WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 10, 1985, PAGE 19 Whitby has enough gas stationsBrunette says Whitby bas more tban enough gas stations, s0 the development bet- ween two to four new ones at the intersection of Thickson Rd. S. and Consumers Dr. sbould, j at the very least, be given more than careful study, Centre Ward Coun. Marcel Brunelle says. At its meeting last week, Whitby Town Council's ad- ministrative committee voted to table ap- plications from four service station operators - including Suncor - until a corn- prebensqive land use study for.the ares can be completed. Brunelle contenda that before granting permission for the development of new gas stations at the intersec- tion, the town sbould flnd out whether or not the expansion of the GO0 Train commuter rail service will stll cross Hwy. 401. If the new provincial governiment chooses to use the soutbern align- ment for the GO train this would put less pressure on the Thlckson - Consumers intersection, Bruneile says. However, Bruneile isn't sure that gas stations are the best possible uses for the in- tersection. III stlil have to ask what is the most effect and te best use of that Iproperty,"Ihe said. The councillor also beleves that Durhami Reglonal Coundil sbould be asked La do a corn- plete and compreben- sive street scape study for Thlckson Rd. to find the "lbroadest and hlghest uss possible." Bruneile notes that the Thickson/Con- sumers Intersection willl lmmedlately abutt bath ithe Hwy. 401 inter- change and the new GO CS» ela r@dio*fUllOfi et dm8 DECISION Rogers Oble TV Llmlted Decision CR- BowmanvIile and Whitby, Ont. Ap- proved: - Increase in the maximum mon- thiy subscriber tee ftram $868 to $989. Where may i rend OR- TO documente? OR- TO documents may be read In the "Canada Gazette", part 1; at CRTC of- fices; and at referen- ce libraries. CRTC decisions concerning a icensee may be read at the icensee's offices durlng normai business hours. You aiso may obtain copies of CRTC public documents by contacting the CRTC at: OttawalHuil (819) V 997-0313; Haliax (902) 426-7997; Mon- treai (514) 283-607; Wuinnipeg (204)949- train station. "This will be one of the most important gateways to the Town of Whitby in the future," Brunelle said. "First, we sbould decide what we want to do in the whole ares and plan for the future praperly. Let's not be pushed around by a few gas companies." He was also critical of the own's planning department. He pointed out that planning dlrec- or Bob Short said in is report Lo the committee on this subject that it would be "preferable" to do an independant traffic study on the area. Yet, no staff recom- mendation concerning this was brought for- ward. Brunelle was also critical of Short's recommendation to allow Suncor's proposai to build a gas station at the corner. He pointed out that in his report, Short indicated that gas stations may not be the best possible use for the land. "Perhaps more fun- damental tban the final number of gas stations ailowed, is the broader issue of establishing the highest and best land use over the longer terrni at this intersection," Short said in bis report. "lBecause of the inter- section'ts proximity and exposure to Hwy. 401, and GO train traffic should the northern alignment be re- confirmed, it is felt that more optimal and eni- ployee intensive land uses sucb as offices, prestige industrial or motels/hotels is preferable," the direc- tor added. "The.. .intersection is considered an impor- tant 'gateway' to both the contemplated prestige industrial area and the town as a whole, and sbould itself provide a bult form that refleets the intent of the preferred prestige in- dustrial designation," Short said. Brunelle agrees with this part of Shorts report and advocates tbat the town seek to use the ares for more people oriented purposes. "We need develop- ment in that area," Brunelle said, "bu' iL doesn't necessarily have to mean putting a gas station there. "'Af ter al, we already have enough gas AUBERGE Auberge is a shelter for abused women and their children living in Durham iRegion. The shelter is a safe and secure home providing supportive counselling and assistance. Anyone living in an abusive living situation or needing more infor- mation can cail 728-7311. satireadny." tb hle thee ma evetualhe a eed fo a gas tualatin in tfat general ares, Brunelle n. toThurs. 10-5. Fni. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-4 the Thickson/Con- sumers intersection is the best place for it. "There may be a need for a gas station HUNDREOS 0F GENTS, AND LADIES' RINGS AND CHAINS Z TO CHOOSE FROMZ '51 KING sTr. E. SUITE 4-UpsTrAiRS CORNER 0F KING AND ALBERT 019 i ucai .2r4 &EXPERT REPAIR' WEREMODEL. OLD RINGS sure where it should be," he said. "We need development, certainly, but does it bave to be gas stations? " Fu'm changes name Osbawa Valve (1985) LLd., is the new name for a former ail- Canadian company that was purcbased by Ward Foundry of the U.S.A. about three years ago. The company has now been bought back by iLs Oshawa resident, Dean Heniey. It remains in its original location at 2001 Tbickson Rd. S. Henley advises that they will continue to manufacture their popular Une of air valves for trouble-f ree on-off service in corn- pressed air and process water systenis ap- plications. Future plans call for expansion of valve uines to meet market demands. OSHAWA JEWELLERY EXCH. INC. WE DON'T OFFER *BAN KRU PTCY SALES O R *LIQUIDATION. SALES JUST HON EST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES GENTS 10KGOLD DIAMOND RING WITH .03 CT DIAMOND NOW ONLY LADIES' 1OKGOLD DIAMOND YOURCHOICE CLUSTER RINGS 4 DIAMONOS & 1 SAPPHIRE or 4 DIAMONDS & 1 RUBV or 4 DIAMONDS & 1 EMERALO LADIES 1 OK GOLD FROM PEARL RINGS WITH RUBY'S, SAPHIRES & EMERALDS OVER 1,000 10K GOLD CHARMVS ~.TREMENDOUS SEILECTION FROM FRESH WATER PEAL BRACELETS FRESH WATER STAANDS 10K LADIE! RINGS LARGE SELECTION EXQUISITE 1 OK GOLD LADIES RING MARQUIST SHAPI 12 PT. DIAMONOS, 80 PT. RUBIE 1U RC ONLY E ES 728-57 57 -.ë, 1-ý 1 lu -, l m ýý > 1 -1 ,