Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1985, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19, 1985, Wl IITI3Y FREE PRESS Members protest closing ofBrooklin credit office Members of the Brooklin branch of the AMCU Credit Union are angry about the organization's decision to close the Baldwin St. N. office and move the operation to the Whitby branch. According to long time member and for- mer secretary-manager Laural Hamer, the credit union is closing the Brooklin office because "it's not paying its own way. ' And the reason for this, she says, is quite simple. There are not N WEEKI 1,668-4521,@ 1 ÉFRAMING ÇENTRE* ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMEA tu mm mm- mm-- enough people buying boans from the Brooklin branch. "Theyve got money, ihey don't have the borrowers," she told the Free Press last week. "'We need the borrowers, even new membors won't help that much. " Hamer also believes ihat if AMCU carnies out its plan to close the branch, many members would bo inclined to drop their rnemborship in the 30-year old finan- cial institution. At a recent meeting held by AMCU was asked to delay closing the Brooklin office so some efforts could be made to improve its situation. "It would appear that well over haîf of the at- tendance would be in- clined to drop their memborship rather then accept the various inconveniences of the change," Hamer seid. The office is now scheduled to close on Juiy 25 but Harner hopes that it could be delayed Ajax bridge The folowlng are the resulta of last week's play at the Ajax Bridge Club as reported by Dwlght Oland. In the open section: Kelth and Dianne Balcombo, 10i; Greg Sweeney and Bruce A4 MINI-METrRICS 4.5 L is about a gallon. Norman, 96.5; Bea Phillipe and Henrlca Soetens, a tie wlth, Ken and *Joanne Marden, 88.5; and, Mark Mar- tlnek and Jim Marteil, 86. In the novice section: Ruas and Beth Plcker- sill, 30.5; and, Tom and Nancy Dresslng, a tie with, Susan Cheetham and Marg Wilson, 28. The resuits of each week's play at the club will be reported in the folowing issue of the Whtby Free Press. indefinitely if more borrowers could be foumd. She notes that there are advantages to dealimg with credit unions includimg btter interest rates on boans and insurance on money deposited. Hamer said that while the move wouldn't pose a problem for many. it would for many senior citizens. "The difference proposed by the board of directors of the AMCU is only eight miles and even btter business hours but the difference in association by the community is one of almost total Br(Dk1 in Bylines By BEFy-EAN BLYTH frSF Cali 65B-69wthIefr tî clm Here it is the middle of June when most of the local organizations are closing down for the sum- mer as well as the schools and my sources of news are drying up faster than a creek in a heat wave. Now is the time for my annual plea to those in- volved in sports leagues etc. to corne out of the woodwork and give me some material for this column. If you cant get your items into the IGA by Thur- sday night, you can always caîl me at 666-1133. It's useless to try to reach me at home when school is out because aIl you'll get is a perpetual busy signal. What is it about phones that fascinate kids 50 much? When 1 was young I remember rigging Up our own communication systemn using tin cans and string which worked as well as our rural party-line as I recaîl. At other times, we arranged probably the first conference calîs with the help of a friendly telephone operator who also happened to be a cousin. By opening a few limes and plugging thern together, she enabled a whole group of us to hold conflabs or simging practices without leaving home. Now that 1 think about it, we were probably in- strumental in Bell taking the exchamge office oui of Brooklin. My own kids missed al the joys of being able to listen in on the neighbourhood gossip on the party line but it hasn't dimimished their enthusiasm for the phone. On the contrary, 1 sometimes wonder if future generations wom't be born with permanent headsets that keep themn tuned into a rock station anld their friemds simultaneously. Almost before they were old enough to say Mama and Dada, they had memorized the phone numbers of gramdma and their closesi friends. Because they couldn't tell urne yet, they had the amnoying habit of dialing these umbers at, to us adults, unreasonable hours. 1 mean, no matter how much you love a little tyke, being called at five in the morriing by a two- year-old who woke up early can be somewhat trying. THE CORPORATION 0F the Doctor joseph 0. Ruddy ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annuel Meeting of the Corporation witl be held THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1985 commencing at 8:00 p.m. n the cafeteria ot the hospitai The Meeting wiii be heid to: 1, Review minutes of previous meeting 2. Receive Reports 3. Amend Hospital By-Laws, Section 11, Subsectiori (1), 'Regular Meetings ot the Board" 4. Appoint Auditors 5. Etect members to the Board 6. Discuss any matter raised at the meeting. Copies ot the Hospital By-Laws and Financiai Statements may be examined et the office of the Secretary at any time during normal business hours or witl be meited to members on request. By Order of the Board, James R. Miller Secretary estrangement," she said. "Its a pulling up of roots ihat is the greatest disappointment to the older people of the community who have the largest percentage share and deposit capital and while none of this is in any danger - it is just a little more difficult to get access to t," -she added. Hamer is also ap- pealing to amyone in need of a boan to apply to the Brooklim branch of the AMCU. More business is the only way her fellow members have of comvimcing the board that it should remain open. .0i Sort By the time they reach their teens and it shows great fortitude on the part of the aduits in their lives that they do, they have got this phone thing down pat. They can fie Up a phone for hours without seeming to do anymore than inumble or groan oc- casionally - it must be some new sort of language. 0f course, you can always give them a lime of their own but from my experience, it just means there s another Une they tie up. When one is busy, their friends just use the other and they carry on two non- conversations at once. One of my kids once actually spent a whole evening, unknown to us, playing monopoly by phonel1 Perhaps we parents of teenagers wil have to go back- to the tin can and string arrangement or maybe some enterprising entrepreneur will corne along and start a new telephone company for teens only. It could be rigged up with rock music and prerecorded grunts and groans so that they could be free to do their homework or dlean their rooms and stili keep in touch with their peers. CORRECTION Myrtie Clurch picnic will follow the church ser- vice on June 23, not include it as I erroneouly stated last week. This will be the last service until Septem- ber. The picnic will be held in South Myrtle at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Manuel immediately following the service. SPENCER SUMMER PROGRAM There are still a couple of days lef t to register your child for this great summer fun program for kids from 3 to 14. Tomorrow and Friday, registration will be taken from 1 to 4 p.m. If you missed the announcement lest week and want to know more about his, caîl Linda Neault at 655-BM5 or Inez Piehl at 655-4172. DREAM AUCTION This Saturday, the community auction at Burns Church in Ashburn will take place beginning at 12 noon. It promises to be a fun event that you won't want to miss. I haven't received any news on exac- tly what will be offered beyond what I mentioned last week, so you'll just have to get out and find out for yourselves. Remember, the proceeds go to fixing the church roof. LIBRARY NEWS Again this year Brooklin Horticultural Society has done a magnificent job of planting to beautify the library environs. During July and August the library will be visiting the area parks again with exçiting programs for the kids. Starting on Wednesday, July 3, these will continue through until August 21. The times are as follows: Ashburn, 9 to 10 a.m.; Macedonian Village, 10 to il arn.; Spencer Community Centre, il a.m. to 12 noon; and, Myrtle, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. QULT PO0 T

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