WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1985, PAGE 3 Whitby Legion parades i honor of Korea veterans They called it a "con- flict"l. A "Police ac- tion". But to the men wbo fought in Korea between 1949 and 1953 caîl it a war. For as far as they are concerned, that's exactly what it was -a war. Their hair is a littie gray now. For those who came back, time bas aged them but not tbeir memories. Many of tbern saw service in the Second World War, but rnany bore arms for their country for the fir- st tirne. And so on Sunday af- jternoon tbey gatbered. Tbey formed ranks and as tbey dld over 30 years ago, they mar- cbed. But not to war. Tbis time they rnarched in mernory of those who did corneborne. ~A color party of 30, bearing tbe flags of Canada, Korea, the United Nations, tbe bRa an ian aLa ell adeKorea Veterans' Association ad the paradsotion. gio aoyinttetob St. JoE. yars bh of ervimerso 13tannlve12rarty thof thecRoal outoorserice thgoandllbeints 2:45 Oshawa hapterloatet Viora St jeteraso Asrociat.Snaldthe Asoceati nd scn struct ut o h prIonlb ates I St.ngon'sTheylwere balc la ta graei ots ew yeanivrsafr the thecalloatdoanderices ht w berna dl2:d4n ste behw'e, St. Jobnas Victo~raS.est fWhtyf speakerSt the ante sy serce wuildibe Major CbyadBws onth Satitdof Ariy Boles lckth dire ctofth Cildens ilae tat le operted bylite am balatonnaOntarlo bareorne trdtiond f St Johns and rthe mhulchwIlbeprovied biy the W ntrasaf Bh aod and srawerr This eallbgeserbte ladi a oes of the rs t Ahil reweVlome toat- tsoend. db tearn Canadian servicerner who saw action in Korea was Don Randaîl, president of the Ontario region of the K.V.A. who told bis comrades and a crowd of about 100 people that while the additional mernorial was welcomed, it was long overdue. nment of Canada authorized the Defense Ministry to raise a 10,000 man volunteer force under the com- rnand of Brig. Gen. J.M. Rockingbam, be finally realized there really was a war on. Randaîl said that in Feb., 1951 the Second a war, in every sense of the word. " The Korea veteran noted that 516 Canadian servicemen lost their lives during the tbree- year war. Over 1,000 more were wounded and 33 spent the war as prisoners of the Chinese and the North Koreans. Don liandail, president of the Ontario region of the Korea Veterans' Association and Earl Ormiston, president of Brancb 112 (Whitby) of the Royal Canadian Legion salute the cenotapb after unvieling the inscrip- tion dedicated to those Canadians who fought and died during the Korean War. Whitby is one of the few communities in the province wbose memorial to the fallen includes those Canadian servicemen who fougbt during the 1949-1953 war. Free Press Staff Photo After North Korea and China invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950, many Canadians, Randaîl said, thought it was sirnply "'a con- tinuation of the Cold War." But wben the Gover- Battalion of the Prin- gess Patricia's Canadian Ligbt Infantry engaged the enemny for the first tirne. 111 bave often beard the term 'conflict' ap- plied to Korea," Ran- dail said, -But we cail it Many of those woun- ded and imprisoned stili suffer tbe ef fects of thal war, Randaîl said. "Over a million people died because of that action," Randal said adding that if those kind of casualities didn't for Branch 112, told the Free Press in an earlier interview that only three members of the branch fought in Korea. To the best of their knowledge, no Whitby resident was among the 516 who lost their lives. Despite that, the branch believes that it was about time that a suitable memorial was erected to those men who fought in Korea. "The Legion decided it was time (the war) was recognized and the appropriate honors given," she said. In addition to un- indicate that a war was on, he didn't know what would. Korea veterans, he said, have their own language. World War Two veterans talk about Sicily and Normanday. Korea veterans talk of Inchon and the 38th Parallel. Randail said that bis cornrades were more than pleased with the Whitby Legion's decision to add a memorial to Korea on their cenotaph noting that bis association's prirnary objective is to have similiar memorials inscribed tbroughout the provin- ce. "Wbat you have done, should have been done before," he said, "This is just a small step in putting the situation right." Marj Adams, the public relations officer e.--q Soli OA .0PN » Frie an Te. -f SEEQOUR LARGE 0F NO-WAX VINYL REMNANTS ONLY $39YD I Sorni Valîîid dl $19 95 sq yd via HOURS: 0 e C ~ThusF9-9 Sa 95 1305 Hrwood Ave N Ajax 683 61 M vieling the additional inscription on the cenotaph, wreaths were laid in mernory Of Canadian servicernen who died during the war. Wreaths were laid not only by the Legion and by the K.V.A. but by Mayor Bob Attersley on behaîf of the Town of Witby and by Dr. Chul Ngum Lee, deputy con- sul-general of the Republic of South Korea. The local Korean community also laid flowers at the mernorial. AMCU CREDIT UNION INC ANNOUNCEMENT CLOSING BROOKLIN BRANCH <As of July 26185) Accounts wlII be transferred to WHITBY BRAN CH 400 Dundas St. W., Whltby ALSO NEW HOU RS: (Effective JuIy 2nd185> Mon.-Wed. 9:30 to 5:00 p.m. Thurs. 9:30 to 7:00 p.m. Fr1. 9:.30 to 7:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 to 1:00 p.m. 400 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-4500 BACK B YPOPULAR DEMAND Beautify your home with Antron Nylon N by Burlington REG. 2995 $1 95 NOW ONLY I19 LE With 3/8 Underpad & Labour SERVICE ~/fffffff~CENTRE S924 Kingston Rd. 2 __Vn d Dunbarton Plaza, Pickering _z Hwy2îý. behînd Police Station -40, . i EXPIRY DATE JUNE 29185 To ail FiterQueen Owner IIMPORTANTH" Yulid yor auum t1u opin th Vffuum Unit lait 2 y.rs If n«t.pion cali for more itili 10 PMioTune*Up 'dlean and test motor -Chteck and -stait cartoon bruthes FREE -Replace siiencerf bann sirp cpfl -Replace deodanizer telt rIng - _ -Replae powser cord strain relief CkMi e o 'cloenit ad replace trOfns2ys flltrcone eî- __ anrd a -Check sisctnicâl cords and demeristrattof tp5f connections nzl .Clean and examine ail parts -Replaceseaconery dise tller 'Test suciton This comilete 10 pis. power nozzl tufle-Up service only REG. 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