Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1985, p. 25

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,JIUNIE 12, 1985, PAGE 25 Occupatiollal Therapists $23,800-$26,400 The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby PsychîatrIc Hospital, offers chailenging career opportunities 10 two dynamic, innovative individuais, one ln the specialty of acute psychiatry and one on a psychiatric rehablilitation unit. As a member of a professional, unîversity.affilated occupationai therapy department, you will function within a multidlsciplinary team; provide assesament and treatment services utitizing a broad range of therapeuttc Interventions; initiate and participate n research endeavors, program evatuation and professional devetopment. These positions wiii be particuiariy attractive 10 individuais wishing 10 expand his/Iter professionat knowiedge base in the speciatties of Psychodrama, or the Kieihofner Modet of Human Occupation, or who enjoy the challenges presented by the more compiex patient. Location: WhIlby. Qualifications: Thorough knowtedge of oc- cupationai therapy normaity acquired through formai training at a schooi of recognized standing; demonstrated abillity to plan and administer an occupationai therapy program; abiiity 10 function as a member of a mutidsclpllnary teem. Please send applIcationfresurme quoting file HL- 2523185 by June 21, 1985, 10: Rgonai Personnel Admlnstrator, Minlatry of Heaith, Human Resour- cern and Personnel Development Branch, Box 613, Whltby, Ontario, LIN 5S9. Equallty of Opportunlty for Empioymeflt SOntario Public Servic Part Time Retail Opportunities Combined Merchandisers Inc., a subsidiary of Lobiaw Companies Limited, bas several positions avaitabie for a new store to be opened at Liverpool Road & Hwy. 2, Pckering, Ontario. The followlng openings are avaliabie: *Grocery & Produce Clerks -Cashlers *Meut Wrappers eBalcery Clerks -Sales Clarke eExperlenced Meat Cutters *Experlenced Bakers *Experlenced Dell & Fish Clerks Candidates muat be avalable 10 work some days, eveninga, nlghts and Saturday's. Previous experience ln a sales or a retail position would be an asset. Written references are-def Initely an asset. Interested Individuals are Invted to complete an application aI: Canada Empioyment Centre 50 Commercial Avenue (Exit Harwood Ave. South, turn rlght ait Station St. and tirat iett Commercial Avenue> Ajax, Ontario Applications will be recelved Monday to FrIday, twsen the hours af 8:15 - 11:30 and 2:00 -4:15.J âSTANDING Ontario For the rentai of ap- proximalely 14 acres of land, iocated at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospitai for the 1985 growiflg season oniy. The land ls for growing Standing Hay Oniy, no ploughing or growing of alternate crop aliowed. The successfut bld- der shal 1c ul, baie and remove the hay f rom the said land no lter than October 1lst, 1985. Lump sum rentai price ls required. Cheques wiil be required prior to ren- tai taking effeot. Con- tact R. Ingieton, Grounds & Gardens Manager, for more in- formation il required. Tenders shouid be addressed to:- Whitby Psychiat r/c Hospital, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario. Li N 5S9 REF: Tender for Standing Hay Tender number 8514 Tenders are to be received by 12:00 noon, June 24th, 1985. <FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North Whitby7- 68.6-111) BE YOUR OWN B0881 Mail Or der service. S350to $1,000 worlrIng at home in your epere lime cen be youre. For futher In. formetion write: Action Mail Or- der Service, 243 Ouebec St., OshaweLUJ Y3. FANTASTIC OPPORTIJNITIES. Join our mailing program. Work et home. Write for free Inor- mation. Polly & Compeny, 3555 Howerd Avenue, Windsor, On. terlo NgE 3Ne WE'D LIKE TO OFFER YOU YOUR OWN BUSINESS We're looking for bright, ariculate men and women who are inter- esied in using their energy and talents 10 earn good money andi independence. Our business is heîping people attain financial success. need to know ta gel started. Then we'Il show you how 10 be even more effective, through our coninuing professional developmenî program. Aler that. il's your own business. If this sounds good 10 you, cal We'l1 teach you everyîng you us. YNDA OCONNOR (416) 434-8400 SUITE 506 40 KING ST WEST OSHAWA, ONlIARIO LIH 1A4 PROFrT PROM OUR SE3PRIENCE One býg fis h This unidentified youngster is taking a peek inside a 27-foot long stainless steel s:culpture of a saimon that was on display at the Knob Hill Farms store in Oshawa last week. The sculpture is the creation of Bill Lishman of Blackstock who was commissioned to do the work for the Town of Cambelton, New Brunswick. Lishman bas also created other large scale works such as a full scale replica of the famous shuttle space arm for the National Research Council and the entrance to Dragon Mountain in Marine Land, Niagara Falls. Free Press Staff Photo M.S. Cup will be held tomorrow By JIM BRAIJFILjinDeHarcu Dale Hawercbuk of the Winnipeg Jets, this years Hart Trophy nominee for the Most Valuable Player in the NHL and Kevin Mc- Clelland of the Stanley Cup Champion Edmon- ton Oilers, will be joining a long list of NHL colleagues and members of the Oshawa Generals and Peter- borough Petes tomorrow for the second annual 'MS." Cup Celebrity Bail Hockey Game. The Durham Regional Multiple Sclerosis Society in conjunction with the Peterborough Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Oshawa Jaycees and the Future telephone Pioneers in- vite people of ail ages to the Oshawa Civic Auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. for a fun filled evening of entertain- ment witb the stars of Canada's favourite past time - hockey. Somne of the players confirmed to and Kevin McClelland are: Warren Young, Pittsburgh Penquins, Bernie Nicholîs, L.A. Kings, Rick Meagber, New Jersey Devils, Dave Andreycbuk, Buf- falo Sabres, David Reid and Greg Jobnston of the Boston Bruins, Mark Haarmann and lan Ferguson of the Osbawa Generals and Randy Burridge and Mark Teevens of the Peterborough Petes. The first game of the evening will be Osbawa's own, Mayor Allan Pilkey and bis teamn of city officials in- cluding Township of Brock's Mayor Allan McPhail and Township of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard taking on members of the press from the Durham Region, Peterborough and Toronto area for the Molsons Cup. The major game will consist of two teams made up of NHL players, Oshawa Dazzlers o ff to a winning start The Whitby-Durbaml goalie Janet Cawsey Dazzlers defeated made a beautiful save Richmond Hill 7-0 in and managed to keep local women's soccer Richmond Hill action last week. scoreless. Ten minutes into the Felegemacher bro- first baîf the Dazzlers ught the Dazzlers back took the lead when on the offensive witb a Kristie Krawcbuk put a shot into the left band quick shot past Rîch- corner of Ricbmond's mond Hill's goalie. net. Krawcbuk then ad- From the kick-off im- ded another two goals mediately following, witb the final marker of Krawchuk again found the game being con- the net af ter receiving a tributed by Theresa pass from Deb Dooley. irlgemacher. The final score was 7- went on the defensive but to no avail as the score remained 2-0 until 40 minutes into the haîf when Krawchuk drew their netminder out and neatly lobbed it over ber bead to end the baîf 3-0. Thanks to a solid ef- fort by the defenders, Richmond Hill didn't make a shot on the net until 20 minutes into the second haîf. However, Dazzler The Whitby-Durbam Dazzlers are on their way to a good year baving won their fîrst game against Gerry Owens of Toronto 3-0. The side will be playing agains the Scarborough Blues, Markbam, Scar- borough United, Pickering, Peter- borough, Gerry Owens and Richmond Hill this season. borough Petes going for the Wendy's Cup. During the evening, people who purchase a programn will be eligible to win different door prizes such as: Set of four, top of the 1line, Vec- tor Radial Tires valued at $600 donated by Goodyear Canada Ltd., a Panasonic AM/FM cassette stereo systemn donated by Humpty Dumpty and autograph pictures personally signed by Wayne Gret- zky of the Edmonton Qilers. Af ter the game, kids young and old alîke, will be able to meet the players and get their autographs. The players will have an extremnely full scbedule that day. It alI starts with the Canadian Club Classic Golf Tour- n&mnent out at Thunder- bird Golf Course in Asb- burn in the morning. The public is invited tg corne out and watch tbe players play. The players and special guests will then bead over to the Nolet estate in Asbburn for a private party hosted by Wendy's Restaurants and Humpty Dumpty. After the game, the players, their families, sponsors and special Two Tlwo Whitby residents have become Wintario bonus winners in the May 30 draw. Ronald Trbovich of Rice Drive and Stephen Robinson of Jeffrey Street eacb claimed one of the 227 $10,N00 prizes offered in the draw. Tickets for the May 9, 16, 23 and 30 draws of- fered instant scratch-off prizes of cars and cash. Those players who did not win instantly found a five-dîgit number eligible for one of 227 $10,000 bonus prizevi Irawn on May 30. -eception at the Magic car Restaurant in Oshawa. Tickets are available td a cost of $3 for adults :-4nd $2 for students and seniors. They can still be purchased at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium Box office. They can also be pur- chased at the door. Ail proceeds go to the Durham Regional Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Peter- borough Multiple Sclerosis Society. EDITOR'S NOTE: Jim liradfilId is the public relations director of the 195 ,M.S." Cup. Wh itby booms mnMay CONT'D FROM PG. 1 heen on council. " The boom bas also created a smaîl problem for the public works department, the mayor added - its staff are overworked. 'They are taxed to the limit Up there," be said. Council is going to bave to consider enlarging the planning and building department staffs to accommodate the town's growtb. Attersley also noted that other municipal services are also going to need strengtbenieg if tbey are going to provide udequate ser- vices to the new residen- ts. The growtb also brings a definite benefit. Last year's 5.7 per cent growtb in assessment put Whitby Town Council in a position whereby they could forgo increasing taxes this year. The 1985 boom could put the town in a similar position. "Lets just say it (the growtb) puts us in a good position," Atter- sley said. W#htby's Most WidoIy Rend CLASSIF IED

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