PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1985, WlIITBY FREE PRESS St. John's is holding its annual Bible sehool St. John's Anglican Church will be offerlng an opportunity for boys and girls to experience a creative program featuring crafts, stonies and games at their an- nual Vacation Bible School. Thse theme will evolve around thse topic of Christian Soldiers and -sAIT ROUT CABOT'S STAINS REG. MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church St BROOKLIN 655-4991 the arrnour and weapons the Bible teaches about. The one week program will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. July 8 to 12 and is designed for children between the ages of 6 to 14 years. St. John's Anglican Church is îocated at the corners of Brock and Victoria Sts. There is no charge for tihe program and refreshments will be served. For more in- formation caîl 668-1822 or 668-3771. Special Delivery Rate For Letters: $1.tfil plus lst Class postage. Processed by fastest available means and delivered 12 hours a day, 7r days a week in many areas. Must be mailed at a Post Office. Registered Mail Rate: $2.46 plus îst Class postage. Provides a record your letter (or parcel) was mailed and obtains the recipient's signature on delivery. $ 100 insurance included and additional insurance to $ 1,000 can be purchased. Must be mailed at a Post Office. Watch ynur mnai for tdé Canada Pest Service & Rate Guide You'll soon receive a copy of tise new Canada Post Service & Rate Guide in the mail. Thse Guide will help you wîth your day-to-day Postal needs. BrDk1 lin Bylines. By BE1TY-JEAN BLYTH Cail 655-3679 wlth Items for this column Long weekends, when you have a famnily, are usually three hectic days of comnings and goings, food and drinks that takes on the aspects of a 24- hour cafeteria. This one was different. The whole family, in- cluding my husband scattered to the four winds leaving yours truly home alone. No blaring stereo, no mounds of dirty dishes, no endless meals to prepare, no trail of soggy towels and smelly socks to -School 's out and~ -it's MOVIE TIME!:e lke,41 Kids Movies Comlng Soon! à Paddinglon Bear, Strawberîy Shoricake meets the Bunnykins, Charmkins, Transtormers and Superpowers. Walch for the Care Beaà '3 ovie and 0e Watt Disney's Plnocchlo in mld-JuIy. * GARE BEAR DRAW wlth any klds mavie rentai tram naw ta JuIy 31 yau can enter our draw far a Care Osear. Three* wili be given away, includlng ane 3 FEET TAL* S76 Baldwin Streete Broolin eH655-4229 i lst Glass Parcel Sample rate: $7.32 for a 2 kilogram parcel, Montréal to Vancouver. For expedited service that combines speed and economy. Many service options can be added including insurance, C.O.D., Registered, Certified and Special Delivery. Parcel Post Sample rate: $2.84 for a 2 kilogram parcel, Montréal to Vancouver. For routine parcel shipments, the service to use when economy is important. Insurance, C.O.D. and Certified options available. Maximum weight 30 kilograms. L---------- CANADA POST CORPORATION--- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Vour Canada Post Rt Guide Effective June 24th., 1985 r'GLASS LETTER up to 30 grams 30-50 grams 50-100 grams Within Canada 34e 51 ' 68e To the US. A. 39e~ 56e1 85ý up to 20 grams 20-50 grams 50-100 grams Intrntioal68e1 $1.05 $1.65 I ~Rates for leters over 100 grams and for ail oher Postal services can be obainedfrom your Post Office.I m pick Up. The phone and the doorbeli were silent; my car sat in lonely spiendour in the driveway. 1 could ac- tually take it out if I pleased without wading tbrough a jungle of motorcycles, cars , vans and bicycles not to mention myriad parts thereof. I could eat when 1 pleased, sleep when I pleased, lie around In the sun and read ail day if I pleased. For the first time in 20 years aside from feeding the dogs and the cat, my time was completely my own. It was pure bliss 1 At least it was for the first 24 hours, then the solitude began to paîl. Once I'd gone through the weekend papers and a couple of books, tidied up what wasn't untidy, cooked up a batch of food that there was no one to eat, I even let out Marshall, the cat, to chase the birds just to generate somne ex- citement. That's when I discovered that after al these years of hectic living, a littie leisure goes a long long way. 50 now that the kids are back, the noise is back and the house is back to its usual dlut- tered state I'm going to appreciate what I have and not complain about the mess. Not for a day or two anyway. It seems as though everyone but myself must have lef t town this past week, as I could get wind of nothing happening in our area. So for those of you who have to return tothe old grind and are looking for something to fi you leisure hours, it looks as if you'll have to go a little farther afield. ART EXHIBIT Whitby Public Library is presenting a showing of the exquisite and intricate line drawings by Desmond. It opens tonight and continues through until July 25. AIl proceeds fromn this exhibit will go to the M.S. Society. OSHAWA-WHITBY FAIR This takes place from JulY 18 to 21 at the Fair Grounds on Garrard Rd. N. To get there just take Winchester St. east to Garrard Rd. and turn south. The slate of events is as follows: July 18 - Opening ceremonies, demnolition derby, antique tractors, midway, one-man band and the Northern Ontario Museumobile. July 19 - 3 p.m. Women's building, flowers and midway; 5:30 p.m. Dairy Queen ice creamn eating contest; 6 p.m. tractor pull, bingo, concessions, cake auction, one-man band, midway, antique trac- tors, Northern Ontario Museumobile. July 20 - 1 p.m. studio dancers of the performing arts; 2 p.m. baby contest; 4 p.m. horse pull; 5:30 p.m. Dairy Queen ice cream eating contest; 6:30 p.m. demolition derby. AIl Day there will be the displays in the women's building, the flower exhibits, concessions, midway, antique tractors, bingo, cattle shows, horse shows, log sawing contest, etc. July 21 - sheep show, sheep shearing demon- strations, light horse show, saddle bred horses, open pony and horse show, Hoskins musical ride, old- tyme fidders contest as well as the other features mentioned above, including the finals of the demolition derby. Midway Specials - opening day kids ride for haîf- price form 6 p.m. on. Sunday afternoon from 12 noon to 5 p.m. you can ride the midway as often as you like for one price of $6. As you can see, there is something for the whole family to enjoy so bc sure to get out and support this joint effort of our neighbours to the south and have fun doing ItL Anyone who wants more information regarding any of these events can cali 655-4287. FUN IN THE PARK Don't forget the library's summer park programs start today and run until Aug. 21. The schedule is as follows: Ashburn Community Centre from 9 to 10 a.m. Macedonian Village from 10Oto il a.m. Spencer Community Centre fromin l a.m. to 12 noon. Myrtie Park from 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. Please don't get discouraged if they dont arrive right on time, they may be angels when it comes to entertaining kids but they're earthbound when it comes to travelling and it is a tight schedule. William M. Dobson, M.D. 6'omm/1c g9 otiIy Practi«e at