Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1985, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Friday Frolie An hour of song, games and tonies wili deiight children aged 6 and over when the Whitby Public Library holds its "Friday Frolic" on July 12 from Io: 30 toil:30 a.mT. in the auditorium . Regstation for this prg .. wl be held June 10 at the children's desk. For more infor- mation caîl 668-6531. B3r(k1 in Bylines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Calil 655-3679 wlth Items for this columnn wMMMMM M Father's Day tri bute Since this Sunday is Father's Day, I would like to pay tribute to ail the fathers who take the role seriously; who dont think that their responsiblity ends when they bring home the pay cheque. One of the best things to corne out of wornen en- tering the work force in increasing numbers is that men have had to assume more of the tasks once designated as 'women's work" including taking care of the chiîdren. I dont mean this to be a plug for wornen's 11h either, what I mean is that it gives fathers a chance to experience the frustrations and joys of parenthood much more keenly. At one tume fot so long ago, it was a rarity to see a father pushing a baby carniage or taking a srnall child shopping on his own. Now these are common- place and both gain in the process. Dad is no longer the guy who cornes for supper and shelîs out the allowance. Dads can now change diapers, teach junior to cook, or their daughters the finer points of football without fear of losing their rnasculinity or turning out kids who are freaks. So 1 say Hurray for today's modemn Dads, rnake sure yours has a great Fathers Day be giving hini breakfast in bed and taking hirn out for dinner. (Just forget about the corsage, 1 don't think les ready for that yet!> BAKE SALE There's another great bake sale coming Up for al those of you who neyer seem to find time to whip Up these homemade goodies your self. The wornen of the Brooklin United Church are holding one in Grass The best of both worlds- Whcn the former Victoria and Grey Trust and the former Natitonal Trust mcrged in Septcmbcr, 1984, wc formed Canada's third largest trust company. The 9é new name, The National Victoria and Grey Trust Company,wa nîce, but a littie too long. We feel that sortening "Ji the namne to National Trust is not t)nly appropri- ~ ate, but better reflects <1.54 our growing presence in - Canada. 'A Your neighhourhood financial centre. Although we are a large,~ solid financial institution, each of our branches is very much a part of the community. (Our staff is knowledgahle and fricndlY, eagcr to serve you with a variety of financial services. From chequing and savings accoutits and safety deposit boxes to c ar boans and moncy machines. And just about cvery S investmcnt vehicle to make your moncy groW. A commitrnt to excellence. O~Cur new namne and logo *~ gve us the opportunfity tt) -. re-dedicate ourselves to q winning spirit at a branch k't near yt)u today # j Naitional Trust. We have a gnat namec to live op to. Your NeighbourhOOd iancial Centre NYATIONAL TRUST SA Division of National Victoria and Grey Trusco 1 ~Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation BLOW IT UP Park on Friday, June 28 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. or whenever the wares run out. There will be a white elephant table as well. Ail the ladies of the churcli are invited to con- tribute to this event; anything you have to offer wili be greatly appreciated. SUMMERTIME FUN Spencer Comrnunity Centre is once again offering a full slate of activities for kids this summer. There will be three different prograrns to accommodate ail ages and requirements. Junior prograrn: ages 3 to 5 (must be toilet train- ted). Activities include crafts, creative play, stories sand and water pay, dance songs, excursions. Monday to Friday 9 a.rn. to 12:30 p. m. Intermediate prograrn: 5 to 14 years. Activities include crafts, creative play, music sports, and rnuch more. Monday to Friday 9 a.rn. to 4 p.rm. Note: lunch is optional for juninrs since they will leave during lunch hour. Intermediates are required to bring a lunch with the name of the owner prorinently displayed. Working parents program: this is for the kids of such, not the aduits, and it is a before and afteû program to take care of the dhiîdren of those who mnust leave for work eariier than the regular prograrns begin or who will not arrive home until af ter they are over. This programn is restrîcted to children 5 years and up and operates Monday to Friday frorn 8 arn. to 6 p.m. Registration dates: Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21 froni 1 to 4 p.m. Also Wednesday evening June 19 from 6 to 8 p.rn. Registration is limited and will be made on a first corne basis with no late registrations ailowed. LIBRARY NEWS The winners of the book draws during the fair were Olive Butterworth who won the aduit book and Bobby Philips in the junior division. Summer hours for the library will be as follows: Monday to Thursday frorn 2 to 9 p. m., Frîday it will close at 6 p.m. and closed ail day Saturday. Ashburn momns and tots made a visit to the iibrary last week and it is hoped that they wili make it a regular habit. The last library visit to Myrtie Church until Fal wili be on Wednesday, June 19 from 12 to 1 p.m. Myrtie residents are encouraged to drop by for a visit and to find out about the park visit programn that will be starting for the summer months. There's stili time to register for the St. John's Ambulance Course to be held at the library on June 17 at 7 p.m. If you've intended to get in on this and just put it off, do it now! Time la awasting. AJAX.PICKERING-WH ITBY ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED Notice ls hereby given that a General Meeting of the members of the AjaxPickeriflg-Whitby Association for the Mentaily Retarded wiii be held at 8:00 p.m., Monday, June 24,1985 at the Emperor Street Resource Centre, 36 Emperor St., Aax, On- tario. Ail members must have their rnembership tee duly received at least thirty,(30) days prior to the date of the annual meeting to ensure vottig priviieges. K. WELTON PRESIDENT AND S. LAMBDEN CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SECRETARY CABOT'S STAINS SUPER POSTERS From Your Colour Negatives Up ta 24"lx36"1 (depending on negative size) SR $9 95 OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30/85 A new name 's proudly £'Y'n~ over Canada's neihbourhoods. meetings The Brooklin Hor- ticultural Society will hold its annual Iris Show on Monday, June 17 at 8 p.m. at Burns Church Hall, in Ashburn. Veronica Colangelo wili demonstrate floral design with iris. The June Rose Show to be heid on Wed- nesday, June 26 at 8 p.rn. at the C.E. Building, Brooklin United Church. The speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Otto Richter who wili be speakingon "Herbs." Ail are weicome. )i ?' Lets see WEDDING INVITATIONS Sciect vour dding cmp Ieatlgu Frvi..aKeepkecpy PR ITie G AN D Nail driving, log sawing winners The following are the winners of the nail driving and log sawing contests held at the Brooklin Spring Fair iast week. Boys' nail driving: Craîg Ferguson. Girls' nail driving:. Julie Days. Women's nail driving: Jeannie Harris. Men's nail driving: Bernie Wells. Boys' log sawîng: Cameron Brown and Darryl Scoble. Girls' log sawing: Jodie Collina and Tam- my Hanson. Womnen's log sawing: Jeannie Harris and Elaine Brown. Men's log sawing: George Bell and George Sullivan. Mixed log sawing: P. and W. Yurkowski. The competitioris were sponsored by Mit- chell Brothers of Brooklin BuHse

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