Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1985, p. 21

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Whitby's Most Widely Read CL.ASSI fiD WIIITBY [RL L ZSS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1985, PAGE 21 DS Whitby veteran - I iEL H mM WANTED IEEWANTED WAHEP I -pHLP I M.WTEI TED I A NATIED ECE. TEACHER. assistant EVENINGS-DAVS part-ime tem- ________________________ rH. teces n uplerq:edr T lDRA Porfl slared tleDoneaalA Ad-1UIONL usriu for new day cae. 668-6200. of tichets. Centrl 1"Wh itby WORD PROCESSINO Progrum. miss. Lotus, dbase. tl and 11t and more, with certificate and lob pacement, $149 and up, goner- nent approved courses anattabie, tas deductible, O.S.A. P. loess, 683-2226. INSTAILLIERS WANTED. Mut be sspertenced In etding Insftalation and hans Oas truck and tonte. We offar top rates, bonus and ear round worh. Appiy Anden visyt Producte, 440 Hophins St., Wht- by, Ont. or cati 666-1500. BOOKKEEPER-PART-TIME for seamait company In the Pckering ares. Approotmtely 20 hours a week. Muet be expsrtenced In a fuit set of books up to a trial baance. This position woutd be ideat for e recentty rettred par- son. 831-1306. LIGHT PfCfî UP and dattnery of tickets and tnvotcee. Smett car and Seat eppearasce a must. Cai Ron et 6868-3101. WANTED responsibie persos to cern for 15 month oid in my ows home. 668-6101. neceseery but a pieeeent positive noice and attitude a muet, casuel atmoseptere. cati Judy Whte et M8-.4294. CAREERS IN TRUCKING. Driver lob training and pacement hetp sa anaiebie. cai Rodgers 5choot et (416) 769-3546. UNEMPLOYED? Looktng for a car8eerchange? Cati 883-2226 for f ree counsetiing on lob oppor- tunittes. TELEPHONE SALES of tickets. Saiery ptus Incentive bonusea. No expertence necessary but a pleesant positive noice and at- ttude a muet. Centrai Whitby location, cesuet atmosphere. caît Jane Mrisa, 666-31011. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Work lot pourseif, fui-time or par-timet Enloy finencialiindependencet 60 profitable Home Iscome Oppor- tunitiesi New dtrectory containe fuit detaie. Send stemped en- vamop to Home-Biz Consultants, 5647 Yonge Si., Ste. 142, Toronto, Ont. M2M 4E9. *SALES OPPORTUN ITYe Canada's largest carpet retailer requires ambitiaus career oriented in- dividuals interested in sales and management. We off er: ecomplete train ing *excellent commission income *bi-weekly cash bonuses efamily medical and dental plan 'opportunities for advancement For personal interview w rite or call: Sheldon Vogel 1655 Flint Road Downsview, Ont. M3J 2W (416> 663-2165 Out of town caîl toli f ree 1-800-387- 3700, or apply in person to the manager of the Factory Carpet store nearest you. Factory Carpet EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE LABOURERS REQUIRED Several positions avallable. Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m, 6 days a week. Wages negotiable. Apply In person only - John Brouwer Nursery Ltd, Baselîne Rd. samne as Victoria St. In Whitby> and Durham Rd. 23 (samne as Whltby-Pickering Townllne). Of fice hours 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 1 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS PART-TIME 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. OR 5 TO 9 P.M. Are you able to work 4 hours per day Monday thru Frlday, sitting at your own desk, telemarketing fromn our pleasant office in Aax, and earning $400 per hour guaranteed plus bonuses, enabllng you f0 earn $525 an hour and up, then cati me now I have several immediate openings. No experience necessary, wlll train. Ask for Mrs. April ait 686-3052 or 686-3742 CRONKWRIGHT TRANSPORT LTD. Full and part-trne Tractor Traler Drivers Required immediately fo work out of Whitby. $9.95 per hour to start and ex- cel lent company paid f ringe benef its. cail 1-800-265-8010 PHOTOCOPYING High quality phtoocopyirnq whle you waitt WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whtby JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS Provide janitorial ser- vices for a 2 year period at the Minstry of Community & Social Services, 224 Brock Street, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER NO. ORI-85-049 Sealed Tenders wil be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985. Tender Documents may be obtai ned f rom the Ontario Minstry of Government Ser- vices, Drilla District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For f urther in- formation regarding the tenders, please caîl the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705)>325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. SMnîstty of Government Services Ontario ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... OccupatIonal Therapis $23,800-$26,400 The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whltby Psychiatrlc Hospital, off ers chalîengîng caseer opportunities f0 two dynamlIc, InnovatIve Indivlduals, one ln the speciallty of acute psychlatry and one on a psychlatric rehabltatlon unit. As a member of a professlonal, unlversîty-affIllated occupational therapy department, you wiII functlon wthln a multldlsciplinary team; provîde assessment and treatment services utillîzlng a broad range of therapeutlc Interventions; Initiale and particpate In research endeavors, programn evaluation ln research endeavors, programn evafuatlon and professional deveîopmenf. Thase positions wiII be partlcuîarly attractive f0 Individuals wlshlng f0 expand hislher professional knowledge base In the specialities of Psychodrama, or the Kelhofner Model of Human Occupation, or who enjoy the challenges presented by the more complex patient. Location: Whltby. Qualificatons: Thorough knowledge of oc- Cupational therapy normaliy acqulred through formai training af a school of recognized standing; demonstrated ablity 10 plan and admInister an occupationaf therapy program; ability f0 function as a member 0f a multîisclplinary f eamn. Please send applicatlonlresLtme quoting file HL- 25-23185 by June 21, 1985, f0: Rgonai Personnel Admnltrator, Mnlstry of Healfh, Human Resour. ces and Personnel Devlopmenf Brench, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S9. Equallty of Opportunlty for Employment O ntario Public Service. SIMPLE!1 The simple solution t0 cleantng storage problems L2TY FREE P.......... 686111 ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ASF DARE! The classifîed pages - __ are for everyorte -whether you are - sellîng or buyîng PLACE VOUR AD TODAY! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service DCJEealer Parts & Service - Thursdays ti:l 9 p.m. WH ITBY 209 Dundas StW. 666-3000 Queen Mother un Uagetnt Ret 1h. MINISTRY OF SMUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSINO reqatres a eaIidIng Custodian SALARY: $10.72lhour (40 hou rs per week> A position Is curren- tly open for a Building Custodian with the f Durham Regional Houslng Authorlty. The successful ap- S plicant wlll be requlred to perform interior and exterlor maintenance duties r such as minor main- tenance repaîrs, cleanlng of public areas, operatlng heating, water systems and elec- trical equipment in a multi-storey building. QUALIFICATIONS: A sound knowledge of cleanlng equip- ment, products and practices. Ablllty f0 effect minor repairs f0 building com- ponents and mechanical equip- ment. Several years of related experience. Ability f0 relate 10 resîdents. LOCATION: Whitby THIS IS A CROWN EMPLOYEE (BAR- GAIN ING) POSITION EOUAL OPPOR- TUNITY EMPLOYER Applications should be submitted by 4:00 p.m., June 5, 1985 to the Housing Manager, Durham Regional Houslng Authorlty, 50 Centre Street South, 4th Floor, Rundie Tower, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 3Z7. PLEASE QUOTE 85-1 By MARC VINCENT Free Press Staff The 200 veterans, mostly from the Toronto Scottish Regiment filed into the Queen Mother's residence at Clarence House in England. As they entered the huge hall, an aide called out their name. Leonard Roberts from Whitby was among the sur- viving veterans of the Second Worid War who when returning to England in April 1985 was invited to a dinsier with the Queen mother. Roberts, who served with the Toronto Scot- tish from 1939 to 1945 returned for the 17-day trip around Europe which was organized by one of the men who had served in the regiment. Foilowing their tracks after 1944, Roberts and his companions visited Caent, the site of some of their most vicious fighting after D-Day, Paris, Normandy, Dieppe, Amsterdam and Eindhoven. But for the corporal of the old regiment, Roberts thought the dinner with the Queen Mother was the high point of the trip. The Queen Mother was named the Colonel- in-Chief of the Toronto Scottish when they were training on the plains of Salisbury in England during the eariy days of the war. 'You wouldsVt believe how nice shEý is, " Rober- ts said of Ithe Queen Mother froffi his home in Whitby, "she's a very pleasant woman. It's difficult to describe how nice she was, but you would have to meet her. She taiked to me like you. and 1 are t.aiking" Roberts was also very împressed with the Queen Mother's corgi which was the subjeet of a short conversation he had with her. "Oh yea he's getting a long," she said about her dog. When the Regîmental pipe band played the small dog also put on a littie show for the men. '1t was really amazing, when the band played the littie dog pranced around like one of those show horses," described Roberts, "the whole regiment gave an applause." The Queen Mother is expected to corne to Canada in July and Roberts said he might go and see her another time, "but I will neyer get that close to her again,' he said. While in England, the Scottish vîsited Petwor- th Park where they were stationed in the eariy 1940's. The people of Petworth had flot forgotten the regiment which had saved some children from a burning schoolhouse after it had been bombed. Six or seven of the survivons were on hand to meet the veterans. The people of Holland also remembered the ZL- m- regiment after it helped in the liberation. Rober- ts recalled one incident that he was reminded of and would neyer forget. "IWhiie we were in Holland some of 'C' company was resting and writing letters in a barn that a Dutch far- mer had provided for us, One day the farmer went out and came back with a two and a haif gilder piece for each of us that he had buried in the apple orchard out back, away from the Germans. 'II still have that piece and it means a lot to me."i Fire cails The foilowing calîs were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for the seven day period from 8 a.m. Monday, May 20 until 8 a.m. Monday, May 27, 1985. MAY 20 8:44 a.m. - 1125Burns St. E. building cail. 10:28 a.m. - Fergusofi Ave. and Vipond Rd. Oii spili. 10: 59 a.rn. - north side of Taunton Rd. between Garden St. and Ander- son. Check cail. MAY 21 10:52 arn. - Lasco Steel, Hopkins St. Ex- plosion - medical aid. 4:20 p.m. - Anderson St. and Taunton Rd. E. Motor vehicle accident. 4:40 p.m. - 333 Ken- dalwood Rd. Wres down. 5:24 p.m. - l01 Rib- biesdale Dr., Unit 87. Check cail. MAY 22 12:46 a.rn. - Athol and Burns Sts. Car fine. 7:40 p.m. - 95 Cnawfor- th St., Unite 24, Propane tank tire. MAY 23 8:01 a.m. - 1513 Duf- ferin St. Wines down. MAY 24 11:25 a.m. - Country Lane Rd. and Taunton Rd. Motor vehicle ac- cident. 3:13 p.rn. - Palace and Mapie Sts. Motor vehicle accident. 4:01 p.rn. - 400 Ander- son St. Garbage bin fire. -7: 01 p.rn. - 3337 Garrard Rd. Rubbish fire. 10:21 p.m. - 1549 Dun- das St. E. Arcing wires. 11:05 p.m. - Ritson Rd. N., between th and 9thy N., between 8th and 9th Concessions. Barn irie. 11:36 p.m. - 8915 Baldwin St. Resuscitator cail. MAY 25 4:05 a.rm. - 15 Regency Cnes. Apt. 115. Medical aid. 1:53 p.m. Duffs Rd., between 9th and loth Concessions. Check caîl. 2:02 p.m. - 808 Athol St. Assist ambulance. MAY 26 11:48 a.m. - 200 Garnard Rd. Garbage bin fine. 6:59 p.m. - 410 Dundas St. W. Assist ambulan- ce. MAY 27 No cails reported before 8 a.m.

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