Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1985, p. 23

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 19,1985. PA(;h23 OURO LAUNORY tub pump, as sec. $65. Resese toad equetlztng hltcb, 1", bars and etra parts, $110. Hoover uprlgt acuaM, $3. tonaeleectrie brush, as nec, $50. Viking etectric room, $10. Lawn roler, 18x24, coter htlled, 93. Router 58 hbp. and case, $50. Canoo, 14 fI. ibergtess, 36" boem, 13" depth, as new, $175. Phone 6554003. pHOTOORAPHIC Entarger 4" n 5" negatine capabitity, ideat tor tarter bobbytet, $90. Garage Door, moea overtread, 8 %ide 7' high, att hardware etc., $75. In Whitby, Colt anytime, 6U-.3969. BABY CR19 cith canopp, ln cldaSmatreSe and bedding, $200. Baby cradie, $100. 66 2273. FOR SALE root top carrier, 46n43'x12', fils Aspen Carrier, $40. Cai 666-9113. EOR SALE Go Karts - 1982 Bob- cal, excellent condition, $750. 1979 Tromot, good condition, $550. 801h hane G200 5 b.p. angines and extra parts. Cati Greg, 666-0471. 1873 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 c. ln., AC, AMIFM 8 tracks tereo, 5 gond tires, as 1n. $400. Ase 16Bcu.I. freezer, $150. Exrcise equipment, $95. 683 1094. COMPLETE EQUIFMENT to gel pou started In an asphaît drvecay seating business. used for tco summers, nec 1,60, wl sait for $1.200 or best citer. Cati Wat, 666.1337. FtVE large double lider %vin- doce, $50 eacb. Alue. storm door, rust colour, $50. Cati 655 317. FOR SALE two beavy duty worh hanches, cooden, one - 8o3o3 tet, and one 7Vxx3 appron. dimension, $25 eacb or bost of- fer. Cati 6553729 ater 7 p.m. FOR SALE plow, 2 furroc, tor 3 point hltch, ike new, $295. Phono 655-4995. ANTIQUES, moing withoui tbem. Secretary (varY uniqlue), $766. Buttai, $375. Ktchen hutch, $450. ine table, $200. Harvest tabla, 91,5W0and ressback Zause chairs, set of 6,9$150 eacb lboth very unique). Phono 571. 3636. FOR SALE One Maraxîz tapa dock and receiver, 4 Lazer speakers, IVu pears oid, $1,000. Oua TeobaIca Systeel, compete witb cabinet, 1 yeer oid receivor, tape deck, turetable, 2 speakers, 1 Realisîlu tape deck, $1.200. Remington eholgun, semi- automatic, FAC requirod, modal 1100, compltesclh case, sinols and ducS decupa, 6 moulins otd, $450. Cannon AE.-1 Programmed camera witin flash, $325. Coul Dbbie or Mary, 6866-4878. FOR SALE mapte itchan sot, 4 chairs, $225. inlng room sot, 4 chairs, $325. Cament mixer, $125. Ail ln excellent condition. 663. 6638. SEWING MACHINE for sale, pur table, guod worklng condition, $45. Grls and boys bies, $35 and $50. Clt 36836. TI4REE WHEEL, 3 spoed ladies bike. askixg S195. Clt 666-1507 or aller 6 p.m., 668-0825. BARNETTE crussbow, 150 lb. pull citb soupe. quluer and loader, $5W0 or hast utter. 434- 8028. FOR SALE Soars steoen ytom cilb recorder ployer and 8 track. $100. Boys 18' bicycle, 3speed, $50. roning board, $10. Clt 434. 6474. FOR SALE boys standard biSe, 24" tires, $25. Troe speed bou tan, $20. Phone 666-6429. SOFTWARE for T. 1. rotesslonal Computer. CFIM866 CBASICI866 RMICOBOL, Supercalu, Easywriter il, Eaeyepeliar Il, Multipian BPI, Invenfury Control. Ail unused, $50 each. 668-3932 evenings. 14 PT. FIBERGLASS canue, $150. 6 I. residentiai diing huard for nwimming pool, $100. Two humner propane camping stove wltb adlaplor for fuai. $20. Clt 433- 4689. FOR SALE mocer fr Ariens trac- tor. 42", $100. Scay bars for bouse t reier, $50. Mandolin ban- l, $125. Coleman lantere. $15. Lawn ruler, $30. 30 divided cln- ner trays, 91.50 aacb. Bed spread and drapes for double had and une set for twln size bod. $15 a set. Two ruds for sbeers, wiii eo- tend ru 1501, 5. Phone 6556000. When tIre advertised item lu nold, dispesed n, er unavaiabte fr cialever reasnnth item cullbe deemed tu have been sld and a commission witt be cforged hased un TIHE AIIVFRTISED PRICE as ilustraled below. regardIons if price in staled with "besi offer- If the item ro NOT SOLD. or dinpesed of. the ad wiii inn run fer t MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGEnof $7,50 wil apply payable tn advance of pubication of the first ad.Tine abeve minimum charge wul e applied lu ftne final cemminsien due. Mantmum commisnion: $100.00, Ail adver- tinemeulo muni he placed onuun exclusive busîs with fine WIIITBY FREE PRESS and ruat Iront une month il nul noid. RATES if article s soîd : of aiadverftsed price ap te 400-00 of etbalance ever $400.00 EXAMPI.E: bId Item advertt.ed for 1150.99. <.emmtsle due $75001'minimum charge IN $7.50) Private xdvertising nnly! l Peuse nelify Ue Whitby Free Press immedialely cinen item is sold se that ce may delete IL frxm n e fllxwing issue. Att adsnost fiting fine Emporium guidelines will ho freated and charged per week as regutur classufued adn onua pre-paid hasts sucin as: services.,ielp wanted. ci.thixg, real esLte, and personul message type ado, or ado nul quntixg prîce or quantily. Private ctassified ads mxy appear in Une Emporium section under appropriale ieadirngb ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFI ED SECTION UNLESS OTIIERWISE5PECIFIED, MAIL.AbS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bon 206 Witby. LIN 5,91 668-6111 131 BrocS St. N. Whitby, Ot, TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUMI ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ORGAN Yamaha C405, new con- FORSAL lethe rokIn chir, FOR SALE butet and hutch $85 dition, 1 'h poars otd. nec $4500, $25. Phone 668-5254. China cabinet, $75. Two ;mati asking $2.900. Phone 6864713. tables, $25 and $35. Maple hal table, reinlshed. $150 Dropleat MUST SELI 1974 Gibnon ripper Dî$HWASHER, Sears Deluxe gateleg table, retini shed, $175. bass 4 cay tone switch, maple portable, choppiflo block top, Two chairs, $15 each. Two kit. Wocd, grover keys, oery good gond working condition, $165 chen tablas, wooden, $25 and condition, hard shett cane. $360. Electrlo race car set, over 100 ti $60. TelephonoO683-6638. Aino 1981 Et Mayo imitation ot tacS 6 crs,2 tanstrmOs, __________strato castor moral pick guard. top counter, many otran, AFX & cherrycaswo$d75tiang barenît72bar TYCO, $95. Hoat circulating 6 IECE dining room set, round selcn,$7.Ct ao 2 .. - --- , 25M9 7697. 10 IECE nolid copie Viles hedroom set, $500. Beige upbolstaled mahoganp chair, $190. Three lier wainul shal on paestal, $20. Large capocity caler sottaner, 9200. Central nec syslem clh power broum. $200. Green Brocade sofa. $20)0. Phono 686-48770or433-89U9. $ToRM DOOR aium. Florida type, 32"O80, $35. Thre Chrysior rima. mountad P20515 tires. $20 eacb. Oua Firetone 721 G78-15, almost nec, $25. Phono 728-8953 scival chairs with chrome base, off white ballet. ideal for apar. Iment, $500 or boul olter. Colt al- ter 7 p.m., 6553729. DINING ROOM SUITE, pins, Foui Bunyan collection. table 44x75, 2 Captain chairs, 4 rogular chairs, buttaI and hutch, mini condition, $4.000. Phone 668-3430. FORMAL DINING ROOM suite, soiid coud, excellent shape, mode'hy bouse et BreemOra, 9 places - 2 arm chairs. 4 ida chairs, lubie seals 6 10 10 comn- tortabip, buttaI and htuS, $2.500. Phone 66668914. [WIT-DS rY~~~MQVEI ~ UTOMOBILESI U>1EPIRIARS~IIP (5 FOR SALE Preciston Balancing', 110 vols, single phase, 30 ampe, ail et- tachmenls lx balance up lu and lnctuding large truck ires, 4 yeaam aid, perfect conditi1on, $1.495. Tire Changer by 'Bien- man', eiectrIc1hydraulIc, takes tirs sizes 7.00-15 tlrough 14.00- 24, Duplex, 10.0016.5 through 18.0022.5, 4.20 piy rating, 230 vxlt, modai ne. 931A, hardtp used. nec coat $7,000), sali for $2,M5. 655-4995, BrooklIn. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 Inch ceg rims, cilh centras, clb 4 hrand 110w Bridgoslonnasteel helted radiais 166s1. atreadp mouted on rims. MinI condition and loS as Il they haue nouer beau used. Ail for ouiy $650 chicS ia whal Il con cost you for oipy 2 et a custom cor slors. Phone Chris a01655-8902. FORD 289 rabulit motor, $300. Two Cragar mags witb good tires, $200. Phone 666-7546. FOR SALE Ico tiras on rima, hias piy safely. 99 nyon, F78-14, iSe nec, ouly 7,000 km., $50. Rooi top carrier, 46x43012. ltrs Aupen Carrier. $40. Cali 66-9113. 18 VOLKSWAGON surfoot. good motor, tires, leudors, sali for parts, $200. Coul 666-6528. 1877PINTO Wagon for parts, stIll lu running condition, nec steel beted tires, $150 or bonI otter. Phone 579-4212. FOR SALE Hammoud elaul cc organ, complota cilh hench, ex- colleur condition, askiog $30 Phone 668-7472. ~ S.PI.ESPLE le Fr.L lSIDEWINDER goid matallc, completaiy refinished, $3.800. Phone 728-67M0 cooled, Ico stroke. $900 or bonI oflfer. Phono 668-4093. 1979 SUZUKI 1()o 0.0, vary good condition, asking $450. Phono 686-2273. 1978 YAMAHA 750, toaded for touring, VoIler and Krauser aquipped, tourlng soal, AMIFM cassette slereo. $1.650. Phono 666-3483, ;eýrCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sinm- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If yots: *are a private adyetitser; *have an article to oeil; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (sec guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wlll run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three montho i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the firsl in- sertion of yotsr ad. If your article does NOT oeil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seIl, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7.50" When your article sels, a commission is charged, based on the adverlised prîce. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400-, 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described fer. Cati bafure noue or aller B p.m., 434W626. 1980 TR7 convertible, excellent original condition, AMIFM IslereO, lxg lampa, Briis green, 2.0 litre angine, S spaed, xnty 29,000kmn., certif lad. asking $5.875. Cxli 576- 7697. IfflOCHEV impala Stalluncagon, auto rans., PS., phb., eleclric rear cixdow datrostar, air cond., fini glass, AMIFMV sterao, cassette lapa, carisa immaculale. $5.500 or hast offer. Colt Faul, 68663602 Or Joanne 5795269. 1979 LADA one uceer, asking $500. Cali 576-0961afler 5:30 p.m. 1978 CH-RYBLER CORDOSA pS., phb., air condilioning, $M0 or hast cfter. Calti85-3176. 1878 FORD hallon, 6 cylinder, as $600. Phono 434-6406 or 579. 0669,ash lorTim.' 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283.V8 englue, gond fuel economy. nery gond condition, very litte rosI. exhoust sytam n great shape and naads nec shockn, musi neil, $2.100. Phono Cbris aller 6 p.m., aI 655-8902. FOR SALE brocn Doberman, 5 peurs old. good famity pet, $50. Phono 655-4059. SAILBOAT, 18 il. e 6 il., cooden huIt complote wllh salIs, needs noma corS. $300 or maSeo ofaer. Oaa it anytime lu drivaapeaI134 Hi..'ory St. N., Whilby. tOinu. Beovar Lumberi 16 PT. INVADER, day sailor cith cover and salIs, excellant Con- dition. $1,250. Phone 728-6700. h. *~ çf~ <A questions. IlopefuIly, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do call 668-611il and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 hTaveX.ead the Emporium guidelines above anid wish IoI havtl following avrieetplaced ud ti eto fteWhitlh re IPress. 1 enclose $750 te cliver the tîntui Charge $7.-501lto my Visa rîeccittl Catil %o. 'suce tplra.e print e Adilees - (dorn i ItrgelIl icii- tîiv.îi iit 1011V iMi tui chatrge IMAMl TO: FREE PI I P.O. Boxt 131 Brock! - Whitby LI postal code lleltw rire sî>me exoîmples of what you would be charged if vînur article sold within three months. Cotmmissionls shown include the minimum charge atnd aire thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLIE1 . 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