PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1985. WiIITBY FREE PRESS «Bn»k l in Bylines By BE'IIW-JEAN BLYTH Cali 655-3679 with Items for thîs column I feel like the voice crying in the wiiderness. Another week bas gone by without my receiving any news to print. So to f111 up this space, once again you're going to be inflicted with one of my littie taies. This one ail started last week when the kids decided to redo the downstairS bathroomn as a sur- prise for the Master of the House who is away on a trip. Not being terribiy handy myseif, 1 decided to keep completely out of it and just let themn do their ~ANYO thîngs. So despite the fact that tbey stripped it bare to tbe studs and the wbole main floor took on the aspect of a major disaster area, I simply waded tbrougb the debris to my noomn and trusted that they knew wbat tbey wene doing. Ail went well until the weekend when it was discovered that the vanity tbey'd chosen was so large that we'd bave to become airborne to get into tbe showen stali and not oniy that, it was gorgeous but tbere was no roomn for a sink unless we used the drawers in the top of it. Somebow I didn't feel fiend bubby would go for tbat even if we did label tbemn bot and cold. Time was nunning out so we decided to defer tbat pnobiemn until Monday and proceed with the decorating - tbat's wbene I came in. It seems tbat papering the walis was tbe simplest solution, mainly because tbey eiected yours truly as chief decorator. My daugbter and I bad a great time picking out flooring and wall covering without thougbt of wbo was going to instail it. It turned out to be the old case of "fools rush in" wben we picked out this iovely heavy vinyl and discovered tbat it was unpasted. Now, like any bousewife I've done my share of slapping Up the prepasted stuff tbat you just soak and spread on but tbis was sometbing else. bave to mix u.p tbe paste - ît's a littie like making pancake batter and ours tunned out tbat way - lum- py. It stayed that way under the papen. Next we ad- ded more water and had this dipping gummy mess that made tbe paper stick ta everything but the wali. You baven't lived tili you've been confined to a space noughly the size of a small closet festooned in eight foot swathes of fiy paper. To make matters worse, tbe temperature was about 110 degnees because we bad put a heater in to hunry the drying of the plaster. I learned one impor- tant lesson. Neyer read the directions, tbey'ne for the experts. Trial and ernor is the only way for amateurs and eventually you'Il find a method that works. We did. It looks great and only I know where the mistakes are. So if you're planning on doîng any redecorating please don't attempt it younself uniess you've got a sense of humour and please don't cail me. 'm stili trying to get the glue.out of my bair. This past week was not exactly an unqualified success for my favourite bail teams either. For the first time, the ginl's softball team bad a game on home turf on the new diamond at the site of the oid school. They were piaying against the Kiwanis team and Group 74 lost their first game of the season by one point. Newcomers Stacey Monette and Mary Anne Temple each got home runs but it wasn't enough to save the day. Howeven they redeemed themseives Sunday night by trimming Triex in Whitby 22 to 10. The Ploughmefl are having an even worse time of it. Wednesday night saw the Oldtimers trounce them soundiy which just goes to prove that old adage about "snow on the roof". The Oldtimers are really fired Up this year and iead the league in poin- ts against ail the young feilows. I guess its just another case of "they don't make 'em like they used to" . Last week, 1 mentioned the art show at the Whitby library by Desmond. I went over opening night and was neally impressed by bis detailed and unusual techniques. Many of tbe pieces are of local buildings and famous people, some of wbicb were specially commissiclned and lent by the owners for this exhibit. Others, equally good, are for sale and the proceeds go to the MS Foundation. I especiaily iiked the ones witb a cartoon-like quaiity tbat conveyed warmth, movement and a sense of humour. If you like art that looks like something other than chicken tracks, be sure to drop in and see this display before July 2â. Burn waste, Einm says CONT'D FROM PG. said. But this would stili not eliminate tbe need for a landfill site, although Emm did note that eitber a smailer one couid be used or a larger one couid have a longer if e. At its meeting last week, regional council ordered the works department to prepane a report comparing the cost advantages bet- ween a continued agreement witb Metro with having a regionaiiy r --VALUABLE COUPON.-- "I a tbînk thatiîs the we and operated r ., moving, he said, "In- Emm says that report * ~ STAN DARD SIZE *cineration is a viable should be available in i PI CT U R E alternative." September. FRAM ES I SIZES -16x20,2Ox24 THIS WEEK ONLYI I S L. M-M MLIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMERNMu -- P ES R R A E Il! LUMBER Double the Speed of Sound High Speed Dubbing isjust one of the Sound Studio Features of this Sleek Sanyo Slimline MWV750 __ This high-styie portable Sanyo Simiine duptîcates cassettes in hait the normai time. It ptays two cassettes without Interruption with its Con- tinuous Play teature. AMSS automaticaIiy seiects the songs you want to hear. And you enloy great sound through its 4-speaker stereo system. ln gIossy back, cardinal red or pewter gray, this la a real fun machine. <0-mb 76 Baldwin St. Hwy. 12, Brooklin 655-4229 $19900 68 Water St. Port Perry 985-9888 You get more for your money aiVideo Image Fire calis The foiiowing cails wene responded to by the Whitby Fine Depar- tment during the seven day period fnom 8 a.m. Monday, Juiy 1 until 8 a.m. Monday, JuIy 8, 1985. JULY 1 No calis nepoted af- ter 8 a.m. JULY 2 1:06 p.m. - 20Jenmyn St. Pnoblem with elec- tric outiet. 3:08 p.m. - 1549 Dun- das St. E. Car fine. Loss $1,500. 4:1ilp.m. - 518Ash St. Propane banbeque fine. 5:13 p.m. Lake Ridge Rd. and Dundas St. W. Motor vehicle accident. 7:48 p.m. - 217 Lee Ave. Check hydro pnobiem. 9:48 p.m. - 200 Vic- toria St. W. Assistance to ambulance. JULY 3 7:28 a.m. -53 ScottSt. Check activated smoke detecton. 10:24 a.m. - 408 Kent St. Assistance to am- bulance. 3:54 p.m. - 201 Bnock St. S. Car fine. JULY 4 2:09 p.m. - 520Bradley Dr. Assistance to am- bulance. 9:19 p.m. - Michelle Cnt. Park. Tnee stump on fine. JULY 5 7:52 a.m. - Michelle Cnt. Park. Tnee stump on fine. 4:31 p.m. - Manning Rd., east of Garden St. False alarm - no need for cati. 7:41 p.m. - 311 Brock St. N. Resuscitator cail. JULY 6 9:21 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Toaster malfunction. JULY 7 2:03 a.m. - 3775 Brock St. N. Assiat police. 2:25 p.m. - Bnawley and Duff's Rds. Mecicai aid. 7:l11p.m. -225 Hickory St. Assistance to am- bulance. 8:23 p.m. -l125 Pine St. Resuscitaton cail. 9:37 p.m. - 1125 Burns. St. E. Alarme ninging. JULY 8 3:36 a.m. - 200 White Oaks Cnt. Assistance to ambulance. LETS SEE YOU DO IT... OUJFDOORS! frr'vy1 N Summer Clearance on ail Summer Merchandise 'a drive weIl worth laking" i SUPPLIER-i SALES REP-1 CALL DELIVERY WHEN YOLI WANT ITIOLJOTATIONS WHEN YOU NEED THEMIPROMPT ATTENTION *LETTERHEAD : . *ENVELOPES *ANNOLJNCEMENTS .BINDERS *BUSINESS FORMS -TICKETS *COLOR WOIIK INVOICES *CHEQUJES INVENTORM CAROS .CATALOGUES *PRICE LISTS .5HIPPING TAGS *CALENDARS -BROCHUJRES -LABELS *BOOKBINDINI3 *RAISED PRINTING *NEWSLETTERS *5NAP SETS -INSTANT PRINTING *NCR FORMS *CONTINUOLJS FORMS -GOLO STAMPING -SCRATCH PADS A COMPLETE PRINTINO SERVICE FOR THE PURCNASINQ AGENT OR BUYER FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE.PICK-UP & DELIVERY.COPV DESIGN & PREPARATION fin 28 ARVOO.. E.S AJXSHPIG.LZ 1