WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WIZDNESDAY, JUNE 12.,1985. PAGE 1l Use of fire-arms now prohibited withmn 200 metres of shoreline Whitby Town Council bas amended its fire- arm bylaw to prohibit the discbarge of fire- anms along the municipality's Lake On- tario shoreline. The bylaw willl prohibit the discbarge of fire-arms within 200 metres of the shoreline. In bis report to coun- cil, clerk Don MacKay said that tbe amen- dment is the result of complaints received by a nuniber of shoreline residents during last falî's bunting season. "lTheir concerns specifically related to tbe question of the resident's safety and noise resulting from the discbarge of sbotguns," he said. MacKay also noted that the town's current fire-arm bylaw only ad- dresses their discbarge on land. "There is no similiar Pool will be closed June 15 and 16 Co rd winners These three young ladies, ail members of the llth Whitby Sputb-East Girl Guides have earned the highest award of the Canadian Girl Guide movement - the AIl Round Cord. In order to win the cord, the girls had to earn badges in such guide sub- jects as camping skills, f irst aid and citizenship. They are the only members of their 24-girl group to win the award this year. They are (from left to right): Jeanine Noseworthy, 12, of Rosedale Dr.; Tammy Linklater, il, of Brock St. N.; and, Susan Wraight, il, of Lupin Dr. Ail three girls are grade 6 students at H.A. Hutchinson Public School. Free Press Staff Photo Public Swimming in the Anne Ottenbrite Pool at the Iroquois Park Complex will not be available June 15 and 16 because a Red Cross Royal Life Saving In- structors' course will be held. The course will be beld from 2:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. in June 15 and from 2 to 6:30 p.m. on June 16. Tbe summer public swim scbedule will begin June 29, offerîng daily afternoon and evening swims at botb the Anne Ottenbrite and the Kinsmen Outdoor Pool on Cbestnut St. For more information caîl the Iroquois Park Complex at 66i8-7765. Summer hours Tbe Whitby Public Library will be closed on Saturdays from June 15 until Aug. 31. The library will also close Friday evenings at 6 p.m. from June 14 to Aug. 30. provision relating to the discharge of fire-arms on the water along the shoreline," MacKay said. "Under the current bylaw provisions a bunter wishing to hunt along Lake Ontario shoreline merely bas to step into the water before discharging bis f ire- arm." The clerk noted that wbile the town's bylaw enforcement officer and the Durhamn Regional Police Force bas attem- pted to discourage bun- ters from following this practise, they have not always been successful. MacKay also told council that by exten- ding the boundary to 200 would place waterfowl hunters well outside the sbotgun range of any hooes and epopele on the shore while allowing hunting to continue. However, the only problern with the new regulation is deter- mining just how far 200 metres from the shoreline actually is. But MacKay doesn't view this as a serious problern. "Althougb a water boundary sucb as this is difficult to specifically locate, it would be adequate to keep hun- ting away from the near-shore areas where problems are more likely to occur, " he said. DRAPERY CLEAN ERS SPECIALISIS UN DECORATOR FOLD DRY CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDERERS *ALL GARMENTS INSURED @REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS *20% OFF ALL DRAPERY CLEANING *OPEN MON DAY TO SATURDAY CENN OSHAWA 7880 3A-500 0,4 ROSSLAND W. WHITBY 104 COLBORN E 668m23451 668-1 778 PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysier- Dodge Sales and Service 9=t JDealer Parts & Service - Thursdays tli 9 p.m. WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 6663000 L Bor 1 Tel. 687-1-9-68-1