WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1985, PAGE 7 if one is formed.... Durham Centre closure to be reviewed by Grit government Sbould Liberal leader David Peterson ho called on to form a new provincial government this week, the planned closure of Witby's Durham Centre for tbe Developmentally Han- dlcapped will be revlewed. According to Bill Wrye, the party's critic for tbe Ministry of Community and Social Services, it is even possible tbat the scbeduled April 1, 1986 closing date could be postponed until the closure bas been tboroughly reviewed and its impact re- evaluated. Wrye, the MPP for Windsor-Sandwich, told tbe Free Press in a telephone interview from his Queen's Park office last Thursday, that his party has 'lsomne serious reser- vations" with the current government's closure of Durham Cen- tre and five other medium sized ini- stitutions for the men- tally retarded across Ontario. "lIt will be reviewed, in the truest sense of the word," Wrye said. "We have some serious reservations about it and some serious con- cerna about the losure of tbe medium sized centres. " Wile bis party sup- ports the concept of de- institutionalization, the Progressive Conser- vative government has acted in a "high handed manner", the prospec- tive Minister of Coni- munity and Social Ser- vices said. "The fundamental question is should the process continue," Wrye said adding that the closure will receive high priority in the Peterson government's agenda. "It is one of the Most fundamental issues of government policy. It bas to be one of the priorities. " Wrye also criticized the Tories for failing to bold open discussions with all parties involved in the closure before putting tbe plan into ac- tion. Furtbermore, he said, the plan was implemen- ted witbout ensuring that tbe necessary communlty support services were in place and operating. "How can you have de-institutionalization witbout putting coni- munity supports properly in place?" be said, adding, "This governinent and this ministry bas proceeded by dicturn rather than by open consultation." In tbe event that heis, indeed, named tbe Liberal Minister of Community and Social Services, Wrye said that be will1 personally in- spect Durham Centre sometime this summer. He admitted tbat be bas not yet visited tbe Whitby facility since be was named critic in Sep- tember, 1983. Any changes in tbe current government's policy will be tbe result of a "1gradual process" of review, Wrye said adding tbat other im- portant issues are also facing tbe ministry at this time inluding tbe broadening of day care service across tbe province. Although be's not sure why Whitby Town Council choose this year to implement is decision, Witby Cbam- ber of Commerce president Don Frise sald last week tbat bis organization wil accept Don Frise tbe graduai reduction in ts annual grant. At is meeting last week, council voted to give the chamtar lis requested $2,100 grant for 1985. However, council also decided to reduce tbe grant request by 20 per cent a year beginnlng ini1986. Under council's new pollcy, tbe chamber of commerce wlll lose is grant by 1991. To compensate for tbe gradual elimination of tbe grant, council is ex- pected to become a cor- porate memtar of tbe cbamtar paying annual dues of tatween $400 and $500, beginning probably next year. - That means that the chamtar wouldn't feel tbe impact of tbe grant reduction until 1987. 11 still don't under- stand why they cboose this year toreview this ting," Frise said in an interview last Tbur- sday. "But, under tbe circuinstances, I think tbat wbat tbey've done for us la quite favorable." Frise described coun- cil's decision as the taginning of a "weaning process" tbat will force the business organization to become Lefs see yo4 d financially self- sufficient witbin tbe next few years. The local real estate salesman bas always been an advocate of financial self- sufficiency for tbe chamber but didn't talieve tbat the council grant would ta cut off so soon. Frise pointed out that other communities in this area sucb as Oshawa and Port Hope view their cbamtars as valuable resources and fund tbem to a much greater extent that Whitby does. Tbe cbamtar, be ad- ded, would welcome tbe town as a new corporate meontar. 'II think it's an ex- cellent idea for them to become a menitar," Frise said adding, "It was a politically astute recommendation by treasurer AI Claringbold. It's dif- ficult to find fault witb wbat tbey are doing. " FURNITURE STRIPPING Rsfinlshing & Custom Upholstory ANTIQUES BOUGHT & SOLD Open 7 Days AWeek 413 Dundee St. E., Whltby, Ont. 668-58 ira 31 BOND ST. 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