PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22.,1Q85, WHITBY F-REE PRESS B3r(k1 lin Bylines 31: By BTYJA LT ~fCali 655-3679 with Items for this column I've just corne up with a new maxim - The numnber of things that can go wrong with a car is in direct ratio (about 3 to 1) with the number of vehicles ini a family. There was a day when I couldn't wait for the kids to get oid enough to drive so that 1 could retire frorn my chauffer's job. Then I discovered that I no longer had a car to cali my own so I couldn't wait until they began working and got their own cars. That's when the above phenomenon came into play. When there was only one car and one driver, we seemed to be able to keep it running somnehow but now that there are an assortment of a dozen,,more or less, vehicles and six drivers, we seidom seemn to be able to keep more than one in working order at any one time. So now I'm either back to chauffering or reduced to begging a ride myseif. I'm thinking seriously of sending them ail to the wreckers (the cars, I mean), getting a bus and star- PRO DOD GE l Your Local Chrysier- Dodge sales and service 0 ~IDealer Parts & Service -Thursdlays tili 9 p.m. WHITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 666-3000 %W*#CHECK OUR LOW LOW 1=41 SPRING PRICES ou@ fa our Iaw av.rhead w. pas the saviega enta yaui ~~a GENERAL REPAIRS OBRAKE RELINE TO ALL MAKES FRONT OR REAR F O $ 9 9 $44 a99 FO CROWN MOTORS 630 KENT ST. AT BEECH ST. WHITBY PROPRIETOR: 666-4350 DOUG HAMILTON *THE CORPORATION OF 40; THETOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act of the Province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to ail owners and occupants of subdivided lands wthin the Town of Whitby that unless the noxlous weeds or weed seeds on any subdivided lands in the Town of Whitby are destroyed by Friday, June lth, 1985, and throughout the season, the Council of the Town of Whitby has dlrected the Weed inspectors for the Reglon of Durham to cause said noxlous weeds or weed seeds t0 be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper, and t hat the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shahl be placed on the Colectors Rol of the Town of Whilby against the respective par- cels concerned and that such amounts shali be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Acf. The cooperation of ail citizens is earnestly ting my own service. As soon as I get ail the details as to schedules and fares worked out, lIl let you know. I'm sure a lot of you would be interested - Brooklin has needed a bus service for years. OPEN HOUSE The Brooklin Library is holding an open house during fair week. It will be open from 2 to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Drop in and enjoy a cup of coffee while you browse through the excellent selection of books for every in- terest. You can also enter the draw for Andrew H. Malcolms "The Canadians". In the juvenile depar- tment, the children have a chance to win "Peter Pan' by J.M. Barrie. Both draws take place May 31. During the celebration of spring, you can pur- chase a Grab Bag of Books. This contains 10 paper- backs for rainy cottage days or just backyard sun- ning ail for 50 cents. Also drop into the juvenile department to see the creative poster done by Meadowrest kindergarten students. These remind youngsters how to care for books. The current events bulletin board is calling for Eric Wilson fans to join his free Mystery Club. Ail members receive a free newsletter twice a year and kids can contribute articles to it. THANK YOU The Brooklin Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders wish to thank ail those who participated in their raf- fie. The lucky winners were Elenor Thomas, who won the Brownie Patch Kid and Pat Mink who won the Guide Patch Kid. BABY SHOW Entrants in the baby show at the fair must sign up on either May 25 or 27 at Brooklin Community Cen- tre from 2 to 5 p.m. or on May 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the arena. Ail babies up to 24 months are eligible. nou FURMITURE STRIPPING Refinishing & Custoth Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT & SOLD Open 7 Days a\&Week ê unure 4 413 Dundas St. E. Whltby Ont. 668-5481 With criminal neglience.... Two eharged as a resuit of Ashburn accident Police have errested two men in connection with e severe car ac- cident that took place in Ashburn on May 13. Thet accident sent six people, including one of the accused, to hospital. Two Brooklin erea girls were suhsequently taken to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children suffering from severe injuries. The driver of the other vehicle involved suf- fered from e fractured jaw and cheekbone. A spokesmen for the Durham Regionel Police Force said lest Thursday morning that the investigation has lead them to believe thet the accident wes the resuit of e race bet- ween two vehicles travelling eestbound on Columbus Rd. W. One of the vehicles struck a northbound vehicie travelling on Ashburn Rd. Charles Patrick Mer- tin, 18, of 50 Mitchell Ave., Brooklin has been charged with criminel negligence in the STORY HOUR The Whitby Public Library will continue to hold their Seturday Story Hour every Satur- day during the month of May from 10:30 to 11:30 e.m. This programn is for boys and girls aged 5 and up and is an hour of songs, games, stories, crafts and films. Admission is free and no registration is necessary. B.S.F. PAGEANT Girls between the ages of 17 and 22 are eligible to enter the 1985 Miss Brooklin Sprng Fair Pageant. The first prize is $250, second prize is $150 and third prize is $125. For an application form or more infor- mation cail 728-3470 before May 20. The con- test wîll be heid May 30 at the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena, Brooklin. NOW IN OETA & VHS You get more for your monsy et 76 Baldwin St. Brooklln 655-4229 Port Peiry 985-9ý888 operation of a motor vehicle and criminel negligence ceusing bodily herm. Stephen Charles Ferren, 20, of 1266 Pen- tland St., Oshawa has been charged with criminel neglîgence in WhiÎ'thy The following are the resuits of lest week's play et the Whitby Curling Dupicete Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jim Wherrie. Northeand South: Mrs. P.A. Chubb and Mrs. C.E. Stewart, 29; Mrs. Hugh Baker and Nancy Love, 27; Mr. and Mms. Donald Wilson, 26; and Mms. John Frost and Mms. P.N. Spratt, 21. East and West: AI Leslie and Hugh Laurence, 25; Leona Smuck and Myrtie Conrad, 221; Mr. and the operation of a motor vehicie. Both will appear in Whitby provincial court' this Friday. Martin suffered what was described as iminimal injuries" as a resuit of the accident. bridge Mrs. Jim Wharrie, 19; and, Georgia Bovay and Joanne Flannagan, 18'/2 The club plays every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Curling Club, Brock St. N., Whitby. Anyone in- terested in pleying should cail club president Harold Smuck e t 668-6693. The results of each week's play et the club will be reported in the following issue of the Whitby Free Press. IJ.C.W. report By MARLENE NICHOLS St. Mark's U.C.W. St. Mark's U.C.W. General Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 7. Our president, Earlien McCracken, welcomed our guests from St. Johns Cetholic Womens League. The evening began with our junior choir singing several num- bers for us. On May 23, our spring luncheon will be held with "Great Feshion Looks" being presented. There are stili a few tickets available, please contact Barbera Wilson, for them. The womship service was lead by the New Horizon Unit. Scriptures were read by Galle Flook, and the story by Gwen Oliver. Bernice Law in- troduced our guest speaker, Linda Rivard, of the South Oshawa Development. She told us about meny worth- while projects that are being carried out through the guidance of this program for people in South Oshawa. Lunch was served by Unit 3. C.W.L. instails new executive By JOAN TOOLEY The Holy, Family C.W.L. held it's monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 7 in the church hall. The new executive was officially installed et the 7:15 p.m. Mass. Special guest was Merg Simmons who spoke on Drug and Alcohol Abuse with a special emphasis on "Prescription Drugs- Use and Mis-use." She stressed the importance of parents acting as good role models for their children. This is one of the preventative measures to drug and alcohol abuse since children learn from exemple. AlI in aIl, it was a very informative evening. The ladies of the parish are reminded that May is membemship month, so please renew your membemships, or, if not previously a member, please join, we would love to have you. Holy Family C.W.L. would again like to thank ail the merchants who sponsored our card party on April 16. It was a great success. The next meeting will be on June il in the Parish Hall and wil take the form of a pot luck supper. EDITOR'S NOTE: Joan Tooley is the public relations officer of-the Holy Famlly Cetholic Women's League. Typevwriter RENTALS f also SALES & SERVICE