PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mayor' s Cup race to be held Aug. 10 Ahoy there! It's time for the Mayors Cup race. Ambulane service cails During the week that ended at midnight last Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded ta 102 cails for service. The service respon- ded ta 38 calîs of a rautine nature and ta 33 standby calîs for ther That is, il will be on Saturday, August 10, when entrants froni the ambulance services in Oshawa and Ajax. They also responded ta 31 emergency calîs, including four mator vehicle accidents. The number ta caîl for ambulance service in the Town of Whitby is 723-5232. D-V sIjqOf'F C,'7I()OT NO *Custom designs and repairs Same da y service on m inor repairs We Accepi Prsonal Cheques& Visa. 210 Brock St. South Whitby, Ont. OiN 4Kl Ph. (416) 666-4612 Port Whitby Marina or the Whitby Yacht Club wîll sali at 12:30 p-. from Whitby taO shawa and back and then relax aver a corn roast. Ilugh Burns, a manager at the Part Whitby Marina, said the purpose of the race is "ta have some fan out of sailing." There will be trophies, however, the mast coveted of which is the Mayor's Cup. There will be four categaries far entrants, the details of which are still being finalized. Ail those wishing ta take part in the race may pick up application farms at the marina. Greg Platt is the organizer far the race. Ail time details are subject ta weather con- ditions. This will be the sixth year for the race. Orange Crush, owned by Walter Drazdibob, wan the Mayar's Cup last year. ]Report from Queen's Park SBy THE lION. GEORGE ASIlE, MPP ç('C -TI)urhani W« Peterson 's first big mis take When you take an inexperienced government and ask them to deliver on election promises they neyer dreamed they'd have ta implement, you've got a real problem. If the problem happens ta affect two of the most important services provided. by government, that problem could welI become a disaster. Education and health care are simply too important to be played with by any government. Extending funding ta separate schools in this province is unquestionably the right thing ta do. Al three parties are in support of the initiative and were s0 committed throughout the election cam- paign. Now, however, we are faced with a method of implementation that truly boggies the mmnd. The new government tells us they are going ta hold public hearings across the province on this sub- also SALES& SERVICE ject. At the saine time they advise that through an order-in-council the funding will be extended for the September school start. One has ta ask what pur- pose could possible be served by holding hearings on a subject on which a decision, even the right decision, has already been made? Next, the government advises they are going ta refer the constitutionality of their legislation ta the courts for a ruling. Again, rather strange. Usually an opponent ta a particular action makes that request, not a proponent. Also. opening up the suh- ject ta a judicial ruling could well resait in a decision affecting aIl secondary school funding ta separate sehools in Ontario, not simply an extension of that funding. Also, the ruling will be after the fact. Now, perhaps there are some who can justify those particular actions in a rational manner. But, let me tell you, there isn't anyhody who can justify the proposed change in legisiatian which would only permit student entrance ta a school, if sufficient space was available. Separate school or public school. That is incredible. Our educational systemn is not a privilege. It's an absolute right. Yau don't change legislation in this province ta allaw any school or any school board ta deeide whether or not a persan may attend. However, that is exactly what the government is doing. The current, but aften changed, position on extra billing will undoubtedly resuit in a 'double standard' health care system. Those wha can afford it, will be able ta attend any- doctar of their choosing. However, the vast majarity of Ontarians will nat be able ta exercise their right af choice. They simply won't be able to pay the price. The proposed changes are quite clear. The ban- ning of extra billing will undaubtedly see a great number of doctars apt out of the Ontario Health In- surance Plan. Patients using the services of an ap- ted out physician will nat be reimbursed in any way by OHIP. In fairness, that's nat ta say medical care won't still be available fram doctars in the plan. It does mean, however, you won't be reimbursed if yau choase an apted out doctor. If you happen to be wealthy, this may not be a major problem. If yau aren't, you have lost yaur freedom of choice. Ontario's health care plan has lang been regarded as one af the finest, if nat the finest, in the world. It's working well. Not perfect, but then, nathing is. The proposed Liberal government changes were cam- paign promises by bath Mr. Petersan and Mr. Rae. Neither thought for a minute they'd have ta act an them. Well, it's a known fact they haven't acted an athers. They certainly shouldn't make health care changes the exception. Sornebady once said the quality of a persan can be assessed, nat by the number of mistakes he makes, but rather by his ability ta, recagnize and correct them. 1 think the same holds true of a gaveroment. Mr. Peterson is making a couple of dandies here. Let's see if he corrects them. : Decom appeal CONT'D FROM PG. I ro proposaI ta make representatian ta the Environmental Assess- ment Board. "I want ta, encourage any individual or organizattan ta get out and make their voices heard," hie said "I' hoping everyane in the 'f a cornmututy who opposes ** 5> and environmient board that I LY 31a d wedon'twantithere." Furthermore Drumm believes that having sun oof Decom in Whitby wll discourge other in- dutry from locating in the town and that could hurt the local assesment base as well as new job oppor- tnilties. "lIt wlll hurt us, in the final analysis, of attrac- ting new industry." But when push cornes ta, shove, Drumm sald f the bottom. line is residents of the towr. don't want Decom ta, locate lils plant in Whit- by. 'II just don't want it in the town and I make no apology for that," hie NVIIIITES YOU TOTHERE J ULY 24th, 25th, 26th,& 28th. OBANKRUPTCY SALES OR ~LIQUIDATION SALES HJU THNESTEVRYAYO ,U, LADIES 10K GOLD FO RINGS LARGE SELECTION 14K GOLD PEARL EARRINGS LADIES 10K GOLD PEARL RINGS WITH RU BYS, SAPHIRES & EMERALDS 7v-y.ýPEARL BRACELETS X FRESH WATER $ FRESH WATER18" PEARL$ STANDS OVER 1,000 10K GOLO CHARMS 5 TREMENDOUS SELECTION FROM 10OK GOLO ANKLET$ REDUCE TO SUPER 10W PRICES HIGH WJLITY GOLD CHAINS CUSTOM DESIGN & EXPERT REPAIR ~ '~ f PLUS WE REMODEL OLD RINGS F 51 K WT Mon. toThurs.10-5* U AiFri. 10-5:30 ç~s~L.~C( .~i L Sat. 10-4 m m A m