Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1985, p. 27

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W1-(TTY FRE E PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1985, PAGE 27 Read ' in mtinutes, spes %,bîefbumities ,oodefrom rooked roosi beforî'sure to be ioftuilvfotviwl. Plan vacation meals to reduce food costs and save time Vacation tinte is now upon us. For many, this ime is mtst etn- joyably spent ouidoors - at tbe cottage, a favorite campsite otr trailer park. tor sinoply hiking your svay through the wilderness. Even on these -ecoonoieal, close ti orne" vacations, keep- ing costs withîn the budget is neyer easy. One itemi that can eaily thmow your holiday budget out of line is food eosts. Food prices, espeeitdly tresh meut aîtd producee are ofien exorbitanît in smaîl out-of-the-way areas. The Beef Information Centre has some helpful hints to keep ytur holiday food eosts dttwn and your meal preparation tinte to a minimum. Pre-eooking aîtd freezing a roast of beef or your favorite meut dish in advance prttvides handy easy-to-fix neals wbile you are away fromn home. Wheto pre-eooking met, it's important toeonsider your end use. t's ad- visable to sligbtly utodercttok your meuat il'you intend to rehcat it before serving. This will pre- vent il fron, beconing dry and ovsereoitked. Beef dishes should be rozen in quantities in which thcy will he used. Pre-coîtked rtasts will keep longer if stored in uarger pieces and sliced before serving. Pekage your roast in heavy foil or freezer wrap to keep air out and moisture in. Wrup the beef tightly, fold seais and ends, and seul with freezer or niiasking tape. At ineal tinte. enjtty cold sliced roast bcdf onua slad plate or use it on an endless variety of sandwiches. Cut eooked meut into cubes or strips and toss themn into your favorite salad or stir fry. Plain, pre-eooked grttund beef stored in sotaîl containers cun be transformed into many of yoar family's favorite casseroles in minutes. Simply combine pasta or ricc. vegetables. season- ings and a liquid of your choicc with the toeat and heai thoroughly. Spaghetti sauce, tact illîng and chili arc well suiîed to sutto- roertime travelling. Store lcss stlid sttup and stew-type toods n plastiecocntainters. FuIl ach cotaitiner 1/4 fulI toalItas ftr ex. punsitn during frcczing.;iunît ct- sure tîtat ail cotaitner,, aie sell sealed. A brttken seul cuit resaIt n loss tttnttistttre aîtd lav'tr tI the iteat, as oscîl as ut tîess itt y'our cooler. WVith a little imnaginlationl. you can devise a variety of economnicul bel' dishes: sittply pre-cook and trce/e yttur lIbsor- te recipe t (hoe. ihei dc'rost. reheat and cnjoy while v'ot are away. Spicy Beef Bunwiches 2 cups (5(W mL) eubcd c<oked beef 1 cup (250 tiLt chili sauce 1 can (7-1/2 oz/213 miLl tonato sauced 2 tbsp (25 rmLl choppes! on ion 2 tbsp (25 ntLl chopped green pepper 1 tsp (5 mnLl Wrcestershire sauce 112 tsp (2 niLI prepared miusturd 1/s tsp (1 ML) Sait 4-5toasted bans or taco shelks Lettuce Parmesan cheese (optional) Finely chop cubcd bcd'. Place n lry pan. Cotmhine retotininig ingredieni.s excepi (ast threc. Stir svith beel'. Sintner covered about l0 minutes oî until te:ocd througb. Spread rocut tmixture on toasîed butos (otr tacti shelisi. l'p with shrt.dded t. ttuaitt id grated parmesan cheese i desired. Serves 4 to .5. Mlarinated Beef Salad 3 cups (750() bî(cu cooked bect'. eut itjul ienîte strtps Va cap (175 tnL) cucumbher. sliced 1/ cup (175 mLt celery. sliced 1/ cup (175 nitLî red or green sweet pepper. sltced 'At cup (75 niL> radishe.s. sliced 'A cup (75 mLt stul'ld green olives, sltced 1- 112 cups (.375 n,l resh broc- coli titoerettes. chopped 'A cap (75tttL-) sweet pickled tiniotos. sliced Grated lresh pepper t,' tasie Vaý,- 1a cup (125 miL- 175 niL> oil & vinegardressiîtg '/2 cap (125 nil.) crumibled fita or grated cheddar cheese. Cîombine beet strips. cucuniber. celer. ssseet pepper. radishes. utli'es. broceol i attd ptekled ttnittns. Mix velI attd scastn X it resto pepper lu taste. Add dIresstng tu salad. 'lotss xel. (arntsb wittltcheese t(and t fluatot steges it*tdc.stredl) Marittate une hur in retrige- raptg) r blettit hastts. Scrse toartttted salait onitwts 1V. tt int a (Ota ittckct.Seres <. ISFACTION DON'T MISS ARANTEED We wiII flot be undersold THIS SALE OST ARSAVALABL IT FATORYUSE CA 1979 FAIRMONT WAGON Onty 43.000 éies-I Owner 6 îyl .auto .p s- p b5,toottack. dettoStet SAM ado duat mittoto woodgtain. etoth seat, Fnistted o hite otOtue itetiot .MOO SALE 297 1 SPECIALS

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