IEDNESDAY. JUNF 19. 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS ~~W rII V DLAfl MAD £~~ICES~~CES ~UTOOBILES ~~LE 1990 RENAULT Le Car iii an- LADY moutd l1e to do bosee cteanlng. For detl cai 66&- DOME HOME improceenOns. In- mrer, eoieriotpantintg. aio aluminium and inyt siding cteened,6661985,JIM. W-M.SON0AL UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE. cattRAnULdTonLaskartng e,80. Phone 668-3914. 1978 DATSUN Pick-up, naw angine, nauds amrnshaft, $50. 668-3268. 1974 PI NTO good ranntng con- dition, iniartoi, 3 doors, low miteage, basf oitar. 666-2793. 1973 CHEV Monte Caria, good condifton, as le, $1,400. Phona 668-6424. EViOTIE Nee hop? otkrsCompati- DON'T LISTEN te anpene aise. sation,tSetfere.OHtP assistance, me pep top dollar for ScraP Cars iJnemptopment Insurance, et and trucks. 668-9712. Criais rfraetst other agendaes, _______________ cuit: 579-1821. WîNDOW CLEANîNG - COmmt- S UPPLIE S ciel and rasidontiat. 68662237. SHELTIE PIJpS for sala. CKC -____________ ,sltared, firsi shots. 2 tomates. CHESTERFIELD sitas, loveseais, nacionals, tans than l'a prica. Larga slactIon. Mctean Farnitura. 524 Simcoa S. S., Oshawa. 725-5191. TENT TRAILER and Addar room, good condition. $700. 6663268. OUANTITY 0F cadar rails, Picnlc tablas, larga assorimani ai gai. dan aqulpmani, Jars, dishas. etc. 683-5077 afiar 5 p.m. MATTRESSES and bon springs ai hait prica. McKean Furnluta, 524 Simcoa Street Southi, Oshawa. 7255181. ELEcTROLUX SALES on rapossessad and racondioflad vacuumts and rag stlamPoOts. Phone 723-4163. GEOTYPE prsson letering nom n stock ut ickscn Prinling & Of- fice supplies ia theAjaxuuShop- ping Piaza. Large seincIlin oi stylas and izas. Why puy more for a smuiiar shunt of ltaring? 683-1968. HOUSEHOLO CONTENTS in- ctudtng 2,badroom sutes, 2 stadp deants, dtntng room tabla with 6 chairs, wainai buttai, 12 ca. fi. fraazar, coffea tabla. Att ai bargain pricas. 416-839-8303. VtIIT car usad farcit ara warahouna by appoinimant. Big sanings on dasks, chairs, iting cabinats, tc. Cati Dickson Prin- jing & office Supplias to arranga an appoinîmuni f0 damw. 683. 1968. suaiing nauda plus air teakage inspection and u.F.P.t. rumadIat meanarus. Cati McCieava LM., uabridgu, 852-5051 or toit rou 1- 600-263-3204. -HEROES ot fine Bible" coiouring book acitubtu ut Dicksotr Prin- ing & Office Supplies, Aau Plaza, 683-1968. Deaer inquirien Invitad. BALLY HI-Lo Ace pinbait miachine, good condition, $375. Phone 666-1795. COLOUIIS reu;ecoi.',$2 ah al6 Discover the coloursGRG alalu.61325ah Ci 6 & shades that corn- SAE 1 -EETO2XCND piient yorsi TEN MONTH l od part Shepherd A FREE performance check of any make of tons enhance your GARAGE SALE 715 Hp and Si. pup, spadad tamale, protective vacuum ai no obligation entitlesyu 0a2x2 ciohe pus ut tdu thr 0a cutsh$9.5.Lmlermonrvale. Cal best features. Saturday Sunday 22 23, t arn isint ar et aaad r carpet shampoo o rdy fom wy0re iku O n ly $ 30 P a rC fl u Iat c o 5 p m .,a n c orsh in e ste re o . to g o o d h O mi e ýa n e6 6e y6N w-a uu3 2i h p o e r h a d a Cmlicomputartops, bocks, chitdans w $ 9 6-27 Items.BAS& now 723-4163 for an ln home look at Our machines. COIG GARAGE SALE Saiurday, june SUPPIS _SOFC PCIOFC PC 22, tin data sunday 69Mra FIESPC0F1C P~ E.NT ,S Whitby. Third Streat Southi ctt 12 Fr. STARCRAFT boat with 6 Y FR RET O Z IZ Annas and p. Johnsonl on Wycctt tilt C.H.t.P. PROGRAM Only 286 traiter, $1,200 Phone 571-0520 days lat. For a raa astîmata ca NOW RENTING 1-80-263-3204. YARD I WHITBY CORPORATE CENTRE SALES h -OFFERS: TEN FAMILYyadOasae.Sat Juno *One of the f inest of fice bu ildi ngsi n t he Region UU O R N I 22 Comae to pour ona stop shop à , pi 1à eRent as low as $700 per sq. f t. net net of rnew and hardlp Usad goodias , AL~ / *ewi ae sryu rsn es R ý9 91 ocar 25 par ot Pro ta à curtalos .4... tk oe ou reet es baby Items, tops and ciottios, î ~4 *We wilî amortize your improvements TYPEWRITER runtai, mun mc. housahctd Itams. baking î\ *Parking for 120 cars makas and modats, by tha and mucti mora. Locatad 2 mitas 6mnhretfee weekaod, waak Or month. east of erougtram on Hwy. 7 uni-6 4.- et r Discounts anaitabla. DicksOfl et oi Westnap Rd. Prîntîng & Offica SuppIleisn the _____________ Cal i Days 666-3665 Alan Plaza. Cati Us lot businass vngs12 4 37 machina rpaire 6831968i- CHILD CRE !$ vnns 12442 ES WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for raniAATIO Il ~on p otassonal ttocr Would h VCAIO C FEE LVN OHRmi osuitabeaforupawyraccoutitant. l R ENTALS__ LOVIN MOTHR wil doatc. Fein sctodaait lltias and davc,-.,.ismn borna wiliilg to i . e f or a rae -w MROC~KSRESORT only tac FRIEE: DroP mb the Dickson Printing &l Office SuPPtp store ln the Aax Piaza and pck up a free cepp et their 1985 Meric Cean- dat. Printad ln imo colouts. Il mabes for bandy reerence. 683- ~~~ïCA~IONAL -GRAMMER for peope who haie grammat" la the Ideat pookat refereticO book for business people. 93.95 pur cepy and aualabta ai Dicksott PrIntIng & Office suppies ln the Aax Piaza. Daler enqLittos InnIed 683-968 CONGRATULATIONS on peut forthcomitig mriage. Pleasa view eut samples o engraned madding Inviations et pour amiure ln our Alun Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Office Sup)- accgptatrlit wotkiilg hoars, iii proida good meals, arts and crtta. pisesphone 666-4006. oAYCARIEin my home, 3 peata and up, West Lyndaeres. For fat- ther Inormefatncai 66-2273. WILL BABYSîT In my home, 1 pear odsa ad ap, Engish and Frenchi, Hieteafi Cros. In 1Stuagras Meedaw&. Nicoe ai 72-0003. It wasnt Charlie's erder f rom Dickssn Printing & Offict Supplies that held him ap, il wus the shock ofthtie iew prices.1 ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... cai 668-6372 beimeeut 9:30 a.m. Kushog Lakeainta Heburtoti and 5 p.m. Mondup 10 Fridey. Hitnds. Soats. mtots, dockiag. ________ store, sala aandy bosch, fishiag. Arrive as guesi. 10.0e as friands. c'4" . F L 0R A 1 Cati or write 1-705-489-2247, R. W U vACATION 2, Minden, Ontarte KOM 21<. ILWENTA-S __ 1BUSINESS BSNS FOR SALE FRSAL 4 FAiLy TRUST CORPORAiToIO ~C>JlUÇ3REALTOR rff Àà 1lo Brock S. S. Whltby688885 TIRED0F WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE? Why flot own your own business. This territ c littie restaurant ls waiting for you to be ls new owner. Excellent profilt, with 25% down. Vendor wIll hoid mortgage. $46,000. For f urther Inf ormatiOn cili me todayl Gall Daniel 668-8865, 668-5085. MOLLY MAID "Specieliziaig in House Cleaning For Porticular Peopl>" 66*6*2144 gOME *mq PRIME DOWNTOWN Whibp - location, corner of Oundas and Btock. 450 sq it i $550 monthty plus hydro. Phonoe668-8444. Rapy .~., or 723-5444, LatrY. Phone 668-8943 (APARTMENTS/I CONOS FOR ENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, Whitbp: new concept in living, t-2 budrooma 683-9557. Augosi, $495 par month. 66-* 1 BU. BE YOUR OWN DO551 Malt Or- dot Service. $3M0 60 1,000 wotktng et homo ln pour $pare urne cen bo pours. For fuihor In- formation write: Acion Mail Or- der Service, 243 Ouebec Si., Oshawa LIJ MY. FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES. Join Our mailing programt. Work ai home. Wriie for frae infor- mation. Polly a Company, 3555 Homard Avenue, Windsor, On- tarlo N9E 3N6 PERSON NEEDED io temaina assistant manager. Potentiel earnings trom 930,000 io $40,000 annuatly. Car hoiptut. This in a lob n sales and inormation givan oniy during thte Interview. Cati 723-3412 for uppoinimut. EXPERîENcED waitressiwaiier wanied tuli-ima. Cuit 666-3070. CAREERS IN TRUCKî NO. Drver lob training and placement betp s analiable. Cali Rodgers School ai (4161769-3548, WORD PROCESSINO Program- mIng, Lotus, dbaseI and Ili and more. with cerilicate and lob placement, $149 and up, godai- aimant approvud courses uvalabia. ta deductibie, o.S.A.P. ioans, 683-2226. TEN PERSONS raquired for teiephone soticiiing io work Item our Whiiby office. Day and evenIng work anatieble, earn ap to 96.50 par hour, aiudenis meiconle.668-7329. EXPERIENCEO auto giese n- staller. For iathar Information cati 284-2958 ot 284-2103. ortonfeted traaet consultant.In. s ieresied in expanding an eatsttng agency ln Pickering. Muet have minimum 5 peeret.AT.A. on- perienca. Please eend resume In confidence to ftfe House of Travet, 010 Can-Tech Services, 1020 Stock Rd., Pickering, L1W 3H2. .............I l ples, su83-19.os ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemertt for errors on the first visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whtby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographiec ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding BITSeETS $0 oahefrt10wode1<ec errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additionaî word. such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. replies not called for within 30 days. The Witby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertîsemeflts. Ads must appear in the paper st 5 words; 12t each additional word. l)EAIINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or canceiled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES -40t<per line. (No word ads allowedi. toistorcneEm rumAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available ait an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wîIil make 668-6111 wi jZFORR.ORRTNT COTTAGE FOR RENT waekend, meuh or by month, 2 bedroom, good swmmng. ttshtng, Mazinaw Lube, $200 pur weak. Cail 433-4689 tor dataits. PRIVATE SALE cozy 2 badroom hoomealn matura Whlby naigh- bcurhood, IncludlIng large a-In kitchen, dining room. tencud yard, Immadlaepossession. $59,900. 728-4455. ACOMMODATION WAAN NDTED YOUNG FAMILY wishes 10mrienta housa ln the Whiibp arua. far- mhousa also, acailabia anylirue. 698-7496 ask tor Chaires Edwards HOUSE In Srookiin to ocame wiih rosponsible morking tomale by samo, chItdratl molcottO. 55- 806 alter 2 p.m WHITBY'S MU!S'I'Wlurix nr,,%ii m