Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREEF PRESS.WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12.,198 ý. PAGE 1 ~AJ YOUR DINING PLEASURE After 27 years, people stili return to the BomPeep By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff OSH.AWA - 1 really don't think 1 can tell you bow rnany times I've eaten in the Bo-Peep Restaurant in this city's famous shopping centre over the last decade. If I sat down and tbought about it, I would have to say at least 120 times - that's once a month. So, I guesa you could say that 'm a regular. And I don't tbink I've ever bad a bad experience. The food and the service bas always been excellent. Despite baving eaten tbere countless times, 1 finally met the Bo- Peep's owner of il years, Gary Zolomoff last week, wbo with bis brother Nick and general manager Patrick Bedford operate one of the finest family restaurants to be found in Durham Region. One of the key's to tbe Bo-Peep's 27-year suc- cess story bas been con- sistency. That con- 'Y' leadership camp Tbe Durham Region Family YMCA is placing a great deal of empbasis on their leadership training prograrns tbis summer. The YMCA bas been in the leadersbip business since ita inception in Canada in the 1850's. Tbey bave over 100 years' experience in camping. Boys and girls f rom 14 ta 16 years of age will be challenged by the Coun- sellor in Leadership Training (C.I.L.T.) prograrn. The program's design is based on the pbilosophy of the Durhamn Region Family YMCA. They are corn- mitted ta the cild's growtb and develop- ment, to fostering fellowsbip and a sense of cammunity and to developing leadership potential. Participants will learn skills that will benefit tbem tbroughout their lifetime. The program is a rigorous one whicb wîll offer a cballenge to any applicant. A well qualified directar will plan the overal development of the training process. The C..L.T. candidate can expect ta learn sucb leadership skills as group-leading, story- telling, game-leading, song-leading, and effec- tive communication. Camp activities will include iking, orien- teering, fire-building, swirnring and over- nigts. An atmospbere fostering social skills and self-confidence will be ever present. Practical experience in group-leading will be g ined wbile working directly with one of their well trained coun- sellors. The C..L.T. will learn how ta deal witb children, how ta motivate them, and how ta bave fun witb thern. Candidates will be ex- pected ta complete assignments and projects pertaining ta leadership and camp skills. Evaluation will be an ongaing process throughaut the session, and upon successful completion, tbe C.I.L.T. will receive a diploma and be recommended as future camp staff. The program is four weeks in duratian, Mon- day ta Friday. The first session, July 2 ta July 26 is offered at bath the Y's day camp locations - Heber Down and En- niskillen Conservation Areas. The second session is offered only at Heber Down Conser- vation Area, July 29 ta August 23. The day camp bus service will transport the CIL.T. ta and fram camp each day. For more infor- mation, visit the Durham Regian Family YMCA at 416 Centre St. S., Whitby, ar caîl Lina Coggins at 668-686. Orw STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN YOU'VE TRIED THE REST... NOW COME FOR THE BEST 66SPEC IALY"IEOL MON., TUES., WED., THURS., AND NOW ALSO SUNDAY NIGHTS BARBEQUE $89 RI BS REG. $1295. "CANADIAN BABY BACK RIBS" incuded ln Above: Hot à Cod Mor DOmuvrs, SaIed, Garlic Breaed tBaketi Polato "THE BEST LITTLE STEAK NOliSE IN TOWN" FOR RESERVATIONS: 668-2751 939 DUN DAS ST. W. HWY. 2, WHITBY sistency has been found everywhere including its people. Many of the waiters, floor managers, chefs and cooks have been with the Bo-Peep for 15 years or more. Some even started work there the day it opened for the fir- st time. As 1 mentioned a paragrapb or so ago, the Bo-Peep is a family restaurant. For lunch or dinner and even break- fast, the food and ser- vice is fast and truly ex- cellent. Breakfast is served in the cof fee shop f rom 8 to il arn. In fact, the caf- fee shop is open from 8 arn. to 10 p.m. everyday except Sun- day when it opens at 9 a.m. The main dining room opens at 11:30 p.m. and closes every day except Sunday at 1a.l. when it closes at il p.m. This 250-seat eatery bas one of the most comprebensive menus to be found anywhere in Durbamn Region. Every taste bas been accoun- ted for. Even to find a place to start describing it is dîf- ficult. Breakfast at the Bo- Peep offers everything from the standard bowl of cereal with milk or cream to pancakes to bacon (or sausages or ham) and eggs to steak and eggs to apple and cinnamon creppe with wbipped cream. Other breakfast items such as omelettes, french toast and canteloupe hal.yes (in season) are also of- fered. Prices are reasonable. Tbe rnost expensive item on the menu is steak and eggs a t $6.65. Their lunch and din- ner menu reads like a magazine. Even with their five daily specials, the choices are staggering. It's ail just a matter of finding out wbat yau're hungry for and ordering it. Their sandwich list covers everytbing from a bot roast beef dip to one of tbe finest reubens to be found anywhere ta bot and cold sandwiches variety except peanut butter and jelly. They offer every kind of burger and omelette that most people eat as well as five varieties of spaghetti as well as their "Io-cal special" (ground sirlion steak served with cottage cheese, pineapples and sliced tomatoes) . Appetizers range from soup to such items as a jumbo shrirnp cocktail, celery hearts and olives and Bismark herrings in sour cream. Seven varieties of salad are also on the menu in- cluding julienne, Greek and spinach. The Bo-Peep's entree list runs the guantiet from breaded filet of sole to "Surf anid Turf" to roast chicken or turkey to pork ten- derlion to prime nib of and steak. The Bo-Peep also of- fers a five item children's menu which la virtually guaranteed to satisfy even the most picky youngster. Desserts at the Bo- Peep are ail freshly made on the premises everyday and tbey are a treat. Thinking about them will add a pound or two. Perhaps the best thing 1 can say about eating at the Bo-Peep îs that it is like eating at home. The food is hearty and good. You leave the table satisfied and without too large a hale in your pocket. After ail these years, 1 stili go back. So the next Urne you travel to the Oshawa Shopping Cen- tre, drop into the Bo- Peep for lunch or dinner - you wont be sorry. The Bo-Peep is fully licensed and accepta al major credit cards. IMAKE D)AI) FEEL LIKE A KING ON FATIIER'S DAY FATHEË'S DAY SPECIAL N.Y. Steak... 19.75 Steak Rlbs... ~10.00 J R . F ile t ... S a f d l r o f t l 8 . 9 9 Pipatpe. egtail.ç& (.urlir Breas4 BREAKFAST SPECIAL $2.60O A.SN ..-1PM LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. DINING LOUNGE 1009 DUN DAS ST. EAST S(EAST OF BROC K~ -~ GOLDEN GATE, fers a wide selection a __________of_______________________ 107 Brock Street South, Canadian dishes. The Whifby 668-2222 Bo-Bo platter and their This popular, 30-year chicl<en f ingerS are two old Chinese restaurant specialities worth bas recently in- trying. Perfect for lun- troduced Szechuafl ch or dinner. ___ like hot, spicy dishes. arn. daily. Friday and n addition fc its Saturday until 3 a.rn. Chinese tare the FuIly licenses. Dine-mn Golden Gate also of- and f ast home delîvery.n S*JUNE SPECIALS* MON. *TUES. *WED. SBar.b.qued Back $795 s Inctuding salad bar 79 TH URS. * FR l. * SAT. SRoast Prime Rib of Beef S1 0.95 lncluding salad bar * NEW * now CATERING to any special occasion for 20-60 people for mare Information cal 1: 668-031 6 90Hopkins St., Whitby 4Lily ALOk & 6 Did you know that a person with only Canadian dividend incomne can earn up to $40,000 and pay no tax? The Bolton Tremblay Incarne Fund, in existence for aver 5 years, is wortb considering for a retirement fund, especially for cautiaus investors. Since late 1982, a new strategy was adopted ta concentrate an after-tax return througb investments in dividend producing preferred shares. The dividend tax credit makes $1 of dividends equivalent ta a rnuch higber amount of interest incarne. The arnount dependa an the province of residence and the taxable incarne bracket. (For example, an individual witb $30,000 of taxable incarne in Manitoba must earn $154 in interest ta match the af ter-tax benef it of $1 .00 in dividends. I ~ For mare informatian, contact your broker or mutual fund specialist. If you prefer, just filI out the coupon below and mail ta us today. Tilîcan Financial Corporation :154 Hegal Briar St.. Whitby. Ont. LIN 6NI (416) 433-1508 Please rush me information on how I can earn $40.000 tax-free Name Address Province Postal Code - -____ Richard S. Price Tilîcan Financial Corporation 354 Regal Briar Street Whîtby, Ontario LIN 6N1 (416) 433-1508 QUNDU T, W. COMING AT YOU LIVEI (COVER CHARGE) THURS., JUNE 13... RON LASALLE The TwIn Bullet Band ..a tri bure to Bob Seger FRI., JUNE 14...MIKE MANDEL one show on ly ..The.'Menialisi Tb@. Oid nsduy kMi* Mam..s1sud lchAt Coke@ .'I WE ARE OPEN: Delly front 11:30 $.M.-i10 p.m. Fil, front 11:30 &.m. -I11p.m. Sot. front 4:30 - il .M Sun. à MOI. iront 4:30 -a P.m. m m 9

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