\VIIITB F13YEI I IZRl SS.Wl DINI .S)AYJ Ut Y 24. 1985.i>AGE 25 AD~ PSYCHIC READINGS by Mrs. Grace, 25 ears experlasce In Tarot Carda, Palms, crystul naît phases et lite. ail readinge are 1078 CHEV Malibeu wagon. guaranteud accurate. Prvate 48oo miles, certitied. A-I con- consultations, $10. Aalatle tor dtien. $3.750. Phonee 6U-3396. parties and social gatheringa. _______________ caîl for appeintmant 7284602 Oshawa ~MAR ET ~ 9e7 ?CIEV 34tonl pick-up tor pur- LINDSAY FLEA MARKET en Lit- lie Bitain Read. Opus Saturctay and Sucday. ars' pruduca and C I C RE vundera wanted. Phoe 705-324- SR IE 2783, Lindsay.- ERICES10AL "1GRAMMER for peope whe hale grummur" sethea delpeekt retesce book for business people. $395 pur cepy and unuttubteaiet Ockses Priting & Oice Supplia. ln the Aax Plaza. Dealer acquitts nnitad 6831868. FREE: Drop lte the OlksOn Pristing & oice Supply store ln the Aau Plaza and pick up a tre copy of their 1985 Metric dates- dur. Printed In twe colouts. Il muCus lot handy reterence. 683- 1968 FLr5RID1 VACATION dluarwater - Threu budroem mobile homes. Haated pools, tniclosetle bauches and mulot attractions. elidran wetcoealiase thun motel Oroomi 683-5503 6VACATION V.WRIE N A 1 LS TWIN ROCKS RESORT oniy 2 heurs te Lakattont bousakeepIflg cottages. Nom booking. Opesinge rom Aug. l0to Labour ay. SPECIAL bulteabck te echoot ratas Item Aug. 17. dli or write 1705-489-2247. R.R.2, Min- dun, Ont., KOM 2K. WILL Do DAYCARE ln My home, ae 3 te 6, weekdays. cati 668- 8164. EXPERIENCED reliabte prinalu daycara. tul er par-time program. sutritieus muais, watt equtppud play arua, lecated by bospItut, Oshawa, 723-836. YARD SALE 709 Castra Street South, Whtbp. Satarday. Juty 27 CONGRATULATIONS os pour lorthcomIng marriaga. Peuse view our samples ot engraved wuddisg invitaions ut pour teisure ls eut Aax Plaza stote. icksos Printing & Ofice Sup- plies. 683-1968 TYPEWRITER rentai. many makas and modela. by tna weekend, weir or month. Discounts availabte, ickson Pinlng & Office Supplies ln the Alan Plaza, dail un lot business machine repaire 683-1968. WHITBY OFFICE SPAcE lot tant on protssiosalI loor. Would bu suitabte lot awyer. accounitant, etc. Rent sncindes ait utilien and se nagetiable lot an approprite tenant. Pot tuthet Inormaion cuil 668-6312 betwes 9:30 a.m. und 5 .m. Mosday ta riday. You navet have te tuai alose. Strop the ads n ithbuWhitby Free Prens lot news of com- munity happenings. enter- taismant and social avants ln pour utea! WHITBY FREE PRESS , ARTCLESARTICLES 1085 FORD ESCORI, p.b. B. GENDRON beby carriuga uasking CHESTERFIELD suites, sunrot, automutic, excellent $35. Phone 728-5787. eveseats, sudIosais. unss than condition. Phone 66-3553.____112_____ uprce. Large slaction. U McKenFuro a 1, 24 Simoea VIarenoue u appvr tu St.S.,Oshwa. 25-181 savings on desks, chairn, fliing cabinets. etc. cal icksen Prin- ting & Office Supplies le arrange an appeinîment to iew. 683- 1968. MATTAESSES and bou springs ut hait price. McKeen Furnilure. 524 Simcoe StuaItSouth, Oshawa. 725-5181. VACUUMsasue mesey, E-2000 Eecîrotue with power nozziu, $470. Other used modems anuiabte. cati Peter 688-1855> Repairing ail makes. GEOTYPE prennesn letering now n stock ai ickson Printisg & Of- ice Supplies in the Aax Shop. ping Plaza. Large suiectien et styles and sizus. Wbypapy more for a smeliar sheet et ietering? 683-1968. WILL THE Iwo yeusg ladies who niole s'y ambrelta Item Kritisa Laua os Menday t 1:00 kindtp cuit 668-6770 and t wiltt lhemn have the coer. C.H.t.P. PROGRAM. Only 251 days tait. Fr a frea astimate con- tact Mccleane Issuietlie Sur- ices, 1-60-263-3204. --IIERaES et the Bible" colouring book avalablu t ickson Pris- tise & office Supplies. Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries Inited. Charlie is sîck ai brokes promises and has prne ta the nid reliablu, Dickson Printing & Office Supplies for asured service. il.USTDA 8316 eSeminar for omen OnIy "RENEWING VOUR WORTH" uHeId at the Whitby Library, Program Room, 405 Dundas Street West July 29 & 30, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Pre-registration $12. At the door $15. rFor further information cali 571-1408, Valieree Brecht. PHIOTOCOPYN NG - NP 660-0111 OR LESS M .B.M l>II 1 ISIIIN(, P1-3,BROCK SE -N. Help keep Red Cross ready. +~ AUCTION SALE THURS., JULY 25 6:00 P.M. At Orval McLean Auctian Center - Lindsay. Fur- niture, appliances, some antiques, arlista sup- pilies. Praperty ai DAVID BROWN, B. LOBLAW & local estates. Cookatove, Franklin slave, portable & built-in diahwasher, neariy new Hitachi auto portable washer & mat- ching dryer, chester- filds, wringer washer, new Filuer Queen vacuum, china cabinet, chesta, dressera, beda, sterna, McLary 30" goid canlinuous dlean slave, ref rigeratl3r, many books, bedding, Cam- ping supplies, trunk, iadder, deer head, TV. tawer, hand toals, 2 radiai tires, pine break- fast naok, quality dressera, wainut hall table, portable calor T.V., freezer, large quantity furniture, some coliec- tables, Ice cream freezer, artiat supplies, 6 p.m. sharp. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., JULY 26 6:00 P.M. Three miles east ai Little Britain or 7 miles west ai Lindsay an the Lin- dsaylLittie Brilain Raad. Round aak spli pedestai table (ciaw feed and 4 leaves>, oak buffet (bowed glass doors), 9 pince mapie dining room suite, 6 oak carved dining chairs, wainut corner cabinet, aak ex- tension table (2 leaves), wooden rocking chairs, re-inished pine harvesi table, re-inished dressera and washstan- da, ca-ail lampa, Kirby vacuum (ail attachmnnts. like new), brasa shipa bell, mapie dropleat table, quantity of depression glass and cracks. 3.9 Mercury oui- board motor, 5 h.p. M.T.D. rear tine garden tractor, quantity ai china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.l LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE WED. AUG. 14 110:00 A.M. Consignment sain aI Or- val McLean Auction Cen- ter - Lindsay - Massey Harris 44 traclor and tarm impiemenla tram nsate of BLANCHE WEBSTER RICH - OAK- WOOD plus consign- ments accepted ai machinnry, cars, trucks. boats, Irailers, mator- cycles, campera, lawn & garden equipment, bools, NOTE PLEASE CON- SIGN by JULY 26. Bring ta barn or phone 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA$IVUFiIDI ( PTIVENTS/1 (à CNOOSFOR RENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, ----- Whtby. saw concept in living. 1-2 budroome M-957-RANGER IN TOWN? CUSTOM-BUILDERS home on Whtby Hiitop:t/j acre, badrooms, 2 bath.. 2 irapaces, tIbruty. privta, $186.000. Phone OFICE SA ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words, every endeavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage a beffiuet uhs nao o orpi alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding aieror i re t he cosat dofrtospaceocpied TS ETS-$7.00 for the first 100 words. 12e each suhrpi.Weilnobeepnibefroxubr publcato n eodadtoarod bthe orror up ta a maximum coat of the firat insertion, replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, (ARDS 0F TI-ANKS -$1.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ada must appear in the paper st 5 words; 12t each additional word. DEAILNES: Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert CLASSIFIEI) RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 0 e n owr d ioeî bisr rcne moimAs ditional word if pre.paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBEItS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL TAd ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whtby Free Press will make 668-6111 AUCTION SALE MON., JULY 29 10:00 A.M. Large antique estate auclian plus contents ai century home tram Bob- caygeon at Orval McLean Auction Cenler, Lndsay. 35x52, 2 board pine har- veal table, beautitul ral top antique dnak, adver- tising signa, 30 - 06 rife, 12 gauge shatgun, an- tique chesta, dressera, aak dining chairs, copper tub, antique washnr, screen door, ruga, 6 ex- cellent preasback chairs, parlour tables, washstands, parlaur chairs, loveseal, square aak dining table, antique bureaus, antique rockers, box top Singer treadie machine, trunka, couch, DL. table, drap i ront deak, open waahstand, carved dressera, sideboard with exceptionai carved top with beveiied mirror, an- tique beda, Weber piano, oak ibrary table, gramophone case, Quebec heater, Oak dining roomn suite, Malcolm quaiity 9 pc. dining roomn suite, 2 rei ridgeratora, lnctric slave, beautitul 12 place setting Coalport dinner- warn, several discon- tinued Royal Douiton figurines (bath men & ladies), other fine fur- niture, china, couaec- tables, antique chesi ai drawnrs, Pennsyivania Dutch blanket box, an- tique pine bianket box, Ox yoke, antique jeweiiery, coin collec- tion, Hummel figurines, depression glass, books, pr. sterling candiesticks, engraving & prinîs. Dont miss this quaiity estate 10 A.M. sharp. No reser- ve. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY 668-4-- 5--2-1- CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., JULY 30 6:30 P.M. Three miles east ai Little Britain or 7 miles West af Lindsay an the Lin- dsaylLittle Britain Road. Tools - the property of the late BILL GRAHAM ai Lindsay. Canadiana drill press, Power King table saw, pipe vice, set ai laps and dyea, emery, quantity af carpenter tools. Also conaigned 8 plece modern dînette suite (excellent con- dition), chestertielda, coi tee and end tables, ingls apt. size washer and dryer, portable and console color TV.'s, single box spring and mnattresses, modern dressera and cheat ai drawera, occasional chairs, aval top trunka, wainut end tables, quan- tity of tocols, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AIJOTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., AIG. 1 6:00 P.M. At 1845 Rosebank Rd. N., Pickering. (1 mile north ai Hwy. 2) Praperty ai the nsate ai the laie ENA McBRIDE, lurniture, an- tiques, coliectablea, and a large amount af dishes. A nice dlean sale. Terma cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! Phne668-8943 ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE...