PAGE 12, WI3DNESDAY, lUNE 12. 1985, WHITI3Y FREE PRESS Regal Roorn to get ane Whitby Town Council will spend $4,380 to in- stail a new floor in the Regal Room of the Cen- tennial Building. Murray Rug & Tile Of Ajax has been contrac- ted to instaîl a plywood covering over the existing hardwood floor to be followed by a vinyl ashestos commercial HERITAGE BALL The Whitby Historical Society will hold their annual "whitby Heritage Bal" on June 22 in the Regal Room of the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St . S. begin- ning at 8p.m. There will be a cold buffett, bar privileges and antique door prizes . Tickets are $15 each and available by calling either 579-3656 or 668- 3460. -11w loor floor tile. At last week's meeting of council's operations committee, Reg. Coun. Tom Ed- wards asked wbY it would be necessarY to cover-up what he described as a "simplY beautiful" hardwood floor. Officials of the parks and recreation depar- trnent told Edwards tbat in order to keep the floor, it would be necessary to make costly repairs to the supports under the floor. These repairs would be too time con- suniing and intensive to make it worthwhile. In bis report to coun- cil, treasurer AI claringbold noted tbat the $4,3w0 contract price was well witbin the 1985 budget allocation of $7,000. ALOHA PAVILION Open Mon., June l7th - Sat. June 22nd 5:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. WOODVIEW PARK - 151 CADILLAC AVE. N., OSHAWA (turo ieft from Hwy. 2 one biock west of Wilson Rd) O ENTERTAINMENT Two shows dally 7:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. ~Faturing: Dancers from "GAETANE OLESCH SCHOOL "SPECIAL SATURDAY FEATURE" THE HULA MAKINANIS DANCE GROUP FROM TORONTO Starting at 9:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. "THE EDG E" (formerly Scott Street) wiIt be performing FOOD 75 1.11 rd( 0 - - ICHOICE 0F: ALL FOOD PREPARED I SHORT RIBS OR HAM STEAK UNDER THE GUIDANCE RICE OR PARISIAN POTATOES 0F PETER SOLYOM FROM VEGETABLES & SALAD & ROLL CATCH 22, WHITBY Pa? iHo D NDR PCA OCCASION PERMITS Clb ALL PROCEEDS TO CEREBRAL PALSEY 0F DURHAM REGION TIE CORPORATION 0F the Doctor joseph O. Ruddy Hospital --% z: ANNUAL MEETING Notice ls hereby given that the Annuai Meeting of the Corporation wiii be heid THURSDAY, JUN E 27TH-, 1985 commeflciflg at 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of the hospitai The Meeting wiii be heid to: 1. Review minutes of previous meeting 2. Receive Reports 3. Amend Hospital By-Laws, Section 11, Subsectiori (1), "Reguiar Meetings of the Board" 4. Appoint Auditors 5. Elect members to the Board 6. Dscuss any matter raised at the meeting. Copies of the Hospital By-Laws and Financiai Statemnents may be examined at the office of the Secretary at any time during normai business hours or wiii be maiied to members on request. By Order of the Board, James R. Miiier Secretary becamne an "Instant Bonus" winner in the Robert Boutillier of Vanessa Place bas ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSEN<;ER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES ATUNE-UP SHOCKS COOLING SYSTEM Whitby 668-3356 Oshawa 571 -3400 fered in the draw. Tickets for the May 9, 16, 23 and 30 Wintario draws offered instant scratch-off prizes of both cars and cash. Wintario is the province's original lot- tery and since 1975 bas generated more than $445 million for fites, sports, cultural and recreational projects tbroughout Ontario. PaRTas74el. New officers These two Whitby people were recently made Officers of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalemn in recognition of their service to the St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Both Divisional Officer Richard Scott (lef t) and Superintendant Gertie Goddard (right) received their medals at a ceremony presided over by Ontario Lieutenant-Governor John Black Aird on June 1. Goddard, wbo is the comrnanding officer of the Whitby corps (425) of the St. John Ambulance, has been a corps volunteer for nine years. In addition to being muade an Officer of the Order, Scott also received a five-year bar to his St. John's service medal. He has been a member of the brigade for 17 years. The medal allows tbem to affix the letters O.St.J. bebind their names. Two other people were also honored by the Lieutanant-Governor. Emerson Gaskin received hîs bar to his 12-year service medal and Corps Staff Officer Kenneth Bird was awarded bis service medal. Goddard says that the Whitby Corps is in need of more volunteers. Anyone interested in joining St. John's should cail 668-9006. Free Press Staff Photo Whity man wins a new car OTTENBRITES MENS WEAR MMEMBER yourfather on father's da with a special gift from Otten brites AMERICAN EXPRESS WELCOME 121 BROCK ST. S. 668-3261 WHITBY SA