WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNES - WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ EY ý 19SEVCS OFFICE SPACE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT FOR RENT "Specialiglng in Nous. Cleuning For Porticulor Peopi," 666*21 44 NEED PAINTING don.? Cali Second Generation Painters, wiii MY PERSONAL do estim ais or by tih hour. C 8ii C O LO U R SN A Petertie&9322. Discover the colours &shades that com- BEAUTIFUL acryic ingernalis, plîment your akîn for juei casi. Ony temporary. Cal tne& nance your 666.647.beat features. WINDOW CLEANINO -commer nI' $0Car omlimi ci and re.ildentiai. 668-2237. C7il ___________________666-2770 SUPPLIES C.H.I.P. PROORAM. Oniy 300 dayes ft. For a res estima. cmii 1-800-2633204, POETRY CONTEST. Prizes: lei $150., 2nd $70., four 3rd $25. sacit, igitt 4t Souk prizes. Han. diirg tee $4. per posm. Bend to Poairy Elte, Bon 477, Park Place, Mii. Que. H2W 2NO. Deadile Jure 14,1W5. STREETIGARAGE SALE Satur. day, Jue 8, rom 10 m.m. to 6 p.m., Jubilea Court, Whitiby. Ramn dais Sundmy mtrnoon. GARAGE SALE 86aImlie, Satur. dey, Jane 8, 9 m.m. t0 3 p.m., 20 WHITBY OFFICE 5PACE for rani or professionai fiaur. Wouid be nuitebie for iawyar. accouniant. etc. Rantiincindes ait uiiiiiles and sa negoiabie for an apprapri8ie tenant, For lufter Information ci 668-6372 beiwenn 9:30 ar. and 5 p.m. Mnnday to Priday. AN INVITATION in inestigate te Baaiaimt. uniiing tha worid..onn meari ai a ime. For lineraiere phone 6688665 or 668. 7653. KEESHOND PUPPIES for smle. Rsgisersd, 3 meestsnd. Cmli 655- 4254. A TC E FO SLERET TYPEWRITER eniai, mary mates and modes, bSpthe RIVERSIDE Golf Club, Pickering, lunury country' homo, 2,200 square teet, in Paritard seliing ou Ouffîns Creoit, $159.900. Calii 4278305 for appoinimeni. PRIVATE SALE itouses rom ces- irai Oshtawa. Close t0 scitools, citurcits, end sitoppirg. Good dlean condition. Oniy $54900. Cmi 9857989. CODCSFOR RENT Discounts avalabie. icitson Printing & Office Supplies rite Alan Plaza. Cmii us for business machine repairs 6831968. SERVICES OAYCARE lu Myt Lynde aiea. For f mation cli 666.2273. Charlie is sick ot braken pramisi end has gane Iothe tlted reliable, ickson Printing & Office Supplies for essured service. IlUSTDA 8316 ~CLE~1 ~~ia~* I~~JA ARTICLES '~FORSAI.E~LE ~~FORSAIE~LE LAWNMOWER usad, Viking, $30. Pitons 666.6400. VISIT Our uned furniiere wareitoose by eppoinimeni. 610 sanings on desks. chairs. filing cabinets, etc.Calii ickson PrIný 15g & 0f fice supplies 1o arrange an appoinimeni to otew. 683- 1968. ELECTROLUX SALES on repossessed and recondiiored vacuums and rug nhampoonrs Phone 723-4163. MATTRESSES and bon Springs ai italli puce. McKenn Furniture, 524 simcoe Street Southt, Oshawa, 7255181. THOMAS OROAN, good con- dition, cdouble keyboard, 8 ac- companimonts, 5 rhythms. For turher Information pitone 668- 4556. COMPUTER PRîNTERS cen. ionicn paralil EPSON FX80 MullîFoni. 160 CPS. Broitser OX. 15, aisywhite, four miteels, $450 sacit. 666.3932 evenings. itome. West furtiter Infb, HEROES of te aible" colonrnug 3. bok avulabie t ickson Prin- ing & Office Supplies. Alan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiies CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseais, sactionnis, ions titan 'a price. Large selection. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshauwa. 725-5191. FOR AL pour insulatios & air sealirg rnds plus air isaitage inspection and U.FFI. remedial measures. Cli McCleaoe Liri., Uobidge, 8525051 or toi tfree 1. 800-263-3204> GEOTYPE presson ieiiening now rn stock ai icitson Piniig & Oi. fice Supplies ln tite Alan Sitop. ping Plaza. Large onieciion of styes and suzes. WNiy puy more ion a omuler sheent uf ietering? 683.1966. CPîM COMPUTER, Osborne IB portable, 2 185K< drines. wordstar, malmerge, supercaic. 2 basico plus oters, $1,000. 6683932 enenIngs. PANTRY, omit narer. brard new. Pires urit beds. carnage, double stroiisr, citange tabe, 2 boys sidewaik bItes. rsw born baby seat GM, 35 gallon itenagon aquarium. Cli mter 2 p.m., 668- 4626. Gln III Dr16à ive ard 81 0er Miii ILASI AUMI alifeIn niq. rve, Whitlby. Garden furnIturs, ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, my home, Manning and Gmrden ___ ciudrenm ciotIng, baby Items, Whitiby; nsw concept lu liing, 1-2 si. ras. Reterences aalaS e L L F EI.D~ plcnlc table and barbaque. Sadroomm. 6839557. Cmii 666-4826. GARAGE SALE - Movngi Samir. SUBLET 2 bedroom aparmoni, CORNEILS dey, Jure , 9 a.m. f0 4 p.m. Cab- anailîble July 1, Pmiby Court, I~ U 0 0lE FREE: Drop inia te citoor AUCTION BARN Sage Pacit 3wheei bite, girls 2- Ajax.6862620. rniig & office Supply Store in witsai bite, mga, drapery, shotsr, W .... J te Aie, Plaza and pîcitop a free TUES., JUNE 11 clear top sions and above grourd copy ni themr 1965 Meiic Caien. 6:30 P.M. pool acier bankt, mach more. BSNS DONT LISTEN to arpore eise, dan, Prinied in iwo colours.I Three miles eaat of Little 380 Prince of Wmes,WVhltby. wTNI E e psy top dollar for ecrmp cars maites iontitandy refererce, 683. Britain or 7 miles weat 0f and tructs. 688-9712. 1968, Lndsay on the Lin- ~~I o N FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES. ___________ daay/Llttle Britain Rd. VAAIN Join our maling program. Worit - i TINAL Dm1i room extension R RENT-rAISQ e oe rt o reIfr AUTOMOBIRLEESo table, china cabinet but- maio. ... opay,301%. 0 ERI TWIN ROCKS RESORT oniy two hour io iamliy camping fun on Kusitog LakeIts lMliburton Hulards. ote, motors, dockitig, store, safe sardy beach, f sitig. Arrive as guest, seans as friands. Cmii or crute 1705489-2247, R. 2, MIrder, Onialo KOM 21<. WUVACATION ~.WRENTALS ICanadIan at Par Clearcaier -Tiren bedroon *mobile homes. Heated pools., tinnis, close to eachesandI mjoratctioschIdren weidome. (:eus han umoel roomj- 683-5503 Howard Aenue, Windsor, Or- taro N9E 3N6 VIDEO GAMES on excellent locations. Calmiill i t800-268- 1300, Pager No. 8282. DE VOUR OWN B0581 Mii Or. der Serice. $350 to $1,000 worirg i itoms rn your spara time car Sa l'ours. For futer In- formation wrte: Acion Mii Or. der Service, 243 Ouebec Si., Oshawa LUJ 1M. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... 1970T-OIRD iodsd and cartitied. grammar S lte deai pocit $2,400.Cal 655-8871. ,eierence booit la, business people. $3.95 per cnpy arid analiable aitOitSor Printing & 1975PACE bu goo radai Office Supplies in the Alan Plaza. lires aCrd moo,, enceraiaor Deaernnquirles ,nied 663-1968. spare parts, $150. Phone 655 3838. CONGRATULATIONS on your lorihcuming mamraun Pieuse 010w 0ur sampies ai rnqraoed wedding invitaions ai your liesure n 10ouAlan Plaza store Oiction Prnîning & Ofice Sup- plies, 683.1968 HeIp your Heart.. HeIp your Heart Funid waahslanda, Maytag wringer/washer, chester- fields, mapie rocklng chairs, dlnlng room chairs, swlvel rockers, spin washer, roll.a-way bed, parlour tables, por- table and console colour T.V.a. 3 h.p. lawn- mowars, Ouebec heater, modern dressers and chest-ot -drawers, f lat top lrunks, quanlity of tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 ADI CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., JUNE 7 6:00 P.M. Three miles eaat of Lttle Brtaîn or 7 mles wast of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Llttie Brîtaîn Rd. Round oak pedestal table (wth 3 leaves), solid walnut teawagon, Vctorien bonnet Chest, oaic llbrary desk, Oak china cabinet (glass 3 aides), antique Ash dresser, Boston rockers, pîne washstand, 7 place walnut dlning room suite, parlour chairs, metal filllng cabinet, quantlty of antique pic- ture f rames, antique walnut wrtlng desk, M.F. 7 hp. garden tractor, Honda 750 motorcycle, 1940 Hudson (completed restored and certllled). DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNES8 12:30 P.M. Clearing auction of farm machlnery, car and varlous miac. Items, for BEASLEY FARMS. Myr- tie, Ont., located 1 mile weat of Hwy. No. 12, on Myrtie Rd., approx. 5 miles north of Brooklln. Selllng in part: Super 1124 4 wheel drive trac- tor, N-H hay rake, double dlac, Norcan 4 f urrow plow, cultivator, M-F seed drill, cultlpacker, harrowa, varloua hay wagons wlmany feel of pipe, gallvanized weter troughs, augers, minerai feeder and horse masher, anow blowera, manure apreader, 3 PT.H. aprayer, 250 lb, anvil, oat rcller, scales, lawn- mower, Vamaha Tri-Moto 175 (3 yrs. old), canoa, 6 T.V.'a, tire ext., alect. typewrltar, sheep pans, monkey cage, tance posts, 1975 Olda Cutlasa car (good runnlng order) and other mlsc. Terms cash or good chaque. No reserve. Farm aold. HENRY KAHN AUCTIONEER 985-8161 NOW RENTING WHITBY CORPO RATE CENTRE OFFERS: @One of the flnest office buildings ln the Region. *Rent as Iow as $7.00 per sq. ft. net net *We wiII take over your present lease *We wiIi amortize your improvements *Parking for 120 cars. Cali Days 666-3665 Evenings 1-284-43271 66-42 Cu AI$IFiID PAGE 37 1 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the firsi Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure o publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiRtHS, Da TH ,0frth is words,1<ec such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the firsi insertion. rpisntcle o ihn3 as The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- relsfotcldfrwihn3da. reject al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word.I)EADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay efor thy ca bechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12c each ad- AUCTI( N SALES - 40t per line. ( No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NLMBEItS: Box numnbers are available at an ad- CALI. Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wîlI make 668-6111 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 15 10:00 A.M. Clearing auction of an- tique & contemporary furniture, glass, china, collectables, f arm maChlnery, lumber etc. The property of THOMAS HARPER, located Pickering sideline No. 2, l mlle south ot Myrtie Rd. (formerly 9th COi1C.), betwaen Balsam and Ashburn, 1 conc. west ot Durham Rd. No. 23. Par- tial Ilst Includes: 8 pc. Fr. prov. dining room set, antique tes wagon, Q.A. ladies wrltlng dask, car- ved coffae & end tables, Victorian parlour table, 2 pc. Fr. prov. sofa set, 2 cedar chasts, 2 sofa beds,. old rockers, lovaseat wldown cushions, antique what- not, drassers, chest of drawers, pîne blanket box, oid ktchen dining tablas, washstand, 5 pc. kitchen set, pr. East Lake chairs, gateleg table, old kitchen cupboard, trunka, apool bed, dining & odd chairs, varlous standing & table lampa, old radios, 6 pc. tollet set, old recorda, picture trames, childa billiard table, office deaka, fillng cabinets, braas pca., wlcker arm chairs, R.S. Prussia dlah, sel of Engliah china dishes, colleclable glass, Gilson freezer, Kenmore fridge wllcemaker (11/2 yrs. old), G.E. 4 burner self cleanIng stova, G.E. waaher, radioirecord playar, aewing machine, bar, etc., M.F. 135 diesel tractor, M.F. double disc, M.F. bruah cutter, M.F. blade, 3 furrow plows, cultIvators, sets of harrowa., seed & fart. drillera, auger, haywagon w/racks, atone boat, wire & snow fence, garden tools, ladders, farmn tools, quant. of fertilizer, old barn boards, quant. of f lrewood, and other mlsc. Items. Machinery sella at 1:00 p.m. Terma cash or good chaque. No resarve. Farm aold. Refreshmenta avallable. HENRY & GAYLE KAHN AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 1