WIIITBY FRZEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY J UNE 5.1i985. PAGE 25 A CA1S EJ'JINL GENERAES ENOUGH 14EAT TO UESTROV ITSELI-. VUE COOLING SY'STEM F¶OTCS N*NS DAMNGE, KEEPINGJ THEI ENIJINE OPERMING WIVIN TUE GJRRELrITEMPERA[UNE 1RANC-4. RELGULAW CHELKXS AND) r4NTENANCE HEIP ASSURE LONG LIFE 0OF XULNERABLE ENGINE PARS. UEREýS WMAIS iNVOLVEU IN PROPER COOUNG SY~STEM KAà NT E NNC-L. 0 CHECK CONDITION 0F WATER PUMP INSPECT RADII\OR FOR LEMKS, CORROSION. CHUC CONDIl ION 0F THE RADiArOR PRES'SURE CAP* REPLACE IF RUB5ER2A<L1- IF I1 4E ENGiNE RUNS TOO ~y COOL 1THE 11iERMJS VAi S P1ROBA3LVAi [AULIt AND REPELD E D'O INSPECI CONDITION 0f UOSLS. CRACKEO. MUSH'1OR, mTHERWi5S vTERîORATED UOSES ýsUoULD &E REPIAED. iiLAIER HSE DEM/,M) ATLN1iONTOO. LOOi<I-RR J~ L\Kb, CLS. ROTLI) NUBBR. RLPLt.CE FNUVI A CLA~MPS. BESURE '(OU HAVE PLENTV I-i<J\VLIS~UAL - oF COOLÀN. CAUTION: NENR IS IPOU r 4 VEARS. OPEN OR REMOVE PRESSURE *NOTE: PRESSURE ILSTING OF- CAP M-EN ENGINE 15141 C 4 O.RADATOR AND PRESSURE CAP LOOK FOR LEAING HOSES CCf'SsuF£s MOSTI NCURTE TEST AND CONNECTIONS* TIGH-TEN MC6T SERVICE SHOPS ARE LOOSE CLAPS. [QUIPPEDV iTH TUESE VESUERS. Dodge-Serious About Trucks We're taiking tough for '85 - Ram Tough. And Dodge Ram Tough Pickups are serlous trucks - serlous about work - serlous about play. Thats because at Chrysier, we're dedicated to building the klnd of trucks that wiit give you unbeatabie value for years to comae. Good looking, hard-wearing trucks that aren't af raid to mlx It up. Whether smooth- slded Sweptiine, or step)- type Utiine, conven- tionai cab, or crew cab, It doesn't stop there. Each of these outstanding performers can be talior- made to your exact needs, from an aimoat endiesa ist of optional features- HARD WORKING FUN LOVING 4x4 Chryster has been ln the business of making rugged, hardworklng 4x4 vehicies for f fty years In the science of choosirig the right powertrain and suspension, that tran- slates Into a lot of engineering know-how going Into each tough Dodge Power Ram. And no matter where the action la, or under what conditions - the lob site, at the beach, In the backwoods, piowing snow, or taking the trait bikes to the traits, Power Ram 19 more than equai to any task. Versatilty, Ram Tough construction and power to spare - three great reasons to choose Power Ram. WHEN PERFORMANCE MEANS EVERYTHING Vehicie downtln'e leaa nuisance that no one likes to worry about. And because of Dodge Rams reputation for requiriflg oniy basic maintenance to keep on going year af- ter year more Ram Pickups are belng pressed into service ail over North America each year - as part of transpor- tation fleets, for con- struction companles, resource exploration, snow removal, ex- cavation, farmIng, towing and many other work and recreatioflal uses. Dodge Pickups and Chassis-Cab modeis have achieved an en- viable record for ver- satllity over the years. With recreationai adap- tation, il's easy to rig a camper top, a boat, or traiter to one of these hard ptaying trucks. MORE THAN BASIC TRANSPORTATION Nowadays, pickup owners are demanding more than luat basic trasnportatior f rom their vehictes. Gone are the days of the oid, rock- hard bench seat. Gond are the days of drab, stark Interlors. And gone are the days when vital performance Information was conveyed by a speedometer, gas gauge and a sertes of coioured ights. At Chrysier, we thInk you have the rlght to expect more- much more. Thats why every one of our avalabie In- terior combinations was designed with both the drivers comfort and convenience ln mind. f E &D HETHE NEW ... 851 Dodge Pickups are Ram Tough in '85. THANK YOU CANADA CHRYSIER GOES ONE BETTER $400.'oo DISCOU NT ON MISER Dl100 PICK-UP 19Sae St,0N. Cletege 434-5004 Trim & Glass Works Ltd. -Sf)eciizing iva- BOAT TOPS & TRAVEL TOPS ;et your boat readY for sumirmer fun 133 TAUNTON ROAD W. UNIT 8, OSHAWA 571-1980 AMW JUS 5R/8090OOOkm PROTECTION 1. ENGINE AND POWERTRAIN l OUTER PANEL CORROSION SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS I 1 TNOE :gi COb' DODGETruCKS Lo MACINTOSHlC*moubLE PLM UT IMI Dli 331PAK D.S.,OSA A 2-43 SINGLE OR TWIN ROOFS WE GUARANTEE AGAINST LEAKS AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR. 300 DUNDAS E. WHIBY 668-9328 A GREAT DODGE TRUCK DEAL!O