PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, .IULY 10, 1985. WVll1TRIY FREE PRESS ;ANERMEER NURSERIes BAYLY lavicifflA Drive a Utile & ave a lot on quallty plants Quallty StocK Box off We stili have a large variety of quallty *IMPATIENTS OANNUALS oBEGONIAS 9PERINNIALS Plants ail grown ln our own groonhouso ut reaonabi. pricos Wereserve thse right o limai quantitieç." f Opeti 7 ca~Aiv n. , J SBJ.watt Borers attack weak trees (NC) - l3orers in trees an(l slirubs are the sneakiestin- sects in the garden. Have you ever noticed how quickly a beautiful Birch, Greeni Ash or Lilac can sicken and die? Borers have kifled it. B<rers are very destruc- tive insects. The beetie lays eggs in the crevices uf the bark usually where the su n- light strikes. The larvae bure into the bark and feed just under the bark during the summer. Usually a top branch is killed first but a single burer can girdle and kili a tree if it attacks the trunk. Borers attack weak trees. Healthy trees are quite res- istant to the insect. You should, theretèore, caretully watch and apply prutective sprays tu any tree that has been weakened by druught or lack of fertilizer. Once a borer bas found a tree other borers soon attack and kilt the tree unless sprays are applied. applied to the bark of the trunk and upper branches will prevent borer attack. Spray timing will vary. For instance, Locust Borers are controlled in late August plus two sprays in Sept- ember. ination to help you cointrol insects and make growing things a pleasure, write to "Watt's Up", 6860 Century Ave., Mississauga, Ont., L5N MW. Berry J. Watt Is technlcal ad- visor for Green Cross. CATCHTED WATSONS STRAWBERRY EXPRESS PICK YOUR OWN ~f~-:1Li ~ FI? -~ k~ ~ PEAS, SNOWPEAS, Sun. thru M. & .m.-8:30 .m. CROP REPORT 623-7252 24 HR8. FREE WAGON RmDE KtD3S PLAYGROIJND FamiNes Walcsme RASPBERRIES (phone for Saurs) QUALITV FARMOFRESH POuCE «f .AaaU.Otal 668-5509 -FOR MORE INFORMATION Brlng Containers or Purchase at Farm N.W. CORNER 0F TAUNTON AND CORONATION RDS. SHAWA ARDEN Thickson Rd.N., 655-3331 R. 1625 Dundas St. W.,Whltby, 668-8190 (Jus 2 ilesnorh o TautonRd. (Jut est f DuhamRd.No. 23) ERVICE Your complete one stop gardening shops ini Durham Region RSE STOCK JJ~ PRENENNIALS ANNUALS HOUSE PLANTS li ALL OUTDOOR FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SHAWA -ï-- service d 14un5on -d Roselnd Rd. Hwy____O Hay 2 EOal t - vI J AR ENoWR tby Hwy 401 To BowmaavIll>. Aax 5 Gardon ERVICE thlckson road north, brooklln 1625 dundes et. w. whltby phone 655-3331 phone 668-8190