FSDAV. JUNE 26. I985,VHITBY FRFE PRESF WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CL A>$lFIl[E eýGE MY PERSONAL COLOURS Dscover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skln tone & enhance your best fetures. OnIy $30 par consultation COUi 2770 TiNAS PBYCHIC European Spirituel Reader. Reader and ad- visor, card and palm readlng. Witt felp lnvailI affaira of le; love Ile, busines, healîh, happînesa and marriaga. One vieil wll convînce pou of her abllIy s othere have. Open 9 a.m. t0 9 p.m., by appoin- tment, 2874W32. A D-milý jlk7S MUIES ARïC LE Ae~RICLE A'IEL FORRSAIELE QSALE FOR SALE TINSWAT 1979 D000E ASPEN, aluni B, îNDOOa-OUTOOOR carput. GLASS TOP dînette sut with AUCTION SALE EXPERIENCEO fuil-lime anrd part- 69,000 kme, good ojvvlvg con- green, Mx. Also 5 lires oI Paeto brase loe and 4 chairs wlh gold CORNEILS SAT., JUNE 29 lime t0w truck opuratfrs dIIn e atrnwealr ihbuh hre688-2580. cofor vlvet seat and bock. Boat ACINBR required. Shoufd bu Whllby $1850 uncertified, $2000 car-. ______cit______ fer. 427-7418. FRI., JUNE 28 1AfOddfellows HallFon cati 8-88bîee or m.aind II lad. 68-1496 mter 6 pm CHESTERFIELD suites. :00 P.M.AtOdelw HaIn ct 8OWbwe 9.mad innaat. ecioals Ihon' VISIT aur used furniture Three miles eas of Lttle Part Perr, acrosa the 4:30 P.m. warehou-A b- arpo-ntmeni. Bi 1977 VOLKSWAGON Rabbit, ln good condition. $250. Pone 855388 alter 8 P-mBannie. DONI LISTEN 10 soyons else. we pay top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 688-9712. PTS& 0 -SIJPI.PLIES WINDOW CLEANING - commer- WELL BREED poodie puppies for ciel and raldenliai. 68&-2237. sale, Abrocols and Whies. maes and lamai us, nulchecked and needies, $150 f irmn Cail 725-0841. C.I.P. PROGRAM. aniy 279 c : E deys lait. For a f ree estimas cali 1.0-263-204. LOST Burns StISI Lawrence ares, WhiIby, bfapk neutered cal, _____________________ tour whte paws, whie bib and ~ AR ICL S I abdomen. answers ta Spals. ~~FOR E.t~~ENT Reward. 68-9254. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and models, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avalabie. OIckson Prinilng & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. caîl us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FREE: Drap Iloathe DIckson Prlvflvg & Office Supply store in the Aan Plaza and pck up a fre copy aI their 1985 Meîric culen- dar. PrInted ln twa colours. It makes for haody reference. 683- 1968. and fan Dobermnariswers 10 Brandy, missIng Jane 21. sadlY mIssed by yoang girl, resard. Avy information 868-1621 or 427- 7348 MR. à MRS. PETER CUFFLEY of 709 Brns Sreet West, WlItby annoance the engagement of their daughter. Anita Javela MNOr. Aodrew chapman msa aI WhIlby. The wedding wIIfI tau place on Auguel 10 In the BroaklI Unied church ut 400 p.m. ys price. Large eleclion. McKeevn Furniture, 524 SImcoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. ELECTROLUX SALES on repossessed andi recondiliofled vacuums and rug shampooers. Phone 723-4183. seul ing oueds plus air leuirage inspection and u.F.F i. remediai meusures. Cali Mcloas LtM., iJebridge, 852-5051 or loiiftrue l» 800-283-3204. UEOTVPE press-on letiering o n stock at Dickso Prining & Of. ficu Supplias ln the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large select ion Of styles and sizes. Why puy more for a smaler setiet of ettering? 683-f968. NINE PIECE antique wailul dl0109 room suife, $850. Phone 855-3526. le cueîc kitchan frldge for sale, 5 years ai , good condition, asking $300. Pihone 655-4182. savIngs on desko, chairs, ling cabinets, etc. Caîli Dckson PrIn- ling & Office Supplies lv arrange an appoinîment fa nvew. .683- 198 PANTS AND 511 fTS la, sale, punts. sizes 38 to 54 lnch. Shirts - ornait and medium. 880-3457. PORE FOR SALE cul and wrap- ped,bynquarter or hal.655-8062. ANTIQUES 3 piece setive, 1850, wine color. Old coul andi umbrelia stand. Four aid chairs. 852-if1f6. MATTRESSES and bau syrings t hall prIce. McKeon Furnifure, 524 Simcov Sftreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. BEEF, ides $185 lb., cuf, wrap- ped and frozen. Phone 855-4334. I-I EROES of the Bible" colouring book unulableat DIcsoun Frin- ing & office Supplies, Ajax Plaza. 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries inviled. F EILECTROLUX CANADA MAFREE performance check of any make of vacuum at no obligation entities you fa a 20x2OM carpet ahampoo our dry f nam way. Free pick-upU and delry New vacuums wth power head asM low as $399.50. Lmited amount avaiable. cala now 7234163 for an ln home look at our machines.M FOFO R RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE tor rent on protesslonal loor. Would bu /IR sullable for lawyer, uccountufll, etc. lIent Includes ail utlt les and la negollable for an uppropriale la tenant. For further information CONGRATULATIONS on our cetil868-6372 befweeo 9:30 a. forthcoming mrriage. Piese usd 5 p.m. Monday la Friday. - EDUCATIONAL view aur samples af engraved ____- SER ICES weddivg Iniations t pour lelsure in aur Aax Plaza sfore. GRAMEAfo pepiewh hae ickson Prinlng & Office Sup)- USINESS grammar le fthe ideai pocret plies. 683-1968. .I.GPRU TIS referencu book for business peope. $3.95 pur copy and - EXCITI NO DETAILS make big avalable at Dickson Printing & À0%m FLORIDA îucke ln mail order seliong Hoe office Supplies lo thSe Aax Plaza VACATION ta Make Mooey Informatio Deler enrturles Invied8W3-1968. ETAL books. Na invetarp, capital or ______________________experience required. Work from psaeand handiing la C.S.J. CiLO CU RE FLORIDA 2125 ellingon St., otel homC Qe o fe . Send 51.00 E SERVICES Canadîan ai Par Oee 3 x Clearater Three bed oom WILL BASYSIT In my home. I mobile homes, Heated poos. FANTASTIC OPPORTLINITIES. pear aida and up, Evgish and tennis, close ta beaches and Jo n aur mailig prugram. Work French, Hlaleuh Crus. vn maor attractians ,c hldrun e oe rt o reIf Bluegrase Madawe. Nicole t welcome. less than motel mat ion. Pally & Company, 3555 725-0003 romi- 683-5503 Howard Avenue, Windsor, On- _____________________ * l N1E 36 RAL ESATE r~~Ii1.1ID'uFOR SALE/RENT] j FOR SALE: 200 acres - excellent ferm - Rufhergleo, Ontario (22 mles easl of Norh Bay). Seoural good luron buildings and spaclous f arm home, 105 acres warkabie land, 85 acres bush, 30 acres pasture. $130.000. Farm machinery - Saune lurnifure and appliances negotiabie. Cail or wrif e Water Hayes, Knox Ruai Estate. 705 casselis Streef, Nor- f5 Bay, Ontario. Pt B 4A3, (705) 472-29W or,(705) 472-3268. Charlie is sîck ef lroken promises and has gonte ta the old reliable, Dickson Printing & Office Supplies for assured serice. VACATION V.RNTALSý TWIN ROCK$ RESORT only two hours Iofa fmiiy camping fan on Kuahog Lake in Haliburton Hulards. Boole, motors, docling, store, ,afe sandy beach, fichivg. Arrive as guest, leave as friands. Calilor vrte 1-705-489-2247, R.. 2, Minden, Onlarlo KOM 2K0. Lindsay an the Lin- dsaylLittie Britain Raad. Oak buffet, aak dining raam extension table, 2 piece walnul bedroom suite, 2 new airtight staves, McLary f ridge and slave, wainut chest of drawers, pressback rockers, copper boliers, bell pump argan, modern chesterfields, console and portable colaur T.V.s, parlour tables, aval top trunks, round pedestai dining table, quantity of 3 h.p. lawn- mawers, braad axe, quantity of new fishing lackle, rods, toals, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AuCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT.,JINE29 12:00 P.M. Camplete clearing auc- flan af ail hauaehold et- fects, tamp collection, appliances, etc. The estate of MRS. VELMA ANDREWS, located 904 Rossland Rd. East, Whltby, Partial ilst ln- cludea: 9 pc. walnut dinlng suite, Mason & Risch uprighf piano; pull out sofa (lke new); cheats af drawers, lam- pa, odd tables, kitchen set, antique radia, rocker, desk, aid cameras, wicker chair, quilts, afgana, collection of 300 commemorative spoans, many varlous plates, Dreaden china, cupa & saucera, carnival, carnflower & pressed glass, good china, mint Canadian stamp collec- flan (pre-1950as), sterea, electrical appliances, carpenter & garden tools, 7 h.p. garden trac- tor wlmower, plaw, tiller & blade, plus other misc. Terma cash or gaad cheque. Na reserve. HENRY & AYLE KAHN AICTIONEERS 985-8161 Lumbefr. Lkh amaol traller, ai copraor trahteraengine, grer tractor and att amens tridl ndmower, pool ac cessg orle, kptchenc- bsors, gaad funiture, bomed, antiqniues cper ande basatiees, silver ted bse Ppliaces, sboat tor s, sdrpil pese,a mtols,dbiyclessand much marcye,Mangd andh s oreld aaby PEARCE AUCTIO ER ICESCT 855-8073 LOVING PERSON Iv provIde stimuiallflg cure for two boys ages 2 and 5, preferably in My home, Caii 668-1454 (Wfriîbyi. daycare, immediata opening, us- perience wl h blffst an assaI. caîl 427-8437 afier6f p.m. PERSON NEEDED Iv train as assistent manager. Poleef lai earnlngs from $30.000 la 541000 annuaiiy. Car heiplul. This là sajob n sales and Information given oofy during the interview. cal 723-3412 for appoinîmerit. CAREERS IN TRIJCKING. ariser lob trining and placement frelp s5 avaluabie. Cali Rorigers School et (416 769-3f48. WORD PROCESSINO Program- mlng, Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more. wth cerftificats and lob placement, $149 and up, govur- nmunl approvud courses avaluabie, las ddulctible, O.S.A.P. lvans,83-2226. MATURE babysîlfer- housakeeper, 25 hours weekly, 2 boys, rferences. 688708. LOOKING FORA dCTý'0 CAREER IN UU ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skilis; *Has ambition and self confidence; a is eager to Iearn; ais capable of earning an above average income; *And is not af raid to work for t. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuli-time. Car necessary. Start im- medlately. Corne In to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. STU DENTS SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW Are you abl e 10 work 4 hours per day Monday thru Friday, sitting at your own desk, telemarketlng f rom aur pleasant off Icein Aax, and earning $400 per hour guaranteed plus bonuses, enabling you ta earn $5.25 an hour and up, then cail me now I have several immediate openings. No experience necessary, wiii train. Ask for Mrs. Aprlilait 686-3052 or 686-3742 APATMES/ CONDO S FOR RIENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS,~ RE RS bedrosma 8 83-9557. 131 Brock Street North _______________ - whltby - 868-6111 CEDRDAE RAIERPARK & COTTAGES 0' BRIOGHTON LargeIwPLdud *and open sesamsites. RductIons or seoîrs2 &3 bedcot- The simple salution taCieanlng storage probiemns 1tageBsOrr50min.tom Whtb. 41lfBrihn, east on Hw 2 su in thes attir and garage is a Ciassif ied Ad. af Stoey Pi. Rd., foifow signe for WBE. VIsil us fhis wuukend or WHITRY FREE PRESS ......... 668-6111 ~T~ii ~~TS ~~TS ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the fîrst Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage d sable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through faihsîre or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space acfipied such replies. We will not be responsible for box numnber r p ulto be yn additiona word. by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. Trlhe Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify ur IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1300 for the fr- rejet aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper stl50words; 12c each additional word. I)EAI)LINES. Monday noon prior to publication ta insert oane day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40t per line. i(No word ads alîowedl . ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 141