Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1985, p. 23

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WHITBY FRFE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,1985. PAGE 23 FREE PRESS E M PORIU lwM Emporium Ads will only bc accepted subjeet to the following conditions. M -.~.-----or CHOC. BROWN carpe) (110131. $5. Of-whte carpe)t x 11), $20. Ouatty of aoderpad, $20. Aum. door (34x82), $20. Sottd ronîdoor (34x82),$560. New 5' arborte ratted coustertop, $20. Two n0w shootsl of arborite, $6. 5' used ar- boitte, $4. 12' rotted countertop. double stttks and laps, $45. Sngle stnk, $7.50. Bisa basIn, I eps and drain, $12.50. Mrrored medcîne cabinet, $5. 13' staîr haodrett, 57.50. Oaanftty amber decorator glass (geat for bar), $20. Mahogany bi101, (24x79, $10. Louved 51)0145 (32x79 34x77), $15 each. Antque fodtng do0r (touvrOd 08k), $5. Set of an- tique double doors (tetrtor) 56x79, coder, $25. Phane 668- 7404. FOR SALE grls and boys bkes, $35 ach. Cati 683-6638. FOR SALE Go Kats - 1982 Bob- ca, excellent cotnditon, $750. 1979 Tamcat, good condittion, $50. Bth have G200 5 hp. angnssand extra parts. CatI Grog, 680471. FOR SALE betge upholstorecl mahogany chair, $100. Ttreo tier walsut shoît an pdestat, $20. Largo capaclty watOr sottoner, $200. Green Bracado sofa, $150. Phono 666&4877 or 4338998. FIVE large double sider win- dows, $50 ach. Aum. e10cm door, rui cotour, $50. Cati 655- 3176. ANTIQUE combinatton wood and locti tovoc, Ideai for cottage. eacelent conditton, $460. 655- 3583. FOR SALE ptow, 2 turrow, for 3 point hilcf,tIke new, $295. Phono 8555-4995. GREY ARBORITE table and 4 chairs, $45. Uprghî Hoover vacuum, $20. Watnui finish cof- tos table, 2060", $45. PicnIc table wiit 1014 ln 2 benches, $50. Brown oiumisum door, 32M"0, loft, $45. Oak 000001 diffin table, $5. Wringor washor, $25. Five ktchon chair, chrome, $4 each. Phonoe68-9017. WEDDI NO DRESS size 7, chuf- ffoollee aar tattota, Pearl em- broidered oke, chapel train, matchIng caihodrat iengh voil, cosi $350 new, asking $200. Phono 578-8218. FOR SALE Ose Maruntz lape dock and receiaer, 4 Luxer speakers, 155 ers aid, $1.000. Ose Tecttlcs System. complote with cabinet, 1 pear old receiver, lape dock, lursiabte, 2 speakers, 1 Roalistic lape dock, $1.200. Remingon sholgun, semi- aulamatlc, FAC required. model 1100, complte wllh case, shelis asd duck decoys, 6 monlhs aid. $450. Cannon AE-i Pragrammed camera euth flash, $325. Cui Debble or Marty, 6664878. FOR SALE sway bats lot bouse traiter, $60. 30 dlvided dinner rays, $1.50 each. 504 spread asd drapes tor double bed and one set lot twln size bed. $15 a st. Two rods lot sheers, wIll extesd la 150,$5. Phono 6556000. NEW PATIO ambroila (crankiyppo and table, $60. Atique tablo asd 2 chairs, $65. 30" white aloalric slave, $85. 24 whie oas slave, $50. Inglis washortspisdryer, $45. F1001 polisher. $5. Bundie buggy, $5. Haitdrper, table modal. 59.50. Hugo naw staircase, $12. Sturdy ceosas hammock, $7.50. Targa mens 10 spoed biko. $25. Slacklsg winerack, $5. Standard lypewrlter, Royal. ecellent con- dition, $50. Older Remington iypewriier, goad, 525. Large com- tartabto armolsair, $25. Phono 8668-7404. SOFTWARE for T. . Protssiosal Compater. CPIM66, CBASICI86, RMICOBOL, $upercatc. Easywrltor i, SasyspolOr i, Mutlptoo BPI, tnvosiary Cant. Al unusod. $50 ech. 668.3932 ovoninge. 7 Fr. HEAVY steel tow chair with hooko, $8. Two white marbte siabs V¾e15x711, 515. Roli geivasized wire, $2. Laundry tub pump and mtaI. $45. Radial ires (lke nec) 75R15. $20. Gas power mower (won't sieni), $15. Videx machine iest la reol, $20. Por- table radio cassette player. $15. Largeofofice chair, $5. Astique Uxderwood typowritor. $10. Old tashlosed bars ight, $10. 810,0 3 bladod boat propeilor. $50. Assoried bicycle rames and par- ts, $7.50 the lai. Two 8' fluorescent tixiaros. $10. Phase 668-7404. 14 PT. Fî9ERGLASS casoe. $160. 6 f. rsdetiat dialg board lot swimmiog pool, $100. Tea buroor propane camping 51000euwih edeplor lortfuel, $20. Cati 433. 4689. -PLEASE ltEADI- Wtten the' adverttsevt item is salît, dispaseofol or unavaitahît' for whatever rousons. the itemt wilho doomned ta have tu-on sotd and a cormission mîl e rharged ltased an THIE AISVEIITISEII lE as iltusrated hetaw. regardtess if prire ts stated wth hbesl aller' If the item s N<T SOlLI), or dspased of, the ad oilix' ran for :1 MItNTIfS and a MINIMUM CHIARGUE vI$7 50) wtt) apply payable înadvance aI puhiration of te first adt Theahutve minimum charge wttt te apptîed ta the isal aomtissvtn<ue Maxiuoan tmmissio$100 0 IAttadver- tisemeaLs tmast ho plarexi an att exrlustve hasts wth the Wtt ITIIN' FItEE PRESS and runaiut tast one mont h il nott satd RATES 1If article is s-odt of e ads'erlised price ap tu0$400.00 or o)balasce oer $400-00 EXAMI'I,: Sld Item adverîised for Si so.96. om missin dae $7.50 imisimam charge isS7.50h Privato advertistng oniy! Pieuse notify tho Whitby Freo Prs tmmodiutoty when item is sittd sa thal wo may deleto t lrom the ollowmng issue Att ads soi fitiing the Emporium guidolînos ciii ho treated and chargoxi per week as regulur ctassîfiod ads os a pre-paîd basis such as: services, heîp wasted. cîothing, roui estato. and persosai message type ados. or ados ot quoting prIce or quautity Privato ctassifîed ads muy appoar in tho Emporum section under apprîîprîate headîngs ALI, ADS WILL GOI N CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS (THEIIWISE SPECIF'iED, MAIL. MISI): FREE PRESS 1EMPORHIUM Pli. Box 206 Whilhy, 1.1N luI If ln doubi cati: 668-6111 131 ltraek St. N. Whitby. fiel. TIIE IEAI)LINE FOR1 EMPORIIUM AI)S IS TIIE FRII)AY PIIEVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUILT immifatios BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. ireplace with inlad grey bricks pull with scope. quiver and 16 Fr. SIDEWINDER gold and marble Irearth electric logo loader, $500 or best offer. 434- metillc, completely refinlshed. and fireplace screen Included, 62.$3600. Phase 728-6700. $300. Beginners sel of drums, - - - ANTIQUES country store coun- ter $600, makes a great roc. roam bar. Church pea. $350. Phase 571-3636. STEREO PACKAGE receiaer, lot- niable, cassette dock. equatizer. 2 speakers, $400 complte. Car ster0o. Saspo receivor. 200 watt power booster, 4 speakers, 2 are 6x9 Alpines, other 2 are 4" Tes- ox, $250868-3084 or 666-0801. ANTIQUES, moving wthout ihom. Scetaty (arp unique), $760. Ballet, $375. KItches htch, $450. Pine table. $200 Nass hat- vosi table, $900 asd pressback Zeuss chairs. set oi 6, $150 each. (table and chairs aery unique). Phone 571-336. PHOTOGRAPHIC Esiarger 4" o 5" negative capabiltyiiyea91lfot starter habbpisl, $90. Garage Door. metloverhead. B' wtde T high. att hardware etc.. $75in Whilby. cati anytime. 663989 TIRE BALANCE machine by 'Bear Prectstos Baasclng, 110 volts, single phase. 20 amps, ait ai- tachmonts 10, balance up 10 and Isctudisg large truck lires, 4 poars oId, perteci condition, $1,495. Tire Changer by Bis1h- mas', electricihydrauiic, takes tire sizes 7.0015 lhrough 14.00- 24, Duplex, 10.0016.5 through 18.0022.5, 4-20 piy ratIsg, 230 voit, modol so. 931A, hardty used, 110w cosi $7,., oit tor $2.850. 655-4995, Brookln. 1988 VOLKSWAOON sunroot, good molor, tires, tesdors, sait lot parts, $200. Cati 555-8528. 1972 PINTO for parts, gaod motor, transmission and tires, $200 or beal aller. Tow truck oquipmesi complete, boom asd boom tecks, revoiaiog 19gh15 and saddie, eetra rigging, 10.000 lb eleclric winch, work ioad of 9.500 hbo., excellent condition, $1,500 or bent oiter. Fhone 6553006. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parts. 25068 cpI. and many sew parts, $250 or besi aller. 1600 cc motor tram a 1973 Pinto, 52,000 miles, ail new aseais, $200 or besi oiter. Midiasd AMIFM cassette slOreo with 6x9, 3 way, 200 watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" ri ma, $10 each. Two oew ultra Trac Il radial tires, sizo 191 ESCORT, $3.500 or bosi al- lor. Cati belote soon or aller 8 pm., 434-6026. 19660 CEV Impala Stationwagorî. auto trass., ps., p.b., electric rear window dotrosior, air cond., tint glass. AMIFM sierea cassette lape, catisa Immacutl. $55.5000or besi aller. Cati Peut, 666&3802 or Joanne 5795269. 1980 HONDA Ciatc, AMIFM storoo cassette, 125,000 kms., $1,600. Phonoe66-0440. 1970 DODOE Colt, g004 con- dition, extra tires, $550 as sa. Cati 655-3109. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air cxsdittasing, $600 or bosi aller. Cali 655-3176. 1970 FORD 3/4 ton wlndow Vas, tule rosi, hoavy duly, inssaated and rugged, muetssiti, $1.200 or besi aller. Calil5685900. 1976 BUICK REGAL, new Mchelin ires, battety, rad, suspension, $750. Phono 655- 4682. 1975 PONTIAC Lemans, ps., phb., AMîFM sterea cassette, ex- FOR SALE cramîc Sansoîa le 15FI. INVADER. day salaor with r teateats , . iianaiiand a-a ,0- co lant condition, $1,550 cor- kits, $425 asd mai45. $100. Phase cover and salis. excellent con. ced. $130. Phase 655-9760. tiod. Phonoeao8-4907 or 668- 668-8887. diios, $1,250. Phone 728700. --605-4. FOR SALE boys stasdard bike.MUIA 24" tires. $25. Three speeox0 7 C ~ l IIIJNTU ETIH fan, $20. PhoneS6-8429. V AEsRNASî Σ US I O O V A A A Y Z 2 0~M U S T S E L I G ib s o n b a s e g it r13 0 S 1992 AAAY25' e with hardoholi case, aery good FRMLDNNROMsi, U~ W W ~ ountoytres. aoswnr sttxocet. condition, $360. Phono 723-2579, sOiiALD VdOd. ooilesuitae. Baesses racîsg rends $850. Caliisldwoecletsae BABY ITEMS lot sale, aitl n voty 668-4093, usk lot Steve seriaus isqairies oniy. mado by Hauseofa Braomore, 9 goxd condition. Loveseat, $30.- places - 2 atm chairs, 4 side Swing-O.Matlc. $15. Car bed, $15. 99SZKt100. er od HARMONIUM, smatI astique chartabllotasdishatch10 $2.0 Rockisg loxoge chair, $10. Cai 17 UUI10DSvr od pm rafml erom otby uftadhth 250 668-7269, asytimo. co666-2273 ng$40.Phne $ 1.000or besi ottor. John or Nan- Phone 66-5914. 686-2271cy 668-4335. BABY CR19 with cesopy, in- dadaes matross and beddisg. $200. Baby cradie, $100. 666- 2273 CRI B, white colonial style. double drap ides, Inctades mai- tress and bamper pad, $100, Car seat. Hi-Ryder, bxrgundy cor- duroy. $40. Telnstroitor. naay. casopy. tandem, $80. Htgh chair, romovabte iray. vinyt animai priot. $25. At Items 2-3 posesolId. in goad conditions. 666-5925. 1978 SUZUKI GS 400, goad con- dition. $600 Phone 668-3447. 1976 YAMAHA 750, oaded lot toaring. Ptter and Krauser eqatppod. toarlng seul. AMIFM cassette sterea. $1.500. Phono 666-3483. 1976 KAWASAKI KZ 750. $650 us s. 1976 Yamaha RD 400. $200 as 1 a 668-3064 or 666-0801 chairs, $95. Otning room set, 4 chairs. 5295. Aitl n oxcolontcon- 41h05n. 683-6838. SIX KITCHEN chairs, wooden, $20 each. Maple hall table, $125. 6000400 kîtchonseso and 5-chairs, $110. Threond tables,,525 eech. Catil 683-6638. BEDROOM SUITE, qaoos size. 6 places, moditorasoan stylo, made by Gibard, $60. Phase 66-5914. CON FUSEDP Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporiuni sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. 1)on't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because y-ou have If you: *are a private advertiser; -have an article to sel:; and, -have a specified asking price for yîîur article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details t Vour ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsot A minimum charge applies ft each Empotrium ad; $750 payable in advance hefore the first int sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli withîn îhree mott- ths, you pay only the minimum charge Il is ut- fortunate that no newspaper can guaranlee vîsur article will selI, but wheré else c<uld vutu gel three months advertîsîîîg Ifor unlv $7 510" When your article sels, a coimmission s charged, based on the advertîsed price ('om- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. *~~q4 K questions. Hlopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if fiot, do cal (008-0111 and we'Il be pleased to explain 1 have read the Empoium guiîk'lines above and i v.isît lui haste 1i -folluiwing adverl isenenl placed under I his section111 ilthehi- ( l (usl-'ît- IPres 1-ncluise $7 50Il 11-1s1r11te Inîîîîîuîfil hargu- ('ha rgu $7 5111 trnYVi-sa titIt Na tnie( pliae Pr it 1 w.-Aî11 - F- ii, WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Patl Code Belutsî art' soith' îxatfples iof what you would be v-(î.rgt'd t)ls uur artile -stld within three months. Comiîîssionts shiwiwt nc'Iude the minimum Chîar-ge-andtiaret' hus the TOTAL AMOUNT Prlitc $ 20 $ îO $ 48 $2 ((iii $:i881 $4,(()Ot I $50110 and Up Payable 810.10 $ 15.001 s 20.001 $22.00 $24.(M) $26(111 S:12.I81 $ 52.001 $72.00 $92.00 $100.00 t ILY 1 the Emporium Section to vou don t foret l-, im ludc -ui likillll--" Ek,

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