Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1985, p. 24

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PAGEF 24. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 121985, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ £U~CES 7~CARETRTICLE t~~CES F'OR S AL EFOR SALE O J O S DOME HOME tmpovanlente, In- tarlor, axterior painttng, aiso alumlnum and vînyt sidIng cteanad. 866-.1985, JiIM. WINDOW CLEANINO - Commer ctat and neidactlai, 86&82237. MY PERSONAL COLOU RS Dîscover the colours & shades that com- pliment your akin tone & enhance your best features. Only $30 pr Conisultationl Cal 666-2770 C.H.L. pROGRAM. oly 293 days let.tFor a rea astimata catI 1490263.3204. poETRY CONTEST. Prizea: lot $150-, 2nd $70., tour 3rd $25. each, atght 4th bock prises. Han- dltng tee $4. par poarn. Send to, Poetry Elle, Bon 477, Park Place, Mt. Ou. H2W 2N9. eadllna Juna 14,198M5. GARAGE SALE 580 Mary Street East,.Whtby, June 15, 9cm. FOUR FAMILY garagc sale, Saturday, June 15 onty. Bargains galora. cochrans sStreet North, Brooklil. GARAGE SALE Jane 15, t0O cm. to 5 p.m.. ain or uSine et 34 Habitcnt Cnes., Whitby. 26' Zenith colour TV., Ltoyds slereo, turntitra and misc. tems. TwtN ROCKS RESOAT oniy 850 houcm lu famlly camping fan on Kuehog Lakeain Haliburton Hîtande. Boats, motors, docklng, store, sae sandly beach, istttng. Arica as guasl1ev s friands. Cadl or write 1.705-U.92247, R.R. 2, Mindn, Ontadio KOM 2M<. WILL BA13YSIT ln my home. 1 ycar olds and up. Englinh and Frnch, Hiataah Ces. In BluagrasMadows. Nicoteaie 725-0003 ARTICES FýOR R EN T TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, by the weakend, week or month. Discounts avaltabia. Olokeon Printlng & office Supplias In the AiaPlaza. Calt us for business machina repaira n68.8 DONI LSTEN 10 anyonnaaise, we pay top dollar for scraP Cars and trucks. 668-9712. 1980 GRANADA ceriflied. AMIFM cassette strao, nnrof, very good condition, askIng $2.800 or ktchan cupboards cnid anish. $400 each. 725-01003. VISIT Our used furniture warehouse by appointmant. Big savings on deoks, chairstiMing cabinets, etc. Cal iclaoo Pin- ting & oice Supplies to arrange an appointmant to oew. 683- 19e8. HOUSEHOLD CONTENTSln- cluding 2 badroom suites, 2 atudy deska, dining room table wittr e chairs, sabout buftet, 12 e. f. freezer, cotise tabla. Ailet bargalfl prîcas. 416-839-M33. ELECTROLUX SALES on eposseased and econditioaed vacuums and rag shampooers. Phone 723-4163. MATTRESSES and boa aprings et hait pica. McKeen Purnifure. 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. 9 PIECE antique ual, dining roOm suite, $1500. Phone 655-3526. 'HEROES of the Bible- colouring book, evuitableaiet Dckson Prin. tiatbed tralier. $20 each. Phone 6833511. 10 arn. to 4 p.m. CHESTERFIELD suites. ioseats, sectionaIs, iosthan W6 prîce. Large selection. McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR ALL your Insulation & air seallng needs plus air leakage inspection and U.F.FI. remedial measunes. Cali Mccteave Lsd., Uobrdge, 852-5051 or toit fres 1- 800-263-3204. GEOTYPE pres.o2 lettering now n stock et Dickson Pinting & Of- lica Supplies ln the Alec Shop- ping PlaZa. Large selection of styles and sizea. Why pay more for a amaller sheet of lettering? 683-19688. USED 5 fi. aiuminum patio door. askIing $100 or beat otter. 666- t592. OUANTITY 0F cedar rails, picnic tables, large assomtment oS gar- den equipmellt, lare, dishes. etc. 883-5077 aSer 5 pm. best otter. Muet e sold. 434-__0_OK____________-_.__.... 5419. fng & Office supplias Alan 51.Plaza 683-1968. Dealer oquirleonMiPLACE ne ted. WeaecaCndncompanyM 1979 T-BIRD ioaded and certif lad, _____sali ng quelity Canadian $2.400. Ccii 655-8871. ___________ _ mdo CE Jamie-son produc. Scal sti vasce7284694 tor 1977 VENTURA 2 door. 6 cyt ,priceli t. Ouarcntaad, Sonauoai, rer dfga ae Wmend e mtes. atire, ra o ahaun 'discount, WATKINS produC. AMIPM, bcket sats, 56,000 CNRTLTIN ta ave lableo mhocsnd trear apningea Gond forthcomnm arinePe THE VITAMIN PLACE shock andrearspfins. G nd e Onr aumplos of 00$ cved condition, $1.100 f irm. 728-8746 wedding iniation et your efft 6 P.m. lnoua n ou Aan Paza store. - ODclon P in 0$ Office Supl)- 1973 FOUR DOOR AMO Matador. plion683 19688 48,000 oiginat miles. A-i shape, as la or crilad. Phono688-7879. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profesionci floor. Would be suitabia for laspor, accounltant. etc. Ranti octudea ail utilit les and la negotiabie ton an cppnopriate tenant. For tuniher Informlationl cati 668-6372 btween 9:30 c-m. and 5 pm. Monday Io Fidcy. ACOMODATON 0-%UCWANTEDI VAATINý YOUJNG WORKING mate, lonking 1q:VIFRENTAS ] fon aparmlent, roomn, etc in Whtby araa. 6685209 ICanadan ai Par Clearwatar - Three bdroom ' FFRE moble omms,.Heaedpools Itennis, close tcbeachs andl major ttrctiol3,chiidrn F REE: Grop intn the O cksn saicoma lse ISan motet Prnt ng & Office Supply store in roun')I 683-;503 the Aa Plaza and pic, up a tfre * copy of thei 1985 Metn c Caian- dan. P nted in au ou oursnI (~A ART ENT /I makes for handy reterenc 0083- FOR RIT ENT 1968 ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, Whitby; nos concept ln living, 1-2 SRIE bedroum. 6819557. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE grammar- oathe ideai poclet eference boul, for business people. $3.95 pur copyyand anailubie et Diclonn Pintiog & OtIce Supplies lntho Aax PlaZa. Dealer enquires invited 683-1968. lIt wasn't Charlie's order tram IDickson Printing & Office Supplies that held lim up, it -a h hc f h o rcs SAT., JUNE 15 110:00 A.M. Clearing auction of an- tique & contemTporsty furnîture, glass, china, collectables, farm machlnery, lumber etc. The property of THOMAS HARPER, located Pickering sidelina No. 2, 1 mile south of Myrtie Rd. (formerly 9th conc.), between Balsam and Asliburn, 1 conc. west of Durham Rd. No. 23. Par- tial llst Includes: 8 pc. Fr. prov. dlnlng roomn set, antique tes wagon, QA. ladies wrting dask, car- ved cof tee & end tables, Vlctorlan parlour table, 2 pc. Fr. prov. sols set, 2 cedar chests, 2 sofa beds, old rockers, loveseat wldown cushions, antique what- not, dressera, cheat of drawers, pine biankat box, old kitchen dlnlng tables, waahstsnd, 5 pc. kitchen set, pr. Easst Lake chairs, gateleg table, old kitchen cupboard, trunks, spool bed, dining & odd chairs, varlous standing & table lampa, old radios, 6 pc. toilet set, old records, picture frames, childa billiard table, office desks, filing cabinets, brasa pca., wIcker arm chairs, R.S. Prussia diah, set of English china dishes, colectable glass, Gilson freezer, Kenmora fridga wlicemaker (11/2 yrs. old), G.E. 4 burnar self cieaning stove, G.E. washer, radioirecord player, sewing machine, bar, etc., M.F. 135 diesel tractor, M.F. double dlac, M.F. brush cutter, M.F. biade, 3 f urrow piowa, cuitIvatora, sets of harrows, seed & fert. drillera, suger, haywagon wlracks, atone boat, wire & snow fence, garden toola, lsdders, f srm tools, quant. of fertilizer, oid barn boards, quant. of f irewood, and other miac. items. Machlnery seillaat 1:00 p.m. Terma cash or good chaque. No reserve. Farm sold. Ref reshmertts availabia. HENRY & GAYLE KAHN AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 SAT., JUNEl15 10:30 A.M. 4070 Garrard Rd. N., Whltby ojust north of Taunton Rd.). The property of C.S. BELL In- cluding 1949 Pontiac car. new parts, refridgerator, apariment size dryer, 2 wood cookatoves, G.E. dryer, 10 h.p. outboard motor and tank, machin- lat tool cheat, 2 tool chesta, air compressor tank, antique barrai churn, lanterna, oit lam- pa, collectabie stova Irons, crocks, preasback chairs and rocker, Gramaphona, approx. 100 picture trames, 20 naw car bars, 11/2 ton chain holat, hydralic bumper jack, 6 cream cana, croascut saw, 2 skili aaws, handsaws, puip hook, antique radio, 2 colorad T.V's, 2 dlning room tables and chairs, aaaorted old hand toos, electric. spray printer, mapie corner cupboard and hutch, 8 mm movia camera and projector, 16 mm projector, many oid camneras, brasa collec- tion, dapressioti glass, coilectable plates and dishes, pots and pans, books, chesterf iaid, slida ln bad unit for 1/2 ton truck, buffet, fiat irons, chambar pots, comode set, 0,F. tabla, vice, 2 alectric sandars, grindar, 4 hand planes, trunka, organ stoot, ivory dresser set and dlock, old chairs, rugs, honda dirt bike, oid wooden washing MC, old pina tabla, cider press, field rouier, violin, air tight stove, coppar kettias, 4" Rockwell planner plus many other artilea. Nota time - 10:30 arn. Good sala with a lot of oid ar- ticles well worth atten- ding. ROSS IMOLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 STRANGER IN TOWN? You nover have tofnel alono. Shop the ads iO he Whitby Free Press for noms of cvm- munity happenings. enfer- tairoment and nocial eventS In your real WHITBY FREE PRESS FR1., JUNE 14 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLttte Britaîn Rd. 6 matching pressback chairs, oak dinlng room extension table, oak buf- fet, pn s cheat-of- drawers, oak dropleaf table, rocklng chairs, 9 place modemn dning room suite, round pedestal table, GE. air conditioner, Broad axe, Roxton maple dropleaf table and 8 chairs, 5 h.p. MTD ridlng iawnmower, 14 ftL Aquariari boat wlth 70 h.p. Mercury motor, 14 ft. fibergiasa boat, 60 h.p. Johnstofl motor and traiter, canoe, new 14 ftL heavy duty boat traler, 1977 Mercury 2 door car, quantity of wooden dacoys, carpentry, botls, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 PERSON NEEDED 10 train as assistant manager. Potentiel ecringa frcm $30,000 10 $40,000) anncclly. Car heiptul. This laca lob n scies and information gloan only durIng the Interview. Ccli 723-3412 for cppoirtmant. MOTHERS HELPER 2 year nid boy, livea-m Mnndcy thru Pridcy for aummer. Clitaler 7 p.m.. 655- 3728. EXPERIENCED saitraaaiwaiter wcntad tulI-tirne. Cal 668.3070. UNEMPLOYED? LookIng for a corser change? Cal 883-2228 fnr res counsaliing on lob oppor- tunitias. CAREERS IN TRUCKING. Driver lob training and placement Salp la coallable. Colt Rodgers School et (416) 769-3548. PARr-TIME epeniallced scitressitcr. Explorer Restaurant and Taern, 668-0316. ECE. TEACHER. aaisant teachersacnd supplies required fnr new day cars. 688-6200. WORD pROCESStHO Program- ming, Lotus. dbase, Il and 111 and more, wîth certificats and lob placement. S149 and on, goner- oment ayprooad courses uvalabie. tan deductibIQ 0.S.A.P. vans. 683-2226. BABYSITTER WANTED for t mnnth oid f0 sif in your home 21 n 35 hours yen seek. Ccli6688 0091cam ofraller 5p.m. AINDJ MOUEJlL... _____ ___- ruh ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not be 14e each addtional word. however, we accept no iability regarding Ioss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1cec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BITSDAHS-$0fothfis10wrd:2<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the erro pt aiu0ot fteîrtisrin additional word. rpisntche o ihn3 as ai derrpto ise m cnt ofmuthpeafrstinse er 50ordsio2n.achrddpilieswrd.ocallsed .f r i30daysno ro o ulcto one daty efo es r the cn ehan g to caloed.OIMS ADSO TAK -$.0 o hefr jct LlAS vrtSIFeD R AT$40frwods must < ea c h ad- AUst 5 oNdsALE2t erl diifnl wordadsllo e AD.toiN:nto a nce E priort u liains nsr don alwborifPreyPaid.Youychageyour c lassirfice asied s.BERSiBox nmbers re avalableutbancaation Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whîtby Free Press will make 668-6111 668-4521

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