WHIT1BY* ':' FREE PRESS 131 Brock Sires! Norith Whitby -668-6111 FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? The big catch Is here every week ln the classifleds. Don't rock the boat on costly Items, cati us! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 si. J&Maithcin u won w0d lo be a peu cf tfr neal NuiKkd Ydpers Ckm themrn al Leau how to twp. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... NEW IN TOWN? UTE us PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 4 g~OME WM4 Phoane 668943 * GUN AUCTION * FRIDAY EVENINO, AUGUST 16TH 7:00 P.M. D & M Sales Barn - R.R.2, Lndsay (1lmmle west ni Lindsay on ibmeUise BrItaIn Rnmdi -BUY OR SEIL- For those wlshlng ta conslgn to our monthly gun auction, It s Important ta brlng your guns ln eariy,' as we have an B-gun Ilmit. Shotguns and rifles oniy. For more detalls cail the Auction Barn. BUD McKEE, AUCTION EER 705-324-2472 Please checkç your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.010 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forwardrelstabxn br, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not 1e 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liabiiity regarding loss or damage liable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1tec alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIHSDETS-~<<fothfit 0wr 1 ec such replies. We will not 13e responsible for box nuxnber by the error Up ta, a maximum cost of the first insertion. ionlwr.epesotcldfrwth 3da. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classîfy or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.110 for the f ir- reject ail advertisements, Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication ta insert one day before they can 1e changed or cancelled.orcne lsiedA .Fiayonpirtpuiain CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ACINSLS-0 e n. owr d loe . ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL orcye lsiidAs rda onpirt ulcto Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil make 668-6111 a vvr» 0 a nir.1%0" Il ut.&#

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