Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1985, p. 24

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-- -.-. À%/ fil.IV 'IA ,lsrillu515TIT5i/ ?n2EPRIE P CHOC. BROWN carpal 111x131, $50. 0f -whlae carpat IBll, $20. Oaantity of antiarpati, $20. Alum. door (34x82), $20. Soiti roottisar 34s62, $W0. New 5 arbarita rolleti counlertop, $20. Two n0W shoots f aibaite, $. 5 useti ar- bonte, $4. 12'rliteti countertop, double sinka andti aps, $45. Single sInk, $7.50. Blue basIn, laps anti drain, $12.50. MIrroreti madicîsa cabinet, $5. 13 stair handrail, $7.50. OuantIty amhar dacaratsr glas great for bar), $20. Mahogany bifotti, 24x791, $10. Louvrati bifltis f32x79 - 34x77), $15 each. Antique toldlng door Itosoreti oak, $5. Set oI an- tique doubla doors Itanionl 56x79, cadar, $25. Phase 668- 7404. FOR SALE grls anti boys bikas, $35 escl. Cai 683-6638. FOR SALE Go Karts - 1982 Bob- cat, excellant condition, $750. 1979 Tomcat, goati casdtiln, $550. Bth hase G200 5 hp. angines asti extra parts. Cati Greg,660471. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT ta get pou startetiln an asphal trivaway sealing business, usati fxr twa sommera, saw $1.600, wiii sait for $1.200 or hast ofler. Cali Wat, 668-1337. FIVE large double siitier win- tiaws, $50 each. Alsm. stsrm doar, rusl colour, $50. Cati 655- 3176. ANTIQUE combination wooti anti aiectric stove, Ideai for cottage, eocellent condition. $460. 655- 3w8. FOR SALE plow. 2 frrow, for 3 point hilch, like new, $295. Phase 6554995. GREY ARBORITE table anti 4 chairs, $45. Upright Hoover vacIum, $20. Watnul finish cof- fea table, 0x60*, $45. Picnic table wilii bld In 2 banches, $50. Brown aiumlnum doar, 32xB0, telit, $45. Oak nanear dinlng table, $50. Wringar washer, $25. Fise kitchen chairs, chroma, $4 each. Phase 6689017. FOR SALE ceramic Sandtsona kil, $425 anti motls, $100. Phase 668-8887. FOR SALE eathar rocking chair, $25. Phose 668-554. FOR SALE FOR SALE Ose Maranîz tape tieck anti racisar, 4 Louer speakers, 1½ ears olti, 61,00. Osa Tchnics Sstem, complle wilh cabinet, 1 pear siti racaisar. tapaetiack, turntabla, 2 speakers, 1 Realatic tapa dac, $1.200. Remingon ahaigan, sami- autamatic, FAC reqireti, modal 1100, complets wilh case, shahls anti tuck tiacays, 6 monlhs aid, $450. Cannon A.E.-1 Programmati camera wilh flash, $32. Cait Dabbla or Marty, 666-487. FOR SALE ewap bars for bouse traiter, $50. 30 disideti dinnar traps. $1,50 each. Bati spreaat anti drapas for doublaehati anti ana set for lwin size hati, $15 a Bat. Two rodes for shears. will axtenti 10 1501,$5. Phase 655-8000. BARNETTE croabaw, 150 lb. pull with scape, quiver anti loadear, $500 or hast atter. 434- 6026. FOR SALE beige uphoistaetid mahoganp chair, $100. Three lier wainut shaîf on petiestai, $20. Large capacity wter soflaner, $200. Green Bracatia sofa, $200. Phase 88-4877 or 433-8998. FOR SALE bops standard bih, 24" tiras, $25. Threa spaati box fan, $20. Phase 68-8429. SOIFTWARE for T. 1. Profeasonal Computer. CPIM86, CBASICI88, RMICOBOL, Supercaic, Easywrter Il Easspelaer Il, Mltipian BPI, Ilnoanlory Contrai. Ail unusati. $50 aach. 688-3932 evenlngs. 7 FT. HE-AVY steel 10w chair wlh hooks, $8 Twa white marbia stabs 4l5.x5711, $15. houI gaisaniiati wIre, $2. Launtirp tub pump anti motor, $45. Radial iras (Ilika new) 75h15, $20. Oas power mowar îwont startl, $15. \idao machine usai la real, $20. Por- table radio cassette playar, $15. Large office chair. $5. Antique Untiarwoati typewriler, $10. Olti fashioseti bars Iight. $10. Brass 3 blatiat boat prapallor, $50. Assorteti bicycle frames anti par- fs, 67.50 thealt. TwO W fluorescent fixtures, $10. Phone 688-7404. 14 FT. FIBERGLAS$ canaa, $150. 6 f. rsitianlial tIiing boarti for swimming pool, $100. Two humner propane camping stase with atiaptot far fuel, $20. Cati 433 4889. When the ativerttsed item is sotti. tisposed of, or unavaitabte for miatever reason, the item wiii b.' tieemed to have heen solti anti a commissio wilt h.' charged haseti os TE ADVîERTISEI) PRIVE as iltustrateti hetow. regartitess if prce las tated wth -besi offer- 1f1he' item is N(iT SOLO, or dîsposeti of, the adti wll ho rus for 31 MiNTHS anti a MINIMUM CHIARGE of1$7.50 azli apply payable in atisasce of pubication of the (trot ad. The ahove minimum charge wîll h.' applieti to the final commission tise Maximum commission: $100,00 Alilativer- tisements must h.' placed os as exclusive bais wth the' WIIITOY IFREE PRIESS anti rus ai leasi one month il sol solti RATES (I article Is soIti i of e atverlîseti prier' UP ta 8400.0 2% et balance oser $400.00 EXAMPI.E: SettiItem ativertîseti for 915.00. Comission due $7.50 (minimum charge la 67.581 PrivaI.' atv.'rtising only! Please notify te Whilby Free Press immedialely when item ix salti xx thal w.' may delele il from te following issue. Al atis sol fitling te Emporium guitielines will b.' treateti asti cargeti per week as regular classiliet atis an a pre-pai basis sxch as: services. help aanteti. clof.hing. ceaI estale. anti personol message type atis, or atis fot quooinfi prIce or quantilyý Privai.' classifieti adn mop appeor in the Emporium secton untier approprîste heodings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, IflIn tisubt caîl: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whtby. Ont. TIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. NEW PATIO umbralla icranktypa anti tabla, $60. Antique table anti 2 chairs, $85. 30" white alectric stase, $65. 24" white gas stase, $50. Inglis washerlspintiryar, $45. Floor poilsher. $5. Bundie buggy. $5. Hairtiryar, table modal, 69.50. Huge naw staircase, $12. Slurtip cassas hammock, 67.50. Targa mas's 10 speati bike. $25. Stacking winarach. $5. Standard typawriter, Royal, excellent con. dition, $50. Oltiar Remington typawriler, goti. $25. Large com- fortabla armchair. $25. Phone 668-7404 WEDDING ORES$ size 7, chil- fonette oser tallata. panamý broitiareti pake. chapal trois, matchisg cathai lenglh sali, cost $350 saw. asking $200. Phase 576-8218. BABY ITEMS for sala, aitl n serY gooti condition. Losaseat, $30. Swing-O-Matic, $15. Car bai. $15. hocking lounga chair. $10. Cail 6M.7269, anytima. BABY CRIB with canopp, ls clutias maitrass anti batiting, $200. Baby cratIle, $100. 666- 2273. le PT. SIDEWINI2ER golti melallic, complelaly refisisheti, $3.600. Phase 728-700. 16 IFT. INVADER, day salaor with cover anti salis, aocellent con- dition, $1.250. Phase 728-6700. 1962 YAMAHA YZ 250, new Dunop ires, O55w0t siiescet. Boyessas racno etds. $950. Cou 668.4093, ask lot Stae 1979 SIJZUKI 100 OýS.. sery goati condition, asking $450. Phase 666-2273. 1978 SUZUKI GS 400, gooti con- dition, $600. Phase 668-3447. 1a76 VAMAHA 750, loatiet for iouring. Vtter asti rausat aqoippati, touring seat, AMIFM cassette sterea, $1.600). Phase 666-3483. 1976 KAWASAKI KZ 750, $850 ex s. 1976 Yamaha RD 400. $200 as s. 668-30m or 668-0801- CUSTOM BUIIT immitation tireptace with inlaîid gray bricks anti marble hearth electric logs anti lireplace screen inclutied, $300. Beginners set of drums. $150.1566-1336 ANTIQUES country store cous- ter, $800 makes a great rec. room bar, Church pew. $350. Plhsne 571-36X6 STEREO PACKAGE receiser, tar. stable, cassette tieck, equatizer, 2 speakers, $400 complete. Car sterea, Saspo receiver, 200 watt power booster. 4 speakers, 2 are 6x9 Alpines. ather 2 are 4" Tes- sox, $250. 668-3064 or 668-0801. ANTIQUES, moving azithoul themn. Secretary ivery unique). $780, Ballet, $375. Kitchen hulch, $450. Pins table, $200. Nuns hor. vst table, $900 anti pressback Zeuss chairs, set oi 6, $150 each. (table anti chairs very unique). Phone 571-3636. PHOTOGRAPHIC Eniarger 4" e 5" negatine capabilitp, Itieailfor starter hobbyist, $90. Garage Door, matai oserheati, 8 witi 7' high, ail hartiware etc., $75. i Whitby, cati anytime. 668-3988. TIRE BALANCE machina by'Bear Precision Baiancing, 110 volIs, single phase, 30 ampa, ail aI- tachmants 10 balance Up 10 anti inciutiing large trucks tires, 4 pears aid, perteci contittion, $1495. Tire Changer by 'Bish- man', lectrilhptirautic, takes lire sizes 700-15 through 14.00- 24, Duplex, 1000-16.5 throagh 18.0-225, 4-20 lly rattng, 230 soit, modal no. 931A, hartilp useti, new colt $7000, oeit for $2850. 6554995, Brookls. 1900 VOLKSWAGON sunrool, gooti motor, tires, fendors, sai tor parts, $200. Cati 668-8528. 1972 PINTO tor parts, gooti motar, transmission andti lras, $200 or hast offar. Tow truck equipmant comploe, boom asti boom racks, resoising lighls anti satitla, extra rigglng, 10,000 lb elactric winch, woiii toati 0f 9,500 has.. eocellent condition, $1500 or basf attar. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE 1974 Nons for parts. 250-6 cpi, anti many naw parts, $250 or hast citer. 1600 cc motar tram a 1873 Pinta, 52,000 miles, ail saw seais, $200 or besi oiter. Midianti AMIFM cassette starea, with 6o9, 3 way, 200 wattl speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rima, $10 each. Two naw ultra Trac Il radiai tires, size P18518OR13, mounteti anti alas- cati. $130. Phase 655-758. INSTRUENTS MUST SELL Gibson base guitar with hartisheil casa, sary gooti condition, $360. Phone 723-2579, sarisus ini7arias only. HARMONIUM, small astiqua pump argan, tamiiy hairloom, $1.000 or hast offar. John or Nan- cy 668-4335. %VPjI7IIi(If» FOR SALE 188 ESCORT, $3500 or hoastal- fer. Cati halara noan or afler 8 p.m., 4346026. 1980 CHEV Impala Statissaegon, auto rans., p.s., phb., aleclc rear wintiow defraster, air canti., tint glass, AMIFM tarea, cassette tapa, carise immaculata. $5.500 or beat offer. Cati Peut, 666-3802 or Joanne 5785269. 1970 DODGE Colt, good con- dition, extra tires, $550 as se. CaI 855-3109. 1970 CHRYSLER CORMMA Ps5., p.b., air cantIltioiltg, $800 or hoast 0ffer, Cali 655-3176. 1970 FORD 3/ ton wintiaw Van, little rusI, heavy duty, Insulateti anti ruggati, muaI sai, $1.200 or basl aller. Cal 668-900. 1970 BUICK REGAL, naw Michelin tiras. ballarp, radi, suspension. $750. Phone 655- 4682. 1975 PONTIAC Lamans, ps., p.b., AMIFM starao cassette, ex- cellent candition, $1,650 cer- tiedi. Phase 686-4067 or 688- 8054. - DININO ROOM SUITE, pins, Paul Bunyan collection, tabla 44x75, 2 Captais chairs, 4 ragular chairs, buttaI anti hutch, minI condition, $4.000. Phone 668-3430. FORMAL DINING ROOM soite, soliti wood, excellent shapa, matie by House oI Braamore, 9 places - 2 atm chairs, 4 sida chairs, tabla seats 8 t0 10 cors- fortabiy, buttaI anti hutch, $2,500. Phana 688914. FOR SALE maple ktchen sel, 4 chairs, $95. Dining room set, 4 chairs, $295. Ail in eocellent con- dition. 683-638. SIX KITCI4EN chairs, wootian, $20 each. Mapie hall tabla, $125. Woodan ktchan set anti5 chairs,, Si108. Thraa anti tables, $25 each. Cai 683-663. BEDROOM SUITE, quaen Buze, 6 pacas, meditaranean styla, matie by Gibarti, $600. Phase 068-8914. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have 2 questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'l be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: @are a private advertiser, *have an article to seli; and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you c8fl advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. if your article does NOT seli within lhree moîn- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. If s un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee vyîur article will sell, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7 50"' When your article seils, a coîmmissionîî s charged, based on the advertised prîce Com- mission is: 5% up <o $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described ahove. r have read the Emporium guidelines above andti wsh lii have the ifollowing adverlîsemenl placed under this section of the' Whîlhy Free- IPress, 1 encloîse $7.501 liicitver the rnnîtu tCharge $7 .501 tom%, Visa i' '*)ltl tarit %go %aîogo-. pl.'ase prin' idssi Isrgi i j-js i&-tivour phoniiuniisr ni c.harg- TO: Fnîî 1Ibat-* WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 lIl Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Pestai toe. 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