Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1985. PAGE1 DURO LAUNDRY tub pump, as new, $8. Rsese inad equaitzing hluch, 1" bars and etra perte, $110. Hoover uprIght vacuum, $M. tons elactric bruah, as new, $50. Viking e.ctrIc broom, $10. Lawn rmiter, 18x24, .51er 1111., $3. Router 518 h.p. and cas., $8. Canne, 14 i. 'ibrgians, 36" b.amt, 13" depth, as new, $175. Phono 655-400. PHOTOORAPHIC Eniarger 4" x 5, negative capabllity, Ideal for tarer hnbbyist, $90. Garage Door, moela overhoad, 8' eldo 7' hlgh, ail hardware etc., $75. In Whtby, cou anytime. 668-368. BABY CRIS wth canopy, on cludes matrosa and beddiog, $20. Baby cradie, $100.6868- 2273. FOR SALE rolf top carrier, 46'n43o1x2, lits Aspen Carrier, $40. Oei l 668-9113. FOR SALE Go Karts.- 1982 Bob- ca, excellent condition, $750. 1979 Tomcai, gnod conidîllon, $550. Bth have 0200 5 h.p. engins ad extra paris. Oel Grog, 668-0471. COMPLETE EOUIPMENT to gel you siarted -1I an asphali drlvewsyeallog business, used for twn summers, 00W $1.600, wil oui for $1.200 or bost oiter. Cal Wall, 666-1337. FIVE large double sider win- dow, $50 each. Alum. sorm door, ruai coinur, $50. Oel 655- 3176. FOR SALE len heaoy duiy work benches. enoden, one 6x3n3 teet, and one 7½nx3o3 appron. dimension, $25 each or b.at ni- fer. Oel 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. FOR SALE plow, 2 lurrow, for 3 pointihSucS, lîke 00w. $265. Phone 655-995 GREY ARBORITE table and 4 chairs, $45. Uprlghi Hoover vacuum, $20. Wainut finsh coi- te. table, 20"xG0", $45. Pcnlc table wIll 1014 ln 2 banches, $50. Brown aiumlnum door, 32ffl", oait, $45. O.k venoor dlning table, $5. Wrlngor washer, $25. Fine klichon 'ihaîrs, chrome, $4 each. Phone 668-9017. FOR SALE beaiSer rocking chair, $25. Phonoe6685254. FOR SALE On. Marantz tape dock and receinor, 4 Lazer speakers, 1% uyears oid. $1,000. One Technlcs System, complets Wth cabinet, 1 year oid recoivor, tape decik, tumtablo, 2 speakers, 1 Reaiiatic tape dock, $1200. Remington ahotgun, semi- automnatic, FAC roqtuirod, modol 1100, complote wth case, chela and duck decoye, 6 montha nid, $450. Cannon A.E.-11 Programmod camnera wth flash, $325. 0.11 Oobbio or Marty, 66-4878. FOR SALE maplo ktchon sot, 4 chairs, $225. DnIng room sot, 4 chairs, $325. Comoni miner, $125. Ail In oxcelont condition. 6W3. 6838. SEWiNG MACHINE for saie, por table, good worklng condition, $45. Grls ond boys bikes, $35 and $50. Cal 683-6638. THREE WHEEL. 3 soosd ladien bure, asking $195. Oeil 668-1507 or aller 6 p.m., 868-0825, BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. pull wlih cope, qulvar and loader, $500 or boni chfer. 434. 6028. FOR SALE Sears slereo yslem wiih recorder player and 8 racir, $100. Boys 18" bicycle, 3speed, $50. Ironing board, $10. Oeil 434- 6474. FOR SALE boys sandard bîke, 24' tires, $25. Thrss spesd box tan, 520. Phonoe6686426. SOFTWARE for T. 1. Proloalonal Computer. CPIMM , 0A5I116, RMICOBOL, Supercelc, Eesywriier 11, Esyspolior i, Multiplan BPI, lnvoniory Conirol. Al unused, $50 oaoh. 68-3632 sooflings. 14 PT. FIBEROLASS canoe, $150. 6 fh. resîdenlial 41010$ board for swimming pool, $100. Two huner propane camping st000 wllh adaptor for fuel, $20 Cal 433. 4689. FOR SALE mowor for Ariens trac- for, 42"1, $100. Sway bars for houso traiter, $50. Mandolin ban- o, $125. Coleman laniero, $15. Lawn rolior, $3. 30 4104.dedcis- ner trays, $1.50 each. Bed aproad and drapes for double bed and one set tor iwln size bed, $15 a set. Two roda tor shoors, w111 ex- tend to 150", $5. Phono 655-6000. -PLEASE READ- Wisen thse advertiaed item la sotd, dispose4 of, or unavaitabte fer wtatever reason, thse item wttt b. deemed Wo have been sotd and a commission witt b. charged based on TUE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilutrated below, regardlesa if price s stated witts "beni offer" If thse Item ts NOT SOLD, or diaposed of, tise ad witt b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wilt appîy peyable in advance of publication of tise firsi ad. Tise above minimum charge wl b. apptied 10 tise final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Att advor- tisements must b. placed on an exclusive basis witise WIITBY FREE PRESS and run ai Iat one mootis il ot sold. RATES (If article la soldi: 5% af advertised prices p tW $400.00 o% f balance over $400.00 EXAMPIE: Sold Item adsertsesd for$ 150.00. Commission due $7.501(minimam charge la 87.561 Privais advertliog onlyl Plesse notify tise Whitby Free Press immediatety wheo item is sold 80 tisat we may detete it from tise fottowing issue. Att ada not fittiog tise Emporium guidelines witt b. treated and charged per week as regutar ctasaified adsono a pre-peid bois sucis as: services, hetp waoted, clotiing, reat estate, and personat message type ada, or ada not quotiog price or quantity. Privale ciassified ads may appear in tise Emporiums section un4cr appropriais headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFtED. MAILADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUJM PO. Box 206 Whitty. LIN SSII Il tn doah collt: 668-6111 OR DELI VEIi TO: 131 rock Si. N. Whi(by, Ont. *THE DEADLINE F01R EMPORIUM ADS 18 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. .* IOSHL FOR SALEFOR SAL IISHWASHER, Soars Osiano portable, chopping block top, gond working condition, $185 Eieciric race car soi, over 100 Il. ni iracir, 6 cars. 2 ransformors, lap couiser, many enîres, AFX & TYCO, $95 Hatcircuial.og lreplacs rale, $15.Oel 576- 7697. STORM DOOR alum. Florida type, 32s60." $35 Three Chrysior rimo, mountsd P205-15 tires, $20 sacS. One Firesoono 721 G78-15, almool nOew, $25. Phono 728-8953. WEDOING DRESS size 7, chuf- ionieooer latlta, peari em- boidersd poire, chapet train, maichlng cathodrai lengiS neil, cosl $350 new, asing $200. Phono 576-6216. ANTIQUES, moving wiilloul them. Secreiary lvory unique), $780. Bufet, $375. Eichen huiOS, $450. Pins table, $200. Nons har- v001 table, $900 and proshecir Zeuso chairs, sel ni 6, $150 each, (table and chairs very unique). Phono 571-3838. TEN P1606 solld mapie Viles bodroom soi, $500. Beige upholoiorod mahogany chair, $100. Three lier walnul shahf on iledeslal, $20. Largo cepacily walsr soliener, $200. Grson Brocada sofa, $200. Phono 666- 4877 or 433-6998. ANTIQUES country store cous. ter, $M0, makos a greai rec. room bar. Oharch psw, $350. Phono 571-3838. 1983 YAMAHA OT 125, liqulo cooled, tw,, siloir, $900 or boni olier. Phono 6684093. 1979 SUZtiKI 100 D.S.. nory good condition, asking $450. Phono 666-2273. 1976 YAMAHA 760, loaded for iouring, Voiler and Kraussr equippsd, iourlng seai, AMIFM cassttestsiren, $.0.Phono 666-3483. FOR SALE buffet and hulch, $85. China cabnet, $75. Two omal tables, $25 and $35. Maplo hall table, reinshed, $150. Dropisai gatllg table, refinlohed, $175. Two chairs, $15 each. Two kil. chen tabies, woodsn, $25 an.d $60. Tlephone 683-6638. 6 PIECE dlning room sel, round table, glass top wilh 4 white lnyi swinsi chairs wiih chrome base, off white buffet, deal for apar- Imenl. $500 or boni oiter. Coul ai. ter 7 p.m., 655-3729. DININO ROOM SUITE, pins. Paul Bunyan collodtion, tahle 44"x75, 2 Captln chairs, 4 regular chairs, buffet and huIch, minI condition, $4,000. Phono 668-3430. FORMAL DININO ROOM suite. soiid wood, excelent shape, made Sp House oni aemors. 9 paces 2 armn chairs, 4 ids chairs, tabe soain 8 o 10 com- lorably, bufftland4hich. $2.500. Phone 68888914. 3~ILES TIRE BALANCE machine by 'Bear Precision Baiancing', 110 volts, singie phase, 30 ampa, ail ai- Iachmanta to balance Cp 10 and Inciuding large truck tires, 4 years nid, perfect condition, $1,495. Tirs Changer by 'BISh- mon', loctricihydrauiic, taire. tire sizes 7.00-15 though 14.00. 24, Duplex, 10.00165 through 18.0022.5, 4-20 piy rstIng, 230 voit, model non. 931A, hardiy ueod, 00w cnet $7,000, "Il for $2.650. 655-499, Brooklon. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 loch mag rima, wlih centres, euth 4 brand new Brdgestono steel belled radiais (150sl, aready moanted on rma. Mini condition and lok as Il lhey have nover been used. Ail for only $650 whlch ls whal Il can cool pou for oniy 2 ai a custom car sore. Phone Oris ai 655-6902. FORD 269 robulit molor, $300. Teno ragar mago wllh gond ires, $200. Phono 668-7546. FOR SALE Ico ires on rim, bises ply oaleiy, 99 nylon, F78614, Ilke now, only 7000 km., $50. PRoof lop carrier, 46ux43'n12" irs Aspen Carrier, $40. Oel 668-9113. 19M8 VOLKSWAGON sunrool. gond motor, ires, lendors, seil for pars, $200, Oeil 668-6526. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parts. sîil n runing condition, nw steeol belied ires, $150 or beol cier. Phono 579-4212. 1972 PINTO for pars, gond molor, transmission and ires, $200 or beni oiter. Tow truck equlyment compoes boom and boom rackrs, revoing lighîs and saddle, eor. rigglng, 10,000 lb olecîrlo wlnch, work b.ad of 9,500 hos., encellent condition, $1.500 or besi ofter. Phone 655-3006. 1041 ESCORT, $3,00 or bost oi- fer. Cali belors noon or aller S p.m., 4344026. 1080TR? convortIbie, oxcellent original condition, AMIFM storen, log lampa, British green, 2.0 titre angine, 5 speod, oniy 29,000 km., cortIied, askIng $5,B75. 0.li 576- 7897. 1080 CHEV Impala Statlonwegon, auto irons., p.s., p.b., eioctrlc resr wIndnw detrostor, air cnnd., tint glass, AMIFM storen cassette tape, carise Immacuisto, 35,500 or bosi citer. Cali Peul, 666-3802 or Joanne 579-5289. 1979 LADA one nener, askInG $500. Oeli 576-096 aller 5:30 p.m. 1070 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps&., p.b., elr condltlonlng. $600or bosi oller. Oeil l855-3176. 1975 FORD lialf-on, 6 cylinder, as ls $800. Phono 434-6406 or 579- 0669, ask for Ties. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8aengins, gond fuel ecooomy, ver5. gond condition, nery ile rusi, enhaunt sysiem In greai shape and needs 00w shocirs, muni sal, $2,100. Phono Chris aller 6 p.m., ai 655-6902. a BOATS& SUIPPLIES 18 PT. SIDEWINDER gold meialilc, compioioiy relinlshod, $3.600. Phono 7286700. 16 Fl. INVADER, day salior wilh coner and salis, excellont con- dîlion, $1,250. Phono 728-8700. ORGAN Vamaha C05, new con- 411100, 1 55 pears nid, new $4,500. asking $2,900. Phone 666-4713. FOR SALE Hammnnd eloctil organ, complote euth bencis, ex- dallent condition, asklng $300. Phone 668-7472. ;eFCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply hecause you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: ~-- - - *are a private advertiser;r -have a specified asking price for your article following advertisement placed then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- Press. tion see guidelines above for more details . You.r ad will noun each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months I- A minimum charge appies 10 each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wilI seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance ovmr $400; LESS the minimum charge descrtbed above. 1IS E D? questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. guidelineS above and wish 10 have the Id under this section of the Whitby Free . doni Iforget Isincludr' your phosne' numier' I enclose $75010o cover the minimum charge, Charge $750 to my Visa account. Cord Ns. I-:p. Ilote Name (plesse prints Addr-ss Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. 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