PAGE 28, WEDNIiSDAY, JULY 31, 1985, WIITBY FREE PRESS Ro ad work caused traffie problems The Town of Whitby's decision to reconstruc- tion of Euclid St. bet- ween Mary and Dundas Sts. bas only compoun- ded local traffic problems, one area resident bas said. In a letter to Mayor Bob Attersley, Madeline Carter of Euclid St., said that many vehicles MVIART/ CQLES now use ber residential street as a mneans to by- pass the busy Dundas and Brock Sts. intersec- tion. «IAgainst a lot of public wishes, Euclid St. between Dundas and ,Mary was improved," she said adding that the work inluded the cut- tin down of several 200- year old trees and the installation of two sidewalks. "The result," Carter said, "a lovely quiet old street with character is now more convenient for faster and more traf- f ic." She also claimed that despite the installation of two sidewalks, A Mutual of Omaha Campanq 209 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY students walking to school are facing even more hazards because of the increased traffic. Most of the new traffic flow, she maintains. is 1199 per cent commer- cial". Carter bas also requested that council consider banning left turns from Brock St. to Mary St. and from Dun- das St. to Mary St. in an effort to persuade trucks and other large vehicles from using her street. She also would like to see the ar.ea policed more effectively and have the five-ton limnit re-ins tated if it bas Iap- sed. TIM WILSON FOR A FREE QUOTATION ON YOUR*.AUTO OHOME I. *CONDOMINIUM *RENTERS INSURANCE ILOW RATES-FRIENDILV- PERSONAL SERVICE Ji Centre Ward Coun. Marcel Brunelle has sympathy for Carter's situation and believes that a means must be found to divert heavy commercial traffic from Euclid St. "What we need to do is find another way to provide easy access to Dundas St.," he said adding that one possible solution could be to in- staîl traffic ligbts at Byron and Dundas Sts. and a four-way stop sign at the corner of Byron and Mary Sts. In this way, traffic could be diverted down Byron St. which is primarily a commercial district between Mary and Dundas Sts. 'II agree with the people - we need a way to re-route the traffic," Brunelle said addlng that he doesn't believe that the reconstruction itself was responsible for the current problems. "The reconstruction didn't cause the problem," he said, "the problem existed before we reconstructed Euclid St.,, He would also like to see a five-ton limit placed on streets in the area and points out that Byron St. is wide enough to carry commercial traffic. 1"We have to get a con- trolled intersection at Byron and Mar and v,* should have designated truck routet in the downtown area," Brunelle added. "lWe have to make it less convenient for people to use Mary St. " Brunelle also main- tains that council didn't rebuild Euclid St. to be a major access road for commercial traffic. "We have no intention of using Euclid St. as a major truck route" he said. "We're her e to serve you" Constitution. Insurûnoe Company o i GO NATURAL HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTRE LTD. 121 BRO CK ST. N. 668-2681 CLEARANCE'SALE SPEANUT BUTTER 31.00 carton (Bring own carton and save 20$> Maple Granola 11.50 (500g) Cosmetlcs & othor producis