PAGWl 210,WEDNESDAYJULY 31, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Mayor MeLean says Ajax asked for another seat because regional council failed to correct representation inequities Regional council--il voes rers ntativ wu By SUSAN LESJAK Free Press Staff Despite a bill recently laid before tise Ontario Legislature that would give Whitby and Ajax each an additional seat at Durhsam Regional Council, it looks unlikely that tise composition of regional council will change - at least for another 3 years . Tise clause in Bill 22 affecting regional coun- cil, introduced by Durisam West MPP George Ashe, encoun- tered tise opposition of Oshsawa M.P.P. Michael Breaugis. As tise legislature would have isad to pass tise bill im- mediatelyfor it to take effect before tise municipal elections tis November, tise desire of tise towns of Ajax and Whitby to increase tiseir representation on regional council, ap- pears to have been ths- warted again. According to Ajax Mayor Bill Mclean, tise town has been 4- ç\i.......... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WH ITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES C LO0SE D CIVIC DAY - MON DAY, AUGUST 5, 1985 WH ITBY TRANSIT The Whitby Transit WILL NOT be in operation on Civic Day, Monday, August 5, 1985. The Transit System wiII resume normal operations on Tuesday, August 6, 1985. We regret any inconvenience that may be caused by this action. R.A. KUWAH ARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. THAT'S ALL Just 60' ... is ail your Free Press carrier will be asking you for ... 60e for a whole month of home delivery of your local newspaper. This voluntary payment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper costs so little and offers s0 much 10 local residents. And even if you don't want to contri bute we 'l deliver your newspaper anywqy. Your 60c payment may flot seem like very much money but it mearis a lot 1 oU carrier and to us. Your carrier earns more money and as a resuit is more properly rewarded for a job well done. Your local newspaper benefits through defrayed circulation costs and happier carriers. And you benefit by supporting and helping to maintaifi yur very own truly local newspaper. P.S. You can win valuable prizes also! So when your carrier says "Free Press calling" you'll know whatit's aIl about and that your money is going to be well spent. LHTBY FREE PRE SSd 131 Brock Street North Whitby 668-6111 requesting that ils representation, and Wiitby's, bc increaseti from 2 seats to 3, and 3 to 4 respectively, since 1976. "As population growth has occurred since 1974 (when tise regional council was f ir- st formed), tisere isas been no cisange in tise number of represen- tatives per municipality," says McLean. Tise result, ise dlaims, is gross inequities in represen- tation. currently composed of 30 members, a mayor and -10 councillors per municipality, deter- mincd, in principle by population. This sisould work out to one representative for every 1,000 people. Tise town of Newcastle, however, isas a smaller population tisan Ajax and twice as many council members, poin- ted out McLean. Tise township of Brock, ise went on, isas one mem- ber for every 5,000 Sateite 1W 0 .it's catching À1 One -day 'ou wîlI hiave a Satellite I)ish on \'otul roof. Whiy fot make t bat day tom-orrow. Satellite TV offers \'ot movies, major sp)orts events, world iHCws. and quality children's oran ming. lt's a world et enter- tainment for yoti and votîl. family. And it c(>sts less than youn might think. Corne i n todlay foi' d freec lCf1ol1strlt ion. BROOKLIN ELECTRONICS 655-4069 Hwy 12 Norhî ïl i trý GO NATURAL HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTRE LTD. 121 BROOK ST. N. 668-2661 CLEARANCE SALE SPEANUT BUTTER 31.00 carton (Bring own carton and save 20$) Mapis Granola 31 .50 (500g) Cosmetics & other producis vTirs nraefAa and Wisibyreresen-ja atdion uld ot pren to tise n pen iouite ees, mt McLuien, butit woud repreent i aul ",progressive" step in tise right direction. While Osiawa's Mike Breaugis does not dispute tise fact that municipalities are unequally represented ise said he is opposed to Bill 22 for "procedural" reasons. Cianges in the composition of municipal bodies are normally passed by the legislature only at the request of that local body dlaims Breaugis. "lWe can find no record of a motion being passed by tise Region of Durham requesting this," ise said. "Tise matter was discussed two years ago and coun- cil voted down Ajax's request for additional representation." "Unless I hear or see it from regional council, tisen I'm not going to vote in favor of tise bill," ise said. "When isas anyone in Durisam isad tise cisance to address tiis issue?" tise New Democratic MPP asked. "Tisis is (Durhsam West MPP) George Asise deciding ise's going to do this. In a democracy you don't decide tisese tisings on your own. . .George is a little awkward witi tise democratic process in general." Ajax's mayor disagrees. "Breaugis is entirely wrong" to question tise correctness of tise procedure, ise argued. Tise precedent, says MeLean, was set f ive years ago in an 'iden- tical case involving tise town of Markham and tise Region of York.-" The town of Ajax only went to tise province, ise said, after trying and failing to correct tise representational inequi- ties at tise regional level. Altisougistise regional council's Review Corn- mittee recommended as early as 1982 tisat Ajax and Wiitby be granted one more seat, council has neyer endorsed tise recommendation. "Some of tise smaller municipalities were concerned," said McLean, "that if we were granted an extra seat, tisey'd isave their seat (or seats) taken away." Whitby mayor Bob At- tersley shares Mcbean's displeasure over tise dispropor- tionate representation on regional council, but he does not favor the proposed addition of councillors due to tise already unwieldly size of regional council. It was Ajax and not Wiitby, dlaims Atter- sley that initiated tise Bill 22 proposed. Wiitby's mayor has also expressed concern that if thse town were granted an extra seat or regiotial couneil, il --ild nievt-ssitate a bring the number of town councillors from seven to eight, creating an akward even num- ber, says Attersley. Tise present uneven number allows the mayor to cast tihe decisive vote ini the event of a tie. McLean, however, is not concerned about problems resulting from tise addition of coun- cillors - either to the regional or to thse town council. "I don't really tisink tisat two on top of 30) will make tise regional council any more unwieldly than it already is," he said. As for an even num- ber of town councillors, McLean says there are plenty of councils that operate effectively witis an even number of representatives. What bothers McLean is tise fact that tise bill isas only received tise first reading in tise legisiature. "Even if it were passed attise next meeting of tise legisiature October 15, it stili wouldn't go tisrougis before November. As this type of legisiation can only be passed im- mediately prior to an election, "1I'm afraid," said McLean, "we'Il isave to wait another 3 years. " Post office is closed Monday Al greater Whitby area Post Offices will be closed and tisere will be no letter-carrier delivery on tise 'Civic Holiday", Monday, Aug. 5. "Special Delivery" services will' be available for ail 'Special Delivery' items, in- cluding Intelpost and Telepost. Regular In- telpost and Telepost will be delivered on a 'next- delivery-day' basis. Post of fices witis Saturday isours will be open as usual on Aug. 3. Customers wiso nor- mally pick up tiseir mail at post office lobby "lock-boxes" will be able to do so, wisere the boxes are accessible on a 24-hour basis. Priority Post Courier Service will not operate on Aug. 5. Regular postal ser- vice will resume in Canada Post Cor- poration's Yà i' Division on Tuesday, Aug. 6. her fn tniun omineil. Anotr