PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 12, 1985, WHIITBY FREE PRESS But it will be reduced next year.... Council finally gives chamber its operating grant Nearly six months af- ter the application was recieved, Whitby Town Council has agreed to give the Whitby Cham- ber of Commerce a $2,100 operating grant for 1985. However, council also decided that this annual grant will be reduced by 20 per cent every year for the next five years after while, the cham- ber will no longer receive funding. While the town will recuce the level of grant funding over the next five years, it will become a ful corporate member of the chamber beginning in 1986. In his report to coun- cil, treasurer AI Claringbold noted that the chamber's recently submitted financial statement shows an im- provement in their financial situation. Claringbold also poin- ted out that a portion of the chamber's current surplus is being held ln trust for sign main- tenance and for the business organizations Jamboree to be held in September. These funds reduced the surplus to about $3,940. Chamber president Don Frise has also in- dicated that it is their desire to become finan- cially self-sufficient but this goal was not at- tainable this year. "lTaking these various factors into con- sideration, it would ap- pear to be reasonable to grant funding to the Chamber of Commerce in 1985 which would assist in the completion of its intended program," Claringbold said. The treasurer also recommend that the chamber be advised that the grant would be reduced beginning in 1986. "This reduction could be reduced on a graduai basis, similiar to the reductions imposed on other community groups in previous years, " Ciaringbold said adding that if the a year, it would be eliminated by 1991. Full corporate mem- bership in the chamber would cost the town between $400 and $500 annually. "If council approved a change in its classification of mem- bership in the chamber, the reduction in grant for 1986 would actually be offset by increased membership revenue," Claringbold said. "The chamber would not feel the grant reduction, therefore, until 1987. " 3,3% are participatmng in recycing program The Town of Whitby's pilot recycling project ln the West Lynde area is picking up steam. At Monday night's meeting of Whitby Town Council, Coun.' Joe Drumm reported that participation has almost doubled since the project began a few weeks ago. Drumm, chairman of the public works depar- tmnent, said that 396 households or 33 per cent of the homes in the area participated in the project last week. Thats almost twice the 18 per cent that par- ticipated on the first pick-up day. Last week', the gar- bage collection crews picked up 9.95 tons of paper, 2.30 tons of glass and 2.20 tons of metal cans to be recycled. West Lynde residents seemn to be more recep- Drumm said. "I1t's catching on fairly good," he said adding that one collec- tion day recently there was a 55 per cent par- ticipation rate. Whitby Town Council is expected to review the resuits of the recycling project in about four months time. Council will have to decide whether or not it would be worthwhile to extend it to ahi areas of the municipality. Residents of West Lynde who want more information about the programn should cali the public works depar- tment at 668-5803. Vandals attack Cullen Gardens estimated $1,000 at Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village sometime overnight last Saturday. According t aa spokesman for the Durham Regional Police Force, the act of vandalism took place sometime after the Taunton Rd. W. faciiity closed Saturday nîght and re-opened Sunday Dispiays at the south end of the park, which is probably Whtby's foremost tourist attrac- tion, were damaged af- ter miniature cars, lamps and buildings were uprooted. Police also said that the $1000o damage estimate was only a guess and could only be considered conser- vative. Jewelry goes bankru Owes $6 çldd Toronto S'or lewolry stores conadlon eV Kenn"I'l' tro's Most aggres5lve upt owing $6 rnittion. one 01 me rold Whotesalors Ltd'. hais gone bankr BUY NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS... SALE CON DUCTED BY R.J.P. JEWELLERS INC. ROLLER BLIN DS & VEN ETIANS '43 3olours FREE IN-STOCK FABRIC VERTICALS From (75x84) 75" x 86" FABRIC VERTICAL S INCLUDES FREE VALANCE &INSTALLATION CHOOSE FROM 70FABRICS &COLOURS AT THIS LOW PRICE LIFE TIME WARRANTY ON TRACK COMPONENTS OFFICE- 462 LANARK DR., OSHAWA '17 DIAMOND EARRINGS 14K GOLD Reg. S60).Oo NOW LADIES' 1OKGOLD CLUSTER RINGS 7 RU BI ES & 6 DIAMONOS or 7 EMERALDS & 6 DIAMONOS or 7 SAPPHIRES & 6 61AMONDS PRICED TO SELL... 16,, 10K GOLO CHAINS NOW ONLY CASH-VISA-MASTERCARD-PERSONAL SHOPPING ON LY 10K & 14K ALL SIZES AVAl LABLE AT LOW! LOW! LIQUIDATION PRICES. w r ~ r. ( lUr LADIES' & GENTS' B ULOVA WATC HES 2 year guar. 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