PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 3,1985, WIITBY FREE PRESS New award to be named for Edwards CONT'D FROM PG. 3 now there are eight. " 1 Burlington last year Lets see wothOnai rd you do Award, which was in- stituted by the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Houaing. There are three categories for the award: logo design, beautification, and, downtown manage- ment, the category in which Burlington won. Nixon said that im- p~weadwoJ proving the downtown is 'Ibo _______________ nt a hobby; it la the way you feed your HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For chlldren 2 to 5 years old Presents OPEN HOUSE '85 DATE: Wed., JuIy 31/85 TIME: 7p.m. -l10p.m. ADDRESS: 309 Beech St. W. Off of Brook behlnd Stokleys/Coby -opportunity 1 o seeour school'.. -our clas curriculum t0 moot the toachors and snjoy the dispisys -opportunlty 10 regimior your chlld ai reasonablo prices -rfreshmients wIII bo-ssrvod We will be lookingforward to seeing you at our centre family. "lHandsome facades," she said "ldon't guaran- tee wbat's on the in- side." In conversation later she said, "on the inside there should be merchandise that meets the needs of the market, a pleasant, friendly at- mosphere, prices that are easily identifiable, a dlean store, and knowledgeable staff." Prior to Nixon's talk Ed Buffett, cbairman of the downtown board conducted a brief business meeting. He thanked Mayor Bob Attersiey for ap- pointing Tom Edwards as liaison between the downtown board and council. Buffett paid tribute to Edwards' contribution to the board and an- nounced the creation of the Tom Edwards Award to be given an- nually in June to the business which bas made outstanding achievement toward revitalization of down- town Whitby. Buffett also exchlbited two logos, designed by Jo-Ann Jordon, a Whit- by graphic artiat, and invited members to make a choice and offer suggestions. DO'C award iwinners At the time this picture was taken Paula Hadden, left, and Marie Green, right, did flot know they were about to receive awards at the graduation exercises for Denis O'Connor High Sehool, held at St. John the Evangelist Church last Wednesday evening. The Artbur O'Connor Family Award (the most prestigious award) for academic, athietica, service and leadership achievement tbroughout ber career at Denis O'Connor was awarded to Paula. She also earned the Bishop's Award, given for consistent academic achievement combined with demonstrated Christian committment within the school communîty; and the Hendrlk's Bursary, donated by Jim Car- son, for the student who made the greatest contribution in grade 13. Paula's clasamates chose her by voting for the student who made the greatest contribution to school in his or her final year. Marie earned the Denis O'Connor Staff Award given to the student who displayed true Christian leadership while taking an active positive role in school functions and the community. 668620 '~Rock singers also have mothers CONT'D FROM PC. 5 guitar. Sean's motber Sheila attended tbe concert and watcbed bis performance witb somne pride. Also in tbe stands were the Palleske's mother, Doreen Strachan. Rock musicians don't go around boasting about the fact tbey bave mothers -- it doesn't fit the image. But rock banda aren't started by spaced kids wbo, stoned on drugs, decîde to frighten the neighbourhood with decibels. And sim- ply because rock banda take several thousand dollars worth of equipmnent and several years of either practice or lessons or likely both, parents 2Wedding Specials offt Weddlng Pkg! e Bride's Bouquet *One Maid of Honour Bouquet *One Bridesmnald's Bouquet *Two Mother's Corsages *Six Carnation Boutoners ".j Brides Going Away Corsage bave to be lurking somnewbere nearby. Says Doreen Strachan: "Most parents seem to associate Heavy Metal with ail kinda of negative things. But wberever I've been, wbatever groupa 've met, I've been impressed at how polite and decent most of these young people are. And I'm very pleased to see i. What we need are more op- portunities for young people to show wbat they can do." And the endiesa practicing, the band rehearsals, the equipmnent costs? "I back my kids. Why don't al parents back theirs? 1 prefer to listen to classical music. But my cbildren bave made me to stop and listen to what they're doing. It's mucb more tban just instruments played loudly. " One gets the sense of a parent in tune witb ber cbildren. A proud parent, for sure. Her summary of aIl tis: "I haven't stopped their dreams. "Every parent should back their kids in their dreams." LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 GREEN STREET, WHITBY 668-9262 Grand Opening Special introducing our new waxing boutique OFFER EXPIRES JULY 31185 Of introducing Donna our 12 new nail technician FULL SET 0F NAILS PORCELAIN REG, S40 NOW s20300 ACRYLIC REG. 135 NOW Si 5.00 60 TH AT'S ALL Just 60c ... is ail your Free Press carrier will be askingyou for ... 60' for a whole montit of home delivery of your local newspaper. This voluntary payment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper cosis s0 litile and offers so much £0 local residents. And even if you don't want to conîri bute we'Il deliveryour newspaper 4 anyway. Your 60c payment may not seem like ver>' much money, but it means a lot Io your carrier and t0 us. Your carrier earns more money and as a result is more properl>' rewarded for a job well done. Your local newspaper benefits through defrayed circulation costs and happier carriers. And you benefit by supporting and helping £0 maintain your very own trul>' local newspaper. P.S. You can wvin val uable prises also! So when your carrier says 'Free Press calling"you'll know whai its aIl about and that your money is goingç to be well spent. WHITBYFREE PRtES 131 Brock Street North Witby 668-6111 Il -Il