PAGE 2, WEDNISDAY, JUNE 19, 1985, WI-IITBY FRE E PRESS Ottenbrite s ays he didn't put up si gns. Joe Ottenbrite wishes that whoever has been erecting the signs promoting his can- didacy for mayor would have contacted hlm before doing so. It seems that the downtown Whitby habadasher has had nothing to do with the obviously hand painted signs that sprouted Up inl various locations around the municipalities in the last two weeks. $i don't know anything about them, in ail sincerity," Otten- brite told the Free Press in an interview last week. He said that he first learned of their existen- ce when his daughter, Anne, told hlm a few days ago that she had seen one. Soon after- wards, he was visited by the town's bylaw enfor- cement officer who in- formed him that the signs were illegal. And, if he was running for mayor his signs would definitely be of better quality. "They are not the type of sign that would give me the right type of image to run for that of- fice," Ottenbrite said, "If 1 was going to run, I would have a first class sign." The merchant also claimed he isn't sure whether the person who put up the signs wants him to run or not. "I'm not sure whether he or she is trying to discourage me or is 11 arn not saying right mayor held since 1978 i g JEELLERYb 1 J', i EXCH. INC. À GENTS 10K GOLD DIAMOND RING, 9 DI1A MONDS, GREAT VALUE.. REG. 1900. - NOW ONLY LADIES' 10K GOLD DIAMOND YOUR CHOICE CLUSTER RINGSk 4 DIAMONDS & 1SAPPHIRE or 4 DIAMON DS & 1 RUBY or 4 DIAMON DS &1EM ERALD LADIES' 10K GOLD CLUSTER RINGS 7 RUBIES à 6 DIAMONDS or 7 EMERALDS & 6 DIAMONDS or Z y 7 SAPPHIRES & 6DIAMONDS . . PRICED TO SELL... - OVER 1,000 10K GOLD CHARMS FROM TREMENDOUS SELECTION AT LIQUIDATION PRICES 10K LADIESR RINGS FROM LARGE SELECTION 10K GOLD EmARRINGS, FO LARGE SELECTION FRESHWATER PERL i BRACELETS SLADIES' RINGS AND CHAINS 7 TO CHOOSE FROMZ Mon. to Thurs. 10-5 Fri. 10-5:30 rSat. 10-4 KING ST. E. SUITE 4-UPSTAIRS CORNER 0F KING AND ALBERT o CUS TOM DESIGN AND EXPERT REPAIR is Joe Ottenbrite running for mayor? This sign, found at the entrance to the GO Station on Brock St. S. would seem to indicate so. However, the downtown businessman says that he doesn't know who erected this sign and several just like it at other locations throughout Whitby. But, is he running for mayor? Ottenbrite says he's given the matter somne thought but stili hasn't made up his mind. Free Press Staff Photo trying to encourage me now," Ottenbrite said to run," Ottenbrite said, while admitting that he "lIt has to be one or the has given the matter other. " some thought. But is he running for if he did run, it would tersley decide to seek another term. Attersley has been acclaimed mayor in the last two decided whether or not to challenge Attersley. -Right now, l'on not running, " he said. 12,682 unemployed i this area The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- nlnvment Centres in Oshawa for the month of May totalled 12,632 which compares to 14,403 registrations 16,301 reg9istrations during May, 1984. Placements in the three offices totalled 602 compares to a total of 646 placements during April, 1985 and 237 placements during May, 1984. During May, the greatest employment opruities existed in peroa and household services; food and beverage; retail trade; and construction. At the end of May, there were 185 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 55 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. "Whitby bridge scores The foilowlng are the resulti of last week's play at the Whltby Curling Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. JIi harrie. North and South: Mrs. Hugh Baker and Nane.y Love, 52; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, a tde with, Art Conrad and Harold Smuck, 51½à ; and, Mrs. P.N. Spratt and Mrs. John Frost, 46. East and West: Georgia Bovay and Trudi Ruest,, 471/; Frank Maceill and Cyrill McDonald, 46; June Thompaon and Bill Fraser, 42; and, AI Leslie and Perry Laurence, 40%. The results of each week's play at the club wil be reported In the followîng Issue f the Whtby Freeres. CONSIDERING PURCHASING A NEW CAR? The Place... y.Priced f rom TELLAR Priced f rom W E 401 2930 BAYLY ST. E. (1/ Mile East of Harwood Ave.)S - BAYLY 1STE. AJAX 427-0111 l elections. But Ottenbrite main- FI%