WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985, PAGE 17 COSTAIN 171. FABULOUS FALLINGBROOK, HOMER ON A CHOICE 35'LOT...* FOR AS LFITLE AS $81,900. Now you toc can enjey the superb quality of a Costain home, in ane cf Costain's most exciting new execu- tive cormurn es.. at a p)rice tBiar's Surprîsilglv lovw. Oifeèrs xou 6 se isItol dlfle\ eŽ,fs on 35, lots. \ihSizes rangil gfig iN 1,168 te a spaciaus 1,975 square fet and fabulous features like grecri- house breakfast areas.. sunken living rons ... separate dining rooms ... family rooms with fire- places ... master bedrooms with walk-in closets and ensuite baths. Ail that luxury cani be yours, easfly, affordably, at a price frein jt-ust $81,900) to the loxv lù,OO0000's. And for those who buy before Iul1v 15thf, we h ave ?- special Sumrner]- Bonus - a brand narne rnîc'roeave oven Or dishwmasher absolutely fr-eed" Cerne, sec \VhIthy ails hesr, here in Flalingb--rook. Visit our sales office seani, before die low cost of' luxury attiacts toc large a crowd! *A\\ ilblC 3 h o nIv. FPALLINGBK00K IN il-lE(C)STAIN TRAD ITION MOIDF' SAl-fES CENTRE l MoxkiyTh'u r 1 os. COSIAIN