PAGE 20, WEDNESI)AY, MAY 29. 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRES: WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ- $I Fi[1D WRTH RSOLS HEATHER AND JENNIFER ibb AN INVITATION ta Investigate MY PERSONAL are praud ta announice the arrivai the Bahal laith. Uniting the COLOURS of thit baby sister Lura heari at a time. For Caîherina bom aI Oshawa Ilterature phono 6688665 or 668- Dscover the calours anerai, May 15 et 4:5 p.m, 7653. & shades that com- weîghing 9 ibs. il Oz. Father - _ __ pliment your skin Norman end mather Joanne are tone & enhance your bath fie. Our thanks g o r. II AUTOM0TîVEI bes feturs.Lai, Or. Engeihardi anld ourse betfaue.Margaret loshen. Lauras gran. ___________________ OnIy $30 pat consultation dparents are James & mamie CaOU Gibb of Oshawa aid Roy & Key OON'T LISTEN ta anyoîe aise, 270 Chute ai Peterborought. 5h0 ithe w a o olrfrsrpcr 201h groat grandcitltd for Beafrice w a topdos. for61 cap71 ar BEAUTIFUL acrytin fingernaill ___Chute __of __Oshawa. _ forljuot cost. Oniy temparary. Cati 1 LAWN SERVICE cutting, edging, FORNTCE SAOR AIE LE Seasonai rates anaitabie. cati 655-3791. CULLEN compteshomo lm- provements and piumbing ranontiana. Radesign and eselmates. 725-9731. WINDOW CLEANINO - Cemmer- cief and rasidentisi. 68&-2237. C.H.f.P. PROGRAM. Oeiy 307 dcys loff. For a fresestaimaiecalti 14O-283,1204. POETRY CONTEST. Seid SASE for Inf. la Paetry El1e, Box 477, Petit Place, Ml., Qua. H2W 2N9. eadine June 14,1985. GIANT GARAGE SALE aver 20 costlibuters, ai 58 Michael Bvd., Salurday, Jane 1, 10 am la 4 GIGANYIO YARD SALE clothes. daottes, cithes; baby Items; fur- nilura; ater heusahoid Items aid mucit mach mre. SaiurdaY aid Sundcy, June 1 and 2. 9 Caullen Cri., WhIltby. B8, 01à 62 MUIR ORES.. WhItby, Otterreet crac,,iteving a yard scie. Saurday, Jane 1, 9 cm. ta 5 p.m., new and used Items. NEIGHBOURHOOO Yard Sale, Sclurdcy, June 1, 9 am. 10 2 p.m. Harding Si., WhItby (fol ILapin - 10110w tae signe). AT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, St. Matys, Onaro, on Wsdnesday, May 22, Aistha (Moron) Lam-. mimnan oi Thorîdale, Onaro farmsriy of Whitby In her 63rd Yser. Beiaved wife oI the tae William LammimanDsera cnt aI Joyce aid Jerri Kwaitawsti, Thomdaie, ant ri. SurvIIng aeso ose Blter and senerai neces and nephews. Cremtian. A memaoriai service ai be hetd ai the Bail Funerat Chapet, Si. Maris alta taler date. 4FOR SALEMRENT ORILLIA AREA: Lots, collages and year-rund homes on Laies CoucitichIng, Derympie and Yaungs and Trent Severn Wter- way, prIced from $10.000 up. Ap- piy la Percy Greer 325-2157 or Tam James 326-3718, R.S. Hemer Real Estete Lld. FURNISHEO ROOM, aullabie for student or wortng persan, ab- subler, tIgitl titchon and ieundry prIvieges, aisa parking. Near local bus roule.86184868. PRIVATE 010cr nousa requirea. WhItby aree, centrai loti prsterred. 728-3810 P OEF:C A FORRRE RE1NT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for toit an protensionat fluor. Wouid bn nilabto tir iawyer, accauntaîl. etc. lient includes al utiities aid ta negatiebie for an appropriae tenait. For lurher Inormation cati 6686372 beiweenî9.30 adm. 1979 T-BIRI) oaded and certif ted, $2400. Cati 655-8871. 1976 LINCOLN fuiiy equipped, asiting 32,000 basf cifter. 725- 5287. SUPPLIES 1979 GREW 178, 170 hp., 4 cyiin. der, fuiiy iaaded. gaad condition. Calti 88-009. 1973 BRANDY Wine Coemen traiter, equipped wth ridge. stove and lurnace, steeps 6, en excellent condition, $150 weeieiy or $550 monthiy. Cait 688-8589. BE YOUR OWN 8065f Malt Or- der Servtce. $350 ta$1.000 warking ai home ln yaur spare lime can be yaurs. For fuiher in- formation wrte: Action Mail Or. der Service, 243 Ouebec St., OshawaLU 1 Y3. IS YOUR BUSINESS IN DIFFICULTY CALL L.D. Maclnnis (416) 571-1355 ta assign a Counsellar ta advise you on yaur business problems FLEAFLEA MARKET f OPEN HWV7 ROIIIN Vendors Wanted WHITBY - . i 668-7449 iv' RTCLS aW ATILE POOL EOUIPMENT It ln ex- caltent condition, ail attachroan- la, askItng $850 or boasf offer. 725- 5287. VISIT aur used lurnitare warehaaîe by appoinimenî. Big seningsoan desits. chairs. Miing cabinets, etc. Cati Diction Prin- ing & Otice Suppliessta arrange an appoinimenita view. 683- 1968. FOR ALL yaur Insulatian & air seaiing needs pus air teataga Inspection and UFFI. remediai meenuras. Cati McCtuave Ltd., Uabridge, 8525051 or tltifre t 8002633204. FOR BALE wooden wardrobe, stand up steeli uliiy, 2 freezers - ohesl aid uprIgiti. 16 ou. f . aid more. Phone belwaen 9 c.m. 10 4 p.m. e688.909 MATTRESSES aid ban oprings ai hall pricn. MoKeen Furnilure, 524 Simcae Street Sourt, Oshawa. 725.5181. COMPUTER PRINTERS cen- trafics paraliel EPSON FX-80 Mut-Foîl. 166 CPS. Brother DX. 15, Detywhaai, four wheeis. $450 each. 6883832 evaningo. I-EROES af the Bible" oaiouring book availabie ai Dicion Prin. ting & Office Suppies, Aan Plaza, 6831968. Deaer Inquiries nvited. FREE: Orop ito te ikian Printing& Ofice Suppystore in te Avex Plaza aid pick up a Irvo copy aifteir1985 Metrc Calen- dar Pied in iwo c000 s.I and5 pm Monday toFriday. FEDERAL maites luritandy relereoce. 683 RENTALS ejmk FLORIDA BUSINESS W- AAIN DEVELOPMENT 16 IWIN ROCKS RESORT onty lwoREAL BANK À~EEUTIONALI Kour h a lae ly c ampialn funASESERVICES Arrive ~C asgtllaa sfinddndîna ar lie iCI pote store, sala sandy beach, fishlng. "GRoie o peo ltbusine Ccii or write 1705489-2247, R.R. Ciearwaler -Threebedrooml '..ara rfrebokfrbsns 2, Mndcn, Onario KOM 2K60 obl homes. Healed pi as, people.$395 pet capy aid tanis, close la beaches aid availah eala Diction Prnlîng & majoratractioans, citidroi Dftice Supplies inte Aau Plaisa weicome 11000 itai.motel Doee euiriOs inoîlod 663-1968. ARTICLES roami 683-5503 NO CE NT FOR RENT 0SaT TYPEWRITER tet, many W F OST& I CONGRATULATIONS on pour IJ PSPLIES mates aid modaem, by te fotrlrrcamiig marriage Pinlese wetoîd, wsvt or monlh. iew aur iampies of enuruono BOXER PUPS. Brindie, ragislered Dicounts avalable. Dicitoon LOST temate dag, biacot as aid edding inoitations ai your champion lînoage, pet stoct, Pristlig & Office Supplies inte whitie, part Shepherd, part tosure ln our Ajax Plaza store. $400. show $500. Phono eoeniigu Ajax Plaza. Cuit us for business Haund, aiswers lu Sam, rard. Diction Priiling & Dftîce Sup- 683-8811, days 8315559. est lo, machine repeins 683-1968. Pitona 649-2434. piles, 6831968. Scot FOR SALE antique bar, solidat. Phone 831-4192. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, necilanais, lens titan 1/2 price. Large seleciion. McKeen Furnilure, 524 Simcoo Si.S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE Inglis aieclrIc dryer, $100. H-trtage eieclrIc slave, $100. Oucen siza bau sprieg aid melireos, $75. Twe chesarfleld suites, $75 aid 3100. 886-4907 al- lar5p.m. THE VI AMIN PLACE *We are a Caeadian compaîy Une ing quaiity Canadian *made CE Jam leoaiproduc * te ai l0w mail a der prces. prlce liii OGuaranloed, Sonior dlsount. WATKINS produc- te avalifableo THE VITAMIN PLACE GEOTYPE pressasn iottoring naw ;n stock ai Diction Printiog & i- f ficv Supplies inlthe Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo setectias oi styles aid sîzes. Why puy mare for a imnatier sheet lt teriig? 683-196& FOR SALE Simpsan-Sears lirm linoenercise bita with timer aid tenion contrais, ariy new, $75. Cati 688-1350. MOVINO SALE 8 place waleut dioiîg room sulle, oustaro made. Coîtee table, stereoanad alther items. 683-9573. avoniego. CPIM COMPUTER, Osboarne IB portable. 2 185K drines, wardslar, mailmergo, suparceic, 2 besico plus olthers, $1,000. 668.3932 eveiings. ADI~ CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 31 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 mles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britaîn Road. The property af JAMES & THORA GRAY ai Janet- ville. Property soid plus other consignera. 8 piece walnut dining room suite, 3 plece Vic- torien parlour set, Zenith 2 door refridgerator, Kenmore eiectric stove, solid walnut dropleaf table, round oak spli pedestai table (2 leaves), walnut Victoria hall rack, Victorian bonnett cheat, reiinlshed dinlng room extension table, walnut dining chairs, round pedestal wainut dining table, blanket boxes, Ca. ail linger lampe, brass bed, oak hall seat, quan. tity af antique picture frames, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNE 4 8:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west ai Lindsay an the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Road. Green Kroiher bed chesterfield (excellent condition), 3 piece modern bedroam suite, modern dressera and chest-of-drawers, chest- erfields, chrome kitchen suites, G.E. air con- ditioner, 5 hp. garden tiller, Viking square wringer washer, portable and console calour T.V.'s, caffee and end tables, bicycles, 20 hp. Mercury autboard mat- tresses, pine bonnett chest, aak buffet, iron bed with brass trlm, fiat- top trunks, cracks, 3 hp. lawnmowers, quantity af tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 Charlie is sicli ai broken promiset and has gone tu the aid reliable, Dickson Printing & Office Supplies for essured service. CAL ST . ..168 16 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. hawever, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage hiable for faîlure ta publish an ad, or for typographie 1TScETS-$0 o h is 0 od;1<ec alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errinpublication beyond the cost af the space occupiIed BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od ,1te such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number by the error up t a mnaximum cstao the fiIIs insertion, diina od replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $8f.00 for the fir- reject ahl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEAILNES: Monday noan prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noan prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12 each ad- AUCTION SALES -40 periline. (No word ads allowedî to insert or cancel Empoarium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMIJERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL ýAd ta your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge ai $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 668-4521 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 8 12:30 P.M. Clearing auctian af farmn machInery, car and variaus misc. Items, for BEASLEY FARMS, Myr- tie, Ont., located 1 mile west ai Hwy. No. 12, an Myrtie Rd., approx. 5 miles north ai Brooklln. SellIng ln part: Super 1124 4 wheel drive trac- tar, N-H hay rake, double dIsc, Norcan 4 furraw plow, cuitIvator, M-F seed drill, cultipacker, harraws, varlous hay wagons wlmany feet ai pipe, galivanlzed water troughs, augers, minerai feeder and horse masher, snaw blawers, manure spreader, 3 PT.H. aprayer, 250 lb. arivil, ast rouler, scales, lawn- mower, Vamaha Tri-Mta 175 (3 yrs. oid), canoe, 6 T.V.s, lire ext., elect. typewriter, sheep pens, monkey cage, fence posto, 1975 Olds Cutiass car (good running order) and other misc. Terms cash or gaod cheque. No reserve. Farmn sold. HENRY KAHN AUCTION EER 985-8161 SELLING? BUYING? STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? The classif ied pages gives you ail this and mare. Saving and making money is what were ail abouti WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111