Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1985, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12, 1985, PAGE 23 OURO LAUNORY tub pumpi, as new, $65. Reesa mati equelizing hlcir. V"bers and entre pertx. $110. Hoover uprght vacuum, $30. lona eleclric brash, an new, $50. Viking leclric bronm, $10. Leen rouler, 18x24, caler iiied. $30. Router 518 hp. and casa. $50. Canne, 14 fi. iberglas. 36" beam, 13" depîli, an new, $175. Phone 6554003. PHOTOORAPHIC Enarger 4" n 5" negatine capablliiy, ideal for starer hobbyist, $90, Garage Donr, mtai overbeati, 8' wlde 7' high, ail hardware etc., $75. In Whltby, cai anytinle, 668-3989. BABY CRIB clS canopy,In- lds mattressanmd bedding. $200. Baby cradie. $100. 686- 2273. FOR SALE roat top carrier, 46"x43"1t12". ltus Aspen Carrier, $40. Clt 668-9113. 18 PIECE solid mapie vies badronm set, $50. Belge upholstered mahogany chair, $100. Three ier waînul sheit on pedestal. $20. Large capacily waier sotener, $200. Central vac eystem witir power broom. $200. Oaa barbeque, $5. Englilo Prom. $8. Green Brocade soie, $200. Phone 86664877 or 433-998. FOR BALE Go Kerle - 1982 Bob- cet, excelent condition. $750. 1979 Tomcat, goati condition. $5W. Bth have G200) 5 hp. engineo and etre parts. Caiti Greg, 668-0471. PANASONIC 6' B&W TV, ACIDC n vety gnod condition. $75. Hot caler heater Inlina type 220 volt, $55. Hand winch 3200 LB capacity, turdy steel gearo. reveroibie Wlbrake, $150. Phone 2824760. 1073 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 C. In., AC, AMIFM 8 track aleren, 5 gond tires. as l, $400. Ase 16 c.fi. reezer, $150. Eorcise eqaipment, $95. 683- 1894. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL stnk, unque and very beoutitel, large version out ni the nid King Bd- card Hotel, coas clth unique antiqe brase tinires. Muet ha sean, $280. Colt 571-38. COMPLETE EQUîPMENT to gel pou startad ln an asphait drieway seaoing business, used for tco sommera, new $1.60, ciii sait for $1.200 or besi otier, Cali Watt, 666-1337. LARGE CHEST type freezer, 22 cu. It, con ba daivered, $250. Alan white oas St0e, $50. Phone 66-0505. DISHWA$HER, Sears Oluoe porable, choppiflg block top, glond corking condition, $185. Elctrlc race cr set. oner 100 fil. ni track, 6 cars, 2 ransiorrxers, iap counter. many etras, AFX & TYCO, $95. Het crculating traplace grale, $15. Cail 576. 7697. STORM DOOR alum. Poinna type, 32'a00", $35. Three Chryster rima, mounlad P205-15 ires, $20 eac. One Firetoule 721 G78-15, aimosI nec. $25. Phone 728-8953. FOR SALE plnc, 2 turrow. tor 3 point hitch, lika nec, $295. Phove 655-4995. FOR SALE iwn heaoy dty work banches. cootien, on. - 6o3x3 tet, and on 7½ax3o3 appro. dimension. $25 each or hast Of- fer. Cati 855-3728 after 7 p.m. FIVE large double sider win- dowa. $50 each. Atum. Storm door, ruaI coor. $50. Cati 655- 3176. FOR SALE One Mranîz tape deck andi receiner, 4 Lazer speakers. 1½z yeers nid, $1.000. One Techoics System, complete wilS cabinet, 1 year nid rereiner, lape deck, turotable, 2 speakers, 1 Reallstlc tape deck, $1.200. Remington shotgun, $emi- eutomatlc, FAC requireti, model 1100, complete with case, shelîs andi duck decoye. 6 moths olti, $450. Cannon A.E.-1 Programmeti camera wth flash, $325. Cali Debbie or Mry, 66-4878. FOR SALE maple kitchen set, 4 chairs, $225. Dning room set, 4 chairs, $325. Cernent mixer, $125. Ail In excellent condition. 683- 6638. $EWING MACHINE tor sale, por- table, gond woring condition, $45. Gls anti boys bues. $35 and $50. Cel 883-6638. THREE WHEEL, 3 speed ladies bike, asking $195. Cati 6681507 or ater 6 p.m., 6680825. BARNETTE crosabow, 150 lb. pull wth scope, quioer and loader, $500 or best oiter. 434- 606. FOR SALE Sears starea systemn with recorder ployer and 8 trach. $100. Boys 18" bicycle, 3-speed, $50. roning board, $10. Oel 434- 6474. FOR SALE boys standard bih.e, 24" tires, $25. Thre e peeti boe tan, $20. F5one 668-842. SOFTWARE tor T, 1. Praessionai Computer. CPIM86, CBASICI88, RMICOBOL, Sepercalo, Eaaywrter Il, SEapellor Il, Mltîptas DPI, tnvontory Contrat. Al unused, $50 sacir. 6683932 enenlngs. FOR SALE lother rockleg chair, $25. Phone 6685254. FOR SALE mawar tor Aren. trac- tor, 42, $100. Sway bars tar bos. traiter, $50. Mandolin bas- jo, $125. Cleman latorn, $15. Uawn rntIer, $30. 30 divided cin- ner traya, $1,50 "ach. Bed spread and drape. tor doublo bed and on, set for twtn sizo b.d, $15 a set. Twn roda far shots. wttt e- tend to 150". $5. Phone 6554«0. 14 PT. FIBEROLASS cane, $150. 6 i. reaidentiat dtvlng board tar awimmlng pool, $100. Two bareer propane camping tone witir adaptor tar tuel, $20. Colt 433- 4889. FREE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject.to the following conditions. rJ UTMJIEAUOOIE Wiren lihe ativerlisevi item is sold, dsponed ni. or unavailairle for wmue cx reason, the item wiii ire deemed i have ieen sold andea commission wiii ire charged iased on TIE Att'ERITSED It UtIE an illusraled ielow. regardiens if price is nied wilh ires! offer- If lhie 1m is NiI suIti),or disposed i.,Ihe ad it ii br vn lor 1 INTIIS and a MINIMUM CIHARGE of $7 50 iii apply payable in aimancof~ publication niflire firsi ad Tire atoive minimum charge iii ire apptied 10 lire final commission (tue Maximumo commissiio $1001900titi adver- tiseîiieol.s muosit b placeil on an exclusive lasis siththie WItttttVbtEE t'IESS and run ai teast one monr if nol sild RATES (if articlis neidi: of e atvetied prive op ta 400-00 z% rot balance oser 1400.00 EXAMIPIE: Solti Item ativertiseti for$S150.00.41. temmissioîn due S7.500(minima.. charge is 17.0) Privole adverining anty! Pirase ntify lire Whitiry Free Press immediateiy miren item ix soid 50 tiraI me may deme t from tire fotiowing issue. Att ods not fitiing tire Emporium guidetînes iii ire treated and chrged per week as egutor ctosified ads on pre-paid basinsacheas: services, ietp wanted. cintiring, meai esiate. and personai nessage type atis, or ads net qunting prive or quantity. Privale ciassified atis may appeor in tire Emporium section under oppropriole ieadîngs ALL A13S WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTIIERWISE SPECIFIEDý MAILAtS TIi: FREE PRE&S EMPOIRIUM P.O. Bax 206 Whtby. LIN SSI Il le deubi catI: 668-6111 131 Itroek St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~4Y2MENTSSUPISJ J FOR SALE buftet and hutch, $85. OROAN amaha C405, flew COfl Chine cabinet, $75. 1wo Smaii dition, 1lV2pears oId, new $4.50, SAILBOAT, 18 tt. xe8 tt., wooden tables, $25 and $35. Mapte hall asking $2.900. Phone 686-4713. huit compiete with salis. needs table, rellnished, $150. Dropleal _____________________ ame work, $300 or maire otter. gateieg table. retlnished. $175. Ses t anytlme ln drlveway at13 Twn chairs, $15 each. Two kil- MUST SELL 1874 Gibson ripper Hickory St. N., WhltbY. (PP chen tables. woodan, $25 anti bass 4 waY ton. switch, maple Beaver Lumber) $60. Telephonie 683-6638. condition, bard shahl casa, $360. Aiso 1981 il Meyo Imitation stralo casier matai pick guard, cherry ooti itanga bar cilS bard sheit case, $275. Cati Karen 723- 2579. FOR SALE Hammonti leclrlc UTILtTY TRAILER nac ires. organ. completa iih hanch, an- neada on. nec rim, $165. Phnne cellant conditionl.aaking $300. alera7p.m., 668-9181. Phone 668-7472. 1982 YAMAHA or 125, liquiti conlati ico atroka, $900 or hast ottar Phone 668-4003. 1981 HONDA 9000ustom, 18000O kma. new enhausi, tires. tone np, engin. gearda bachreat, cer. tieti $2300. Phono 686-1795. 1978 VAMAHA 760, toatiatifor Sick Roomn toaring, Vetter anti Kreser E ui m n aquippati, touring seat, AMIFM q i m n $1.80.3483a.I..oaii Service AUTOMATIC WASI4ER and dryer, Seors Kenmnre, heovy duty. en- cellant condition, asiring $450. Phone 576-8271 etter 0 p.m. B PIECE dlnieg room set, round table, glass top cilh 4 white einyi swivee chairs with chrome base, oit white bufet, ideai for opel- Iment, $500 or beat niter. Cali ai- ter 7p.m., 655-3729. DI$HWASHER.ilike eew. Sears Kevmare, hreat gold. $28. Cali 571-3636. DININO ROOM SUITE, pin., Pool Bunyan collection, table 44'x75, 2 Captain chairs, 4 ragalar chairs. buttai and hulch, mini condition. $4,000. Phonae668-3430. FORMAL DtNING ROOM auite, soliti cood, encollent ehapa, mode by Hoase of Brgemole, 9 pleces - 2 aren chira, 4 aida chairs, table seota 8 to 10 cnm- tnrlsbiy, bufet and hutch, $2.500. Phone 668-8914. ~~RPAIR/PARS FOR SALE Precision Balnclng, 110 Voilte, single phase, 30 amys, ail ai- tachments to balance up to and including large truckr ires, 4 years nid, perlent condition, $1.495. Tire Changer by 'Bienh. men', etectriclhydrauilc, takes tire sizes 7.00-15 thrnugh 14.00- 24, Duplex. 10.00-18,5 thraagh 18.0022.5, 4-20 ply raing, 230 volt, modal fn. 931A, irardty used, new cost $7.000, seil for $2.850. 655-4995, Bronilin. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 inch mag rims, ailir centres, wilh 4 branti new BrItigenlone steel belteti radiale (60s), alreedy mnunled on rima. MinI condition and look as Il they boue never been used. Al tor nnlY $650 whIchls wbalt fcen coul yoa for oely 2 et e custom car store. Phone Chris ai 655-8902. FORD 289 rehut molor, $30. Two Cragar mage with gond ires, $200. Phone 668-7546. FOR SALE tan tires oni rime, bias ply selety, 99 nylon, F7814, like new, oniy 7,000 km.. $50. Root top carrier, 46"ex43e1l2", lits Aspan Carrier. $40. Cali 868-9113. 1988 VOLK$WAQON sunrant. gond motor, ires. teodors, seoi tor parts, $200. Cati16688528. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parts, sîilli le running condition, eew steel betteti tires, $150 or hast citer. Phone 579-4212. FOR SALE brnwn Doberman, 5 yeara nid, gond tamlly pet, $50. Phone 655-4059. Give UNICEF I gifts and and help a child Contact unIef cona Y 443 MC Pleasort Rd Toronto. Oel 045 2L8 0, cal UNICEF Cna. "01=26&636e > 180 eM6h364 knC 1129)kkit uzpMeet the "Recycler 01 unwns The EmIDorIUM Secion 01 Ibe WbIbY Free PreSSI Ther5e is no rea- son to keep things you dont need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers willing ta pay good rizoney for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You will be pleased with the quick resu ts. As fast as a phone cali, re- suîts happen! 1 have read the Emporiumn guidelines and wish 10 have the loltowiflg adeertise- ment plaCed under ihis section of the Whitby Free Press. --(dont lorget 10 include your phone numirer> 1 enclose $60010 COVer the minimum Charge. Charge $6,00 10 my Vina aCCOLait. Bill me $750 aller first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date M I I) haS nae>WHITBY Name (please prini - irst and ls n )F REE PRESS Street Address P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. City ýPostal Code Whitby Li N 5S1 caoI us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form TO Mail Your Ad In# ter. Cati belore noon or ater 8 p.m., 434W626. 1980 TR7 converible, excellent originel condition, AMIFM sleren, log lampn, British green, 2,0 litre engine, 5 speed, onny 29,000 km., ceriltieti, anking $5,875. Cail 576- 7697. windnc dairoster. air cond., tint glass, AMIFM nleren casaette lape, carisa immaculate. $5500 or best aller. CatI Paut, 666-3802 or Joanne 579-5269. 1979 LADA ona owner, aSIking $500. Coul 576-0961ater 5:30 p.m. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, PS., ph., air condltioning, $950 Or beat nilar. Cali 655-3176. 1975 FORD haI-ton, 6 cylinder. as is $800. Phone 434-60 or 579- 0669esk foe Ttm. 1974 FORD CourieriMazda Pick- up truck needa bed. gas tank, 1 iront tender and windshtald, iras nec brakea, naw enhaoat iront to rear and ico piew rocker paneI. Inatalad, atan 4 whute apoke cheela and step bumper. Most ni body wortc completati, $575 or ai- fer. Phone 282-8700. 1967 CHEVELLE Coneertible, 283-V8 englin., gooti tuel economy, very gond condition, very liii.e rust, eehaaat systent ln great ahape anti needs nec ahocka, muet aeii, $2.100. Phone Chrîs aler 6 p.m.,at 655-892. NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT oui THE MAT FOR YOU! OO ME #.jo uymng or Ilin et- » Y- N'.Chc 4 e - mok e th nont w ea. v- o .t èa..le "Y ae.4k c&.- Desl&'4 vn..' heewra n-...ga',sa 1-1 Ch7 o ph- y41. . y- oaq.. .. ... p .w à~ le tw . r .n OS. ns 4eet e 6"-.6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 -9

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