PAGE 10, WEDN ESDAY. J UNE 5, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS LAWN AND GARDEN CARE Put down roots - plant a tree Trees and plants <IseEl for hedges usually come fr<mi the nursery cither hare-rsted nd burlapped (the r««ts are pro- tected with a bail of eartl or potted. The best tinie for planting theni is early spring as s«<rn as the soil can he suitably wrk- ed, says Horticulturist Calvin Chong of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foo's H«rti- cultural Research Institute of Ontario, Vineland Station. if you must wait to plant. place themn in a shady or pro- tected location and water as necessary. Neyer allow roots to dry out. Preferably bare- rooted plants should be placed in a trench and the roots covered with moist soil. Before planting be sure that there is sufficient space for the plant to develop. Usu<lly. hedges are planted 5t0 cen- tinmetres t< (î0 centimetres (2<> incItes t< 24 melies) apart buit they may- he placed clser (r fuirther apart if vou ishi. At planting. dig the nev hiole large enouigh to aee<>(ni- modate the racat systeni. Trini away extra-long, br<ken or dead roots fr<îm har<-r««t plants. With the routs spread (<t. set the plants to abolit the same depth ais they grow in the nursery. Remnove the pots before set- ting pottedl plants-, set balled and hurlapped plants in the hole then loosen or rem«ove the twine that keeps the hall together. Tamn the burlap hack so that it lies at the b«t- tom of the hole. RefuI the hole. firning the top soul arouad the rmots as y<i add the soil. Top soil miay be aniended with between 25 per of peuat nîoss, wel-rotted manuire or other organiv nmatter. Leave a ligit depressi<n around the base of the Plant to drain water toward the plant. Water thoroughly initiallY t< settle the soi, and later as required. In miany instances, fertilizer is flot required at planting. if required, add at planting <r after planting is completed. Do not allow fertilizer to come in- to direct contact witb the mots. 1lmmediately after planting, remove about one quarter <of the toap growth of hare-root or deciduous plants t< <encourage even growth and frm. ('ut just above a hud tduat points in the desîred direction.- Normaîl>% evergreen specimiens do< not req<ire pruning at plantiiig. TIIIN CANES __________________________________________________________________________________ i TURF TII>S In early spring, thin raspberrN canes hefore they start to growv. says Hortieulturist Anna Ballantvne of the O)ntario Ministry of Agriculture and l'uod's Consamer Information Centre, Toronto. Remove al wveak canes. Thin the strong canes su that they are 10 cen- timetres to 1. centimetres i(four inches t< six inches) apart over the width of the rovw. NEW SHOoTS Raspherries pr(<duce new shoots every year. says Horti- culturist Anna Baliantyne of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Fo«d*s Con- sumner Information Centre, T'oronto. Htaspherries are hi- ennials and grow% to their full lieighit the first seas«n. hear a fruit <rof) the next summer and then die. Apply lawn sced ini caîni wveather. Divide secd and s0W hiaif in one direction and the other haif at right angles to it. Aftcr seeding, rakc the soul lightly to just cover the sced. Rake in une direction only, says Horticulturist Anna Ballantyne of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Consumer Information Centré, Toronto. This prevents pulling the seed into channels or ridges. RE I>REPARED To prepare a Magnolia tree seed for planting, remove the fleshv seed coat and cover the seeds with moist peat moss for ()0 days at five degrees Celsius 41 degrees Fahrenheitl and then they can be directly planted outside. nursery garden centres Thickson Rd. N.-, 655-3331 Just 2 miles north of Taunton Rd.) 1625 Dundas St. W., Whitby, 668-8190 (Just east of Durham Rd. No. 23) Your tomplete one stop gardening shops in Durham~ Region 25% --OFF ALL OUTDOOfl FURNITURE %SAL E / / / i 1/ OVER 10 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM -1 à L ONE YEAR 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Oshawa Garden Service Limited guarantees - 100% on ail patio furniture we seil ogainst manufacturer's defects, for a period of one yeor trom thedate ot purt.uîue. F u n ~SHAWA - R-ÇERN- i.a. uadVIS4 RwD E1N e m a ~ ~ A D E N l a l ç a d RVCthlckson road narth, brooklin 1625 dundas st. w., whltby phono 655-3331 phono 668-8190I L- ý ËN